Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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mool& 125 SCHBY: 1. JUShn Sabo fKaw); 2. Ean Eichler (Hon); 3. J'-"SSe Divert (Han); 4. Bill Splitstone (5ozl; S. }eff RelSenweber (Yam). • 25+: I. Scott Smith (Han); 2. Chip lubinircki (Kaw);). K~m BaIIl'Y (Han). SR-I' 1. Kevin B.l1i'1' (Han); 2. David Bachntan (Hon); 3. Chip lublnlec:kl (Kaw); ~o John Pilppa (KTM); S. Brmt OoIinle (Hon). SR-2: 1. Duane Stellmach (Kaw); 2. Gn.og Vulpe (Hun); 3. Rack P'-"OO\'ich (Hon) SR-): Lucky Vmes (Hon). BMBR.: 1. Ene WiIILlms (Hon); 2. ~ff Gack (Mai); 3. Shawn K~lCr (Hunl. 125 C: I. Joe Pcpicdlo (SUz); 2. lu~tin Sabo (K..lw); 3. Bob H"u~rrnan ( uz); 4. Oiwid Maxwell (HOt'l); 5_ l.oIrry Herman (Hon). 125 A: 1 Curt HolZt't' (Vam). 2. JU~lln rans (5oZ); 3. Mike (SmJ; 4. G.uv ~rtson (Hon). 250 C: I. 8n.,,' Doolinle (I-Ion); 2. Chns Hon:ath (Hon); 3. Tim long (Yarnl;-I. Chad WOIlktr (Yllm); S. Tl'rry PnndIl'IKA.....'I. 250 8' l. xott Smith (Hon): 2. Jason ROS'-'fS (Hon); 3_ D.llt.. Sldb.lUgh (SLMJ;~, Bill Walkt.or (Vdm); S. 8.J. Cufr (Vilm). 2SO A: 1. MIl«- D.lnzatoskllHon). EXTRA BK: 1. Carv Robcr'~n (Hon); 2. Shawn Lcddon ~uzl; 3. Bob Hau~rman (5oz); -I. Enc Stuck (VOIm); 5. Duane Stall- 1995 APPALACHIAN DUAL $PQR I" Ir'QUR SEPTEMBER 23·24 TOUR 4 m.1(h (K.1Iwl OrEN D/C: I. Jaml..'S Henden.on (HoRl; 2. Chip lubinl,-'Ckl 3. W"ynt' Rohland IKTM);~. John Pappa (KTM). (Iuw); Ezerins, Nicoson star at Aztalan Motocross GLOUSTER, OH By Dave Walker LAKE MILLS, WI, AUG, 13 Eron Ezcrins blasted his Torque Center/ MAC/Oakley Kawasakis 10 the overall win in . bolh the 125 and 251Jcc A classes but not without pressure from archrival Scott Nicoson. The first 125cc A moto saw Jason Warner run > r: Masch. Warner led fo~ a lap before being displaced by Ezerins. Nicoson wasted no time working his way into second place, setting his sights on Ezerins. Behind the three leaders were John Sier and Chad Vancalster. Ezerins rode the entire mota like he was shot out of a cannon and finished with a 14-second lead over runner-up Nicoson. Warner, Sier, and Vancalster rounded outlhe top five. Ezerins reloaded for the start of molo two. pulled the trigger and again won the drag race to tum one, followed by Warner and Nicoson. Before lap one was complete. Nicoson went by Warner and had thoughts of doing the same to Ezerins. But Ezerins had other thoughts as he slowly put distance between himself and Nicoson to win the moto and the overall. Nicoson Hnished a solid second. The real battle was for places three through five. Masch, Warner, and Sier could have been on the same bike; they were that close. Sier moved up to fourth halfway through and made a IasHap pass on Masch to capture the third spot. Regislration al Headquarters F......': 5-9PM latu"',: 7 -8:30AM Regislralion 8:30AM 9:00AM 5:00PM 6:00PM Glasli.."ttl..or; S. Bud Huff r/w JR: 1. Codv Sokolik; 2. louiS G.."k.'nfekh; 3. NICk. Gross. -I. Bri.n Collins; S. Alex Gn.ogOflOU. P/W SR.: 1. MOII1 Hopkins; 2. J.:In.'d Kt.-unfJCS; 3. Robert Lon..'; -I. Mitch Nooyl!f\; 5. Kimb-.-r R..emlSCh. 125 A: I. Eron Ezerins; 2. Scott Nicoson.; 3. John Sier; 4. Jason . Wilmer; 5.1<-.... Masch. 125 B: 1. jdf Nt.'lV..-r; 2. Joshua TetzLdf; 3. Mikl- Mod~·slu;.&. J.ltN.'S Oversen; S. Dustin Keuntjt.'S. 125 C-I: I. A.ron Milk-r; 2. Mik.c Wcik-r; 3. Andy Walten; 4, raul Erickson; S. Jdmey Gross..'T_ 125 C-2: I. Tom Wolf; 2. Bob J,-"Rdcn; 3. Doug Tl!S5mcr; 4. Bryan JcnckN.; 5, Pet~ Suffido. 250 A: 1. Eron Ezerins; 2. Soott Nicoson; 3. Scott Hicks; -I. Roy Nafzgcr;..S. Japon Wa~r. 2SO 8: 1. Jrssc Willl.m ; 2. Niltzgl'r: 3. Todd HI..'Otz: 4. D.:I,.~ Wl'nd,-'f; S. Colin Hom. 250 C: 1. Tom Niclsin; Sha~ VislOlOllOt..-r; 3. Jim Kru~; -I. Paul Erickson; S. Mi~ B\$'. OPEN: I. Eriks Ezcrins; z. Chuck KinK-St.ld; 3. Thomas Moor~: 4. Kris Klapp...-rich; S. 'ohn Weiss. Sunda,: 4;DVNLOP If? By Larry Witmer BUCHANAN. MI, AUG. 12·13 Matt Crown won the 125cc Expert class and took home the biggest share of the YZ Bucks at Red Bud Track and Trail. Red Bud suffered again with heavy rains the night before. giving the track crew a big task of clearing the top layer of soil that had turned into Burr Oak State Park Lodge Slate RI. 13 10 Glouster, 4.5 mi. East on RI. 78 PRE-ENTRY FEES; 2-Day Rider: $65.00 $35.00 1-Day Rider 2-Day Passenger $40.00 1-Day Passenger $20.00 At Event Add $5 ea. CYCLEREWS • ACCOMMODATIONS Burr Oak Lodge: 614/767-2112 (Ask tor SPECIAL rale) (Rooms held lill AUG, 1) Burr Oak Camping: 614/767-3570 Days Inn: 614/592-4000 (Alhens,DH) $ SUZUKI ~---------------- (entry may be copied) _ Name: ~ RACER USE ONLY _ TOUR NAME:, Date Received:, Amount: $, -'--_ _ # Last (Please Print) First Address: -:;:-_ _ Street :z. Yamaha bucks to Crown at Red Bud Motocross Check- Out Lasl Check-In .·SU_I HEADQUARTERS RACER PRODUCTIONS 304-594-1157 or 292-2122 (fax) 304-594-1991 MandalOlY Riders' Meeting Moose·CycI.....·Dunl.p DINNER FREE to all2-Day enlranls (Family & Friends welcome for addilionalleej 7-8:00AM Registralion Mandalory Riders' Meeling 8:00AM Check- Out 8:30AM Last Check-In 2:00PM 3:00PM Awards &Contingency Prizes rlum",,-'f'; 4. Joe GMst.'f'; 5. Andfl"W FoIIL MSiR: 1. Scott Hicks; 2. Roy Nafo:gcr; 3. Tom DretLka; -I. jeff Melchl..or; 5. DouS Forstnl"r. VINT: 1. JamM.' Barr; 2. Scou l)almc~'1m; 3 Tum Anglim;-Io Tony &hI; 5. Ed Dominick. WMN: I. W,-'Ody Modpo.-wslu. 2. Angll.· FoIlz; 3. Lvnn Dt.-clark; 4. An);dOl l; 2. AMon Miller; 3. Cliff Dougherty; 4. O;l\'id o...'Ciarlt; 5_ )(C"in I>hUHp!'. VET A: I. Jeff Lois; 2. Eriklll Ezrons; 3. Tim &r.cs; ~. David Oonahw; S. Chuck Kingstild. VET IJ.I: I. D.. yl Kuhn; 2. Torslcn Corum; 3. Troy Thwmu ling; 4. Gary Philbrick; S. Scull PJlmcrshcln. VET 6-2: 1. Sle"c Gra'n; 2. Mike ollins; 3. Tim Smith; 4. Mark HI..'n~·; 5, DennIS Jachman. MINI JR: I. Shaun Milk",; 2. NoI,han Sullivlln;). Ross Martin. -I. Todd Sican..or; 5. Adam Wil1crru.. MINI 60: 1. 6rild Modjcwksi; 2. KirSIt."n R.ll"mlsch; 3. lared Kl"Wlt)ol.'!>; -I. Kobcrt Lone; S. Mitch Nooyl"r'l. MINI SR: I. Darby Fowler; 2. Gn'g Hochmuth; 3. Ikrnlc AWARDS 10air 2-DIr PIrIicfaaIs eigilftl it into the first tum ahead of Ezerins and Ken AMA# City AGE: State Zip Passenger Name _ Phone: _ Required(il you are not aAMA Member you can join althe event) In Emergency, Contact: I AM ENTERING: 0 BOTH DAYS Please send entry & Check or Money Order to: RACER PRODUCTIONS, Inc. Route 12, Box 267, Morgantown, WV 26505 o SAT. ONLY o SUN. ONLY ------------------------- Bike Make, Model, Year _ _ cc, - _ _... 65

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