Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR Caltndar listingslltt ~ fret sen'icr for c)CJto NtwS readers and race promotm. AU ~tion is the respoosibillty of \~.;. ....- - - / IN>~.c.IOl b< ""I'l'd .... 1N> phone: we ..... "',.,. mmpIelr wn.... CaIIIIip, Henry Co. FIipnII. PIriI. tnIo: 9011642-0511. • WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS • NAA. 1251250 _ _ C1&,,,*,,lIIip. W-.gol _ _ TIICk. WaIhougaI. we: 5031573-1671. NEW YORK OBSERVED TRIAlS • AlWD-4. Oneonta. Info: 3151697.a890. • NEW YORK MOTOCROSS· W.N.Y.S.C.• 8th _ Scolt USA Day. Hunl _ Pari<. Hunl. Info: 7161476- 2697. • NEW YORK MOTOCROSS· Ctaverack MXIHunter Yamaha. Claverack MX Track. Claverack. Info: 518/828-6149. • NORTH CAROUNA SUPERCROSS • N.A.M.E.• Under !he U!tds Series. Rolling Hils Cycle Part<. RaidsviIIe. Info: 9101342-4492. OHIO MOTOCROSS· Midwest Racing Association. Dealers Chalenge/SuzlJk Contingency. Delta RocowIy. Delta. Into: 3131289-2100. • OHIO t.«lTOCROSS - Kenworthy's G.P. cu.,"-". Troy. Info: 5131335-4763. • OHIO MOTOCROSS· CRA. Melvem Motocross Pert<. Melvem.lnfo: 2161262· 4945. • OREGON MOTOCROSS· CMC. MX Nationals • Rnd 2 Pacific Northwest. Eugene MX Pari<. Eugene. Info: 5031686-0861. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS· Sleepy Hollow Motocross. Fredoric:lcsllul. Info: 7171ZT.l-l11lO Of 7171273-9212. • TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS • AMAIChrtsliana RocowIy. CIlrisliana Rawsy, ChriIIIiMa. tnIo: 61_3245. TEXAS MOTOCROSS·1bior V*, _ _ Pork. e.-. Info: 81715400815.

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