Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Kawasaki KX100 LIlt PItce $3199 1)1. . . .111.111 ..•.•...•.•.•.•• 99cc EngIne type .................• Liquid-coolBdsingle-cylindertwo-strolce Born Ilroke 52.5 x 45.Bmm CartluretIon ..........•....... 26mm Ksihin Ignlllan Digital Q) .--'-------'-..... TrensmiIIIon IpIIds 6 he new KX100 StarlIng aystIm Kick ~atures the same Fuel cepecIIy 1.5 gal. .updates as the WII 50.4 in. KXBO - a new /i'ont-brake Se8t IlIIght _ 343/n. master c)'linder, A.iel cap and FIOlltIre _ _••• 7(111JOx 19 larger silencer. Engine, chas- Reer...... ....•.. _.•.. fl(J1IJO x '6 sis and suspensionwise, the Front-wIleII tnNII: .. _.. 10.8 irt. KX100 is the same as its Reer....... tnMII ...... 10.8 in. predecessor. Front bndI8 .•.••...... Disc ReIr braIllt Disc FIneJ drive '" Chain CIIImecI dry weIgbt .. .. •.. •• .. . ,'" fbs. T Kawasaki KX125 IJlIt PItce D1epfllclMl8llt EngIne type Bore Xllr $4T49 124.8cc Liquid-cooled single cylinder Iwo-stroke 54 x 54.5mm e.tuelJon 35mm Keihin he KX125 has undergone extensi ve IgnIllan ........•.......... Digital Q) changes ~r '36. New c)'linder and head 1'nInImIe8/On IpIIds 6 speci~cations, as well as modi~ed power SlartIng system Kick val ves, a remapped ignition and a re l-ised carburetor Fuel ClIPICItY " 22 gal. highlight the engine changes and are claimed to wheeIbese _ 51.3 in. result in a wider powerband. New Kayaba 46mm Sell height 37.4 in. inverted ~rks highlight the suspension updates, and Front tire 8(1100 x 21 the rear shock has been updated to compliment the Fleerlre , 1()(19Ox19 /i'ont end. Frame geometry is unchanged, but the Front-wIleeIlr'lIVeL .. •. .. . .. 12.2 in. area around the shock mounts has been beekld up Reer-wheel traYeI 13 in. considerably. . Front iInIke DIsc ·Reer DIsc T FilIII dItve OIIIIIIIddry _ _ Chain 191/bB. .... KawasaId KX250 LIlt PItce Dbq~ $5S99 ........................• 24Sbc EngIne type ..................•........ Liquid-coolBd sing/fH:yIinder ~ BOllIX 8Inlke 68.4x72mm CIrtIunIIIon 3Bmm KIiihin he KX250 boasts several IgnltJon Digital Q) engine updates, inciuding TralllllUllon 5 re l-ised porting, a new ignition SIartIng eys\IIIl ....•. Kick and a modi ~ed carburetor. The changes Fuel ClIpICIty 2.2 gal. , are claimed to result in a longer-revving WheeIbI8e 51.5 in. engine that has all 01 the low- and mid- Se8t IIIIgIIt 37.6 in. range power 01 last .vear's machine. Like Front Ire 8(1100 x 21 the KX125, the 250 has the new Kayaba 11(190 x 19 46mm ~rks and re l-ised shock, as well as Front-wIleeI travel ..•. 12.2 in. '" the strengthened kame. Several perts 01 RelwwlI8eI traYeI 13 in. the bike were beekld up ~r greater dura- Ffonl Disc bility, including the radiator shrouds, the Rw DJsc exhaust ppe and the seat ~am. FilIII drive Chain ClIInIed dry WIIgbt 213/bB. .---.1------....... T ReIr.... . he King KX features no engine updates, but the new suspension components featured on the two smaller lull-sized KXs should improve the 1U500's ride considerably. Aside /tom the new ~rk and shock, the IUSOO now has KX250stjAe handlebars, a new kont number plate and green and purple plastics. T 32