Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r>"'::"i{;:d1B:(5~~jj.f~~'j),:·,;t'W;@!:£$c;)bmj~iJ*!&t~1::!0!~},~)'~{!,:;F:~'f:i;::"~/.~':';';s~:H::)'j;~f:fi:f);'jf':::~m~:~~~Nj DaDa WE MOVE MOTORCYCLES • • • • • • • Nationwide Van Lines No Crating NecessC!-ry Lowest Rates Fast Delivery Good For Dealers Too. Anywhere in USA Fully Insured CAl.L TODAY FOR QUOTES I I QUAUTY. DEPENDABIUTY. COMPETITIVE PRICING. AndStig Peltersson with the!inesttechnical information in the industry, Install Ohlins Shocks and Marzocchi Forks on your bike and feel the differen~ Today! PPS is noll' importing the newest design Ohlins siwek absorbers direct from Sweden. , { ...... '" .... ~." ~. ,", \ / , , {I'/' y n I " (\ l) '( II 7/-I-1J7fJ-2.J23 D&D MQtorcycle Service (310) 530-5634 CYLINDERS REBUILT Our WEARMASTER"' cyIindOIO ore be... rebul~ 1han ~.Iongor.~ runnno. ..-t1of and_bya _ _ unJImIItJd f7IIIaal/a _ _ BULTACO·· OSSA' PARTS agaiRlt defectI in maIilHiaII and wortcmllnohlp. We can rebuild a"'! _ . ctvoma Of Iron cylinder: ,. .,. -.ed. _ 1 0 axadIng.".,.. porta ore 011 'hand-maId1ad for maximum perlormanco. bored~ WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEMf , Tell it to the editor, write him a letter: UPS Shipping Daily Call (4131786-9170 caAtwIMAftS ........, 20 Years Exparience • Trust the Experts • Fast Turnaround - KUSTOM KRAFT (708) 697-4343 HOGAN'S CYCLE SHOP . . BIuIfdty Blvd.. ElgIn, R.1Ol20 PORTING & VALVE JOBS 2 & 4 STROKE· SUPfRFLOW • SERDI. QUIKWAY. NFNAY SUZUKI GSXR NEW AND USED PARTS DEAUR FOfIl AU. PERFORMANCE PARTS & ACCESSOIUf:$ PERFORMANCE CONNECTION -. Jam;.O·Hare (617) 631-6902 ., "',.'''~._ SPEEDWAY MOTORCYCLES cOin I{ \( '''C I'IH)I)I ( I .... (71.ll(l3S-.5lJ51 "~';lI)tf'·;\I'UT)'Vf: ":'";.",,' '\1 DISTRIBUTED BY sIIf.6r PLEASANTON, CA LellOir City, 7I!n..essee 616-573-5425 1-40, E:dl 364, Hwy 95, kff B-....w. IWad 0" 1-510-426-1040 FAX 1-51D-426-1085 ALSO DtSTfI. .UTaP .Y WHITE BROTHERS - U.S.A. ~ STREET & COMPETITlON - U'~.A' FULLER METRIC - CANADA CORSE RACING-JAPAN AWF PRO-BOLT - ~---------------~ I "SIMPLY THE Bjsr. "::"RK=~S~ I I I ~it'~.P ~o~_ ... ~.1 ~ I I ~~ I I COMPOSITES UNUMITED "rr lfq - OO'NOINO - . O _. I I I ~~~~~~----------~ These products are made of the eJCaCti~ quality as the more expensive. famous brand name uets of England. Available In OLIVE or NAVY BL E In of stytes. Jocbto __ -S95.oo Cau KG ~ _ _ .$90.00 (404) 112·2282 O f _ PIIntli ..•....•_ .$50.00 P.O. eo. 2072 _ _ _ _ _._-'15.00 . Lilburn, GIl _ Dflalor /nqu/rIos W""""",, IL...-- 800- 442- 8Q(!9-------l We Build Winners ?1t

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