Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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C~st(\ ~ R.IC(\ mOIOaWntura MOTO AVENTURA DlJAl SPORT TOlJRS and ENDlJR.O TOUR.S. Experience the rain and cloud (orest on our new 1994 Husqvarna 350 or 610 in this spectacular and friendly country with paradise beaches. Three day and one week tours include: first c1.m holels by the beach, all meals, support vehicle, bilingual guide and skill levels from beginner to expert. Cooples are welcomed. for a free brochure canblct: KEVlNHINES 54 Spec:lacle Pond Terrace East Wareham, MA 02S38 Ph. (508) 295-ll864 FAX (508) 291-2605 IIOTO AVENTURA SA P.O. Box 025 312 Miami, Fl33102·53t2 550 1244 Ph. 1 (BOO) 252-5114 Ask QperaIor kx 255-4174 MolD A¥IlI1tura · Complete Fairings, Seats, Fenders · Fuel Tanks, Air Box/Air Intake · Clutch, Sprocket & Chain Covers · Complele Race Exhaust Systems · Corse and other Race parts EVENT TECHNOLOGY 35 Col. o.d.anI Road. eu.bury, 1M 02332 Ph_ 61 585-1916Fax 61 What make. a perfect gift for the person who Iuu everything? a 585-598 gift subscription! Call (310) 427·7433 to order today. YEAGER CYCLE SA1.ES • SUZUKI HAULMARK caD for Lowat Prices DB PACE· UNITm EXPIIESlIlJN£ • AVENGER UnI1I A _ i n _ 015.6.1 _ 8 n. SUDId Sportbfkes!1I 800-348-8541 ~405 ~ St., EIlChott, IN 48514 (816) 826-2925 (I-~-"-f21 FAST COMPANY <>..~ CcNnpI_ Due:atl Une Plus ou- "'panese $ p o... B i _ It-..s.. TkIrets ......7"'¥ INTERSTATE OIL cO. USED PARTS 'DISTIBUTORS OF: ~ ~ 1-800-369-0001 1.~!.Inll~111 ~' l CaU Road Atlanta at (404) 96Hl43 ' . 1010 TNrd A_ III:. NW 'B _ory, He 2BI01 'iii ,r,::'t". ".,M - "'THE BEST OF j\1'LANTA" Event Info For ~j\P Hundreds of Products - Latest Innovations - Highest Quality! Call for our brochure: Fe CIutoon FIber Hotline 704-327._ JtlIU il~'" A ~!6'" BOTH WO~~" CARBON RBER COMPONENIS ! , ALLSPORT IiiEE :.;'" ":.;,' • , • EXPERIENCE THE EXCITEMENT Motorcycle Roadracing!! 1-800-359-4884 Call North Anterica's Roadracing Leader \VERA (803) 681-9372 ',. ,",' ! •• :.:':',1-', ':.:. ", I.. FACTORY CONNECTION .. & _......,e ~ ·UPS_ ·WoC.IorIO_ • EngInoo, Elodrcnlco, H""Ho-And """" CALL TIE _ FIRST_TIEN CALL us AND DEAL WITH IlEAL II/C ENTHUSIASTS WHO CARE A80UT YDUA NEEDSIU FAll (004) 51~ 1404' 720-2929 ! , & IIIJD. """-..w_......... EAST COAST CYCU _,INC. • Wo Buy Sol 0 0 • eye l , ... --- , •• , . 81..- ---- IlOWEU'S lIlUWlf/IUEU 11.11, New KIngIlown, "" 17072 (117) 766-9366 (800) 221-7560 • UMd Portll >IX MOTORCYCLE SALVAGE SUSPEHSlON TUNING FOR THE SERIOUS RIDER M i k I I _ , Aollnld F""""Y_ willi Over 10 V.... 01 Aodng a ~ Experience 0If...: Po

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