Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 06

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.OBSE.RVEDTRIALS . Final round: Finland . World 'CIlampionship 0bServecl T. SerIes Kuroyama and Ogawa on the sixth section. "It's okay," said Tarres. "Today I had some bad luck, I had some fives that normally wouldn't happen. It won't happen tomorrow." And the champ was as good as his word. On Sunday morning he was flowing like no one else in the world can, and his opening loop saw 12 cleans, a dab on the fifth sub and two on the final hazard and he was right back with a vengeance. Colomer was still fighting and only a five on the fifth hazard stopped him from equalling the Tarres score. Lampkin was also cooking, and he was furious at a severe observing decision on the pen1:1ltimate section that saw him fived while he was actually leading the trial and bursting with confidence. Into the final loop it was obvious that Tarres had the title in the bag. The only thing to play for was the final win and he and Colomer were both determined to claim it. Pons, Lampkin and Ahvala were proving impossible to shake off, though. It was predicted that someone would manage a clean final lap, yet surprisingly, only Pons managed to better his previous lap score as the poker-faced Gas Gas pilot eased into third with a very solid performance. There were no surprise performances in Finland and the results show virtually everyone in their "normal" placing. Everyone was happy for Japanese rider Tomouki Ogawa, who not only bagged his first-ever World points, he beat both rising-star Kenichi Kuroyama and sadly off-form Takumi Narita. Ogawa has tried hard all season without success, having finished 16th and just outside the points more times than he cares to remember. On Sunday, his two laps on 19 marks were both stylish and confident. Kuroyama looked tired in Finland and never showed the kind of form we have come to expect. The sections looked like they would suit his bicycle style to a T, yet he failed to shine. And Rnland World Round Helsinki, Finland Results: August 1&-20,1995 OVERALL: 1. Marc Colomer (Man) 30 points; 2. jordi T.".. (G-G) 33; 3. joan Pons (G-G) 34; 4. Tommi AhvaJa (Fan) 4Q; 5. Doug Lampkin (Bet) 41; 6. Amos Bilbao (Bet) 48; 7. Steve CoUey (G-G) 58; 8. Donato Miglio (G-G) 66; 9. Bruno Camozzi (Bet) 68; 10. Tomoyuki Ogawa (Bet) 73; 11. Takumi Narila (Bet) 80; 12. Marcel justribo (Bet) 81; 13. KenidU Kuroyama (Bet) 82; 14. Diego 80s;' (Bet) 98; 15. Gabriel Reyes (Man) 100. FINAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRAILS SERIES POINT STANDINGS, 1. jord; Tarres (179/5 wms); 2. Marc Colomer (171/4); 3. Tommi Ahvala (130/1); 4. Doug Lampkin (118); 5. Joan Pons (114); 6. Donato M;g!io (94); 7. Bruno Cammozi (81); 8. S'eve Colley (73); 9. Amos Bilbao (63); 10. Kenich.i Kuroyama (53); 11. Marcel justribo (SO); 12. Takumi Nania (48); 13. Diego Bosis (47); 14. Graham Jarvis (34); 15. Jose Antonio Benitez (11); 16. Gabriel Reyes (8); 17. Joachim Hindren (7); 18. (fIE) Tomoyuki Ogawa/Dav;d Cobos (6); 20. (TlE) Michael Vukcevic/Christophe Camozzi (5); 22(TrE) Piero SembeniniIJean-Luc Nictou/Dario Re Delle Gandine (2); 25. Robert Crawford (I). (Left) Jepane.. upstart Kenlchl Kuroyama had a dismal day In Finland. Here,"he crashes hard In one of the marHnBde "stadium" sections. (Below) Brits Steve Colley (lett) and Doug lampkin (right) I11lInlIgB a smile before the start of day two. Both rldenI encIed the series Inside the top 10. he was lucky to survive a nasty crash off a six-foot step on the seventh section, being fortunate to be able to continue after his Techno jumped down on top of him. Also failing to show anything like form was young Spanish hopeful Marcel Justribo in 12th. In general, the new generation of Spaniards - Justribo, Gabriel Reyes and Jose Benitez - showed little interest in the trial and quite frankly they got what their efforts deserved. Tarres continues to set the example that few others can hope to match. One hundred percent commitment - 100 percent of the time is the rule Jordi lives by - and he has seven World Championships to prove it. 0 The year in review W ith the 1995 World Cbampioasllip season DOW complete - and }ordi Tarres confirmed .. the World Champion for the seventh tu. - we asked the Top 10 finishers in the series to give us their own. personal opinion of the year. The best ftRDIds, the WOIllt, the highs and the lows from Tarres to K81idIi Karoyama... 1st - JOI'di T _ -nus yeBI' we bad better trials than those of the last few years. The secIioDs were IIIIIdI bet· ter - not the organization. The organizatioII should be better than it is at IRIUI)' I'OWlds. France was the best trial,. looking at all aspects. "Luxembourg was good, altllcovgh the sedicms are nothi~ spectacuJar. while England IIIade fbe _ _ of what they had. The aectioDs were too IRtIdl the _ type of terraizI,. but Steve SMmdera delIS YeS respect b What he made of them. . '1 was not 1uIPl'r JicliIIII iIl1ftlald. I should have wan Ol\ the IIIippery roCb but . . . . teo IMR)' .... takes. Poland was • fiuco. The wont pert of my year was after lind waiting for Italy. But I won in Ita!y. 10 it was aD ~ The SpanWt .-n4 waa't .. pod .. it could haw 1ieen, but lhe aa:IiWa tamed out okay in the end. And tile ~ trial wtIele die waa't ript was AndorJ'I,. wIleR_didIil1lllftaay ..... "This year _ obJ - dle fiDt clwwpiolilldp will with., ~1ae tIIe .... 1lat 1 8 ,..wj\~*" t4~'" • w'o ' I 2IId • Man: Co'_= "TWs y&r 1 haw beeP on a _ bike and with a new team. so 1 think teCOIld place is good. I have been ridiDg well. aad we haw Irept up with Jordi DlO8t of the yeu. 0Ny AIId«ra spoiled it for us, and I don't lcnow why. Maybe there was too much pet_.1 don't know. "'The triaJ& (liked were LlIllemlJw Hag. Britain aad IreIaDd. Italy was too euy wbiJe PoIIIld _ DO good. Bel-gium too is not good - it Deeds a new place to run. AIIdorra was a good trial, but we bad bad result." 3M - AIlvala: "My yeBI' started oat weD with the win in Luxembourg. but not too IIDil has gone right since then. The trouble started in Ireland when it was cold and wet and I rode terrible. BefgitlD1 sbawed that the bike needed more power, aad we have beeR IooIdng for' implOvemeilts to the eRBiDe IIinoe then. I have been happy with my riding, and pncticed liard for FinIaDd. till - Doas t.DpkiD: '1_ -tylootillg for a topdIzee finish this year, but after the _ I DIIde of HaWstolle Park in &oat of my home falls, finishing fourth IIIUSt be okay. Most of the triUI have been good. 'I'hey ue all dIere to ride, anyway. AJlI am disappoiuted U this year is not winning a fOUIId. 1 _ dose in Ireland. Andorra and Poland beipg OllIe. two and thr8! marks from winDing - you CUI't get much doeer, CUI yoar 5Ih - Joan PORI: TIle pokeM«ed SpaialcI was fairly cutting iD his sulNI_kg, of the series: "Fra1Ice. Andorra aM Italy were good trials - the rest were sbit," was his brief but totaIy to the pomt-o.,...... 6th • Daa.ato MJaIie: Always a man. DoIIato has ~ his year CD the dmJit. '1 am bappy to SIlish IixI:h, as people tDiDk I am too old JlOW aid ready to retiIe. Maybe I wII do ...111« ~ 1 eLljl!f' Jidm& . . if I have. bed ride it ...,. me ~Ii"'" Doakll re1JP?lwI1lqaiyu'«, ... I I ... ride .... -I in......Ed in just maIciDg up the _ibas. And I wvuId lib to help a YOIlIIlI ItaIiaII Jider IllIIIb it in World 0lampi0M1dps." 7da - . . ,i '1 haw IwI a good yeBI' ridiag a private Beta. My IleIIIIl is lIIDBII - just me. I think the year has beeR okay. PCliaDd was DOt good, but Italy was lID DOt em-.-- the best for me. I wiD be bid: aext year, maybe with Beta. wbidl I like, 01' maybe OD C. C. .. they would like me to ride 'or den in France." 8Ih • Steve Coney: '1995 was a new lIl!Iun and a new challenge. I was weIHnotivaled after some good results in the indocJI:s, and _looking for lop five. I've been happy with my riding, but the n!SlIlts just haven't happened. I didn't like Ireland - too slippery - and just crasbed aD day iD BeJgimn. The- bv point was Poland and Italy where I was witJIoat a miDder. What I would like to ride is a 2'70 GlIs Gas like jordi's!" 9th • ~ 1taNIo: • A good year for me with some good ridiDI aad not bed ftIlIfts. I _18diag after the first dar inl!ntaiD, and this - good -lIlY aJllficIencE. The worst pcint was SpliD. where I had • bf,g crash and hurt my bid:. I sboatdn't have COD6D.aed" but I have never, ewrftlired fnJm a triaL Meet year sbuaJd be bet.... with a 8IttIecl ...." 18Ill. J(epfdd Luv,aoaa: The 1~ Japaneee has breezed tbrougIi his first World 0uImpimlship sealOll like • bl'eadl of fresh air. Kenidli always bas p0sitive thoug;1tt:s - unlike may llmo J'lil'IUI&'Btef who are eftI' ready to fiIId faaIts. "I don't _ pariJdB in the first two ro-de, aftCIer big riclblc World, Emopeu ... Jar- e cb_PM"''',,1& ID InIuId lied after the clay pip, DO IIip - you uaderRaIld? I grip. iU.... • II'ide wry r'*.' .a . *""ia!~ ,fUr...-lUke wry I WlIIIt to rich

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