Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOVVORLD 2 AUGUST 1995 SCHEDULE ON .SM EASTERN m1E 8/6 8/13 8/20 8/27 2:00-2:3Oam 3:00-3:3Oam 3:CIO-3:3Oam 2:30-3:00am 8/5 8/13 8/19 8126 11:00-11:3Opm 12:CIO-12:3Oam 11:30-12:00am 11:30-12:00am & & & & Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday 817 8/15 8/23 8/28 5:CIO-5:3Opm 5:00-5:3Opm 5:00-5:3Opm 5:00-5:30pm PACIFIC TIME & & & & Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday 817 2:30-3:00pm 8/15 2:CIO-2:3Opm 8/23 2:CIO-2:3Opm 8128 2:CIO-2:3Opm AUGUST 1995 REPEAT SCHEDULE ON .SM2 EASTERN TIME 815 815 7:CIO-7:3Oam 6:30-7:OOpm 8/12 7:CIO-7:OOam 8/19 7:CIO-7:3Oam 8126 7:CIO-7:3Oam PACIFIC & & & & & Saturday Saturday Satunday Satunday 815 815 TI~IE 4:CIO-4:3Oam 3:3Q-4:00pm 8112 4:CIO-4:3Oam 8/19 4:CIO-4:3Oam 8126 4:CIO-4:3Oam D he dog days of Motocross are upon us, and with Millville and Washougal ahead, Jeremy McGrath is red-lining toward his first ever outdoor title_ Same story-different track_ The unofficial countdown is on as Honda's Miguel DuHamel edges closer to Wayne Rainey's record six in a row Superbike wins_ Join MotoWorid in August for more on these stories and highlights from the Nevada Rally and the Loretta Lynn Amateur Motocross_ . o talr, beautiful women, sunny beaches-and twelve hours of eating sand behind the geargrinding host of MW21 Talk about a hard-core enduro, man_ Next, the big guy's in action at the World Superbike round from Laguna Seca. They're all going to be there-Fogarty, Edwards, Corser, Slight, Bemardo-everybodyl AUGUST 1995 SCHEDULE ON .SM2 EASTERN TIME Sunday Sunday 816 12:30-1:00pm 8120 4:30-5:00pm Tuesday & Monday & Monday 8/1 3:00-3:3Oam 8/14 3:00-3:30am 8/28 3:CIO-3:30am PACIFIC TIME Tuesday Sunday Sunday 8/6 9:30-1O:00am 8120 1:30-2:00pm & Monday & Monday 8/1 8/14 8/28 AUGUST 1995 SCHEDULE ON .SPN Thur 8/3 4:30-5:3Oam Sun 8/13 4:OO-5:00pm Sat 8/19 2:CIO-3:00pm P""'i"''&' & Thur 8/3 1:30-2:3Oam & Sun 8/13 l:OO-2:00pm & Sat 8/19 I1:CIO-12:00pm AUGUST 1995 SCHEDULE ON .SPN2 EASTERN TIME .Sun 8/6 Sat 8/26 Sun 8/27 Mon 8/28 Tues 8/29 10:30-11 :30pm 11:CIO-12:00am 3:1Xl-4:00am 8:CIO-9:00pm 2:CIO-3:00pm PACIFIC TIME & Sun 816 7:30-8:3Opm & Sat 8126 8:00-9:00pm & Sun 8/27 12:CIO-1:00am & Mon 8/28 S:OO-6:00pm & Tues 8/29 11:CIO-I2:00pm AUGUST 1995 SCHEDULE ON " M 4ยท'lIljlii@! GPofFrance Sun 8/6 12:30-1:30pm & Sun 816 9:30-10:3Oam GP of Greaf BritainFri 8/11 12:30-1:3oam & Thu 8/10 9:30-10:3Opm AUGUST 1995 SCHEDULE ON .SPN2 GP of Great Britain Sat 8/5 7:00-B:OOpm & Sal 8/S 4:00-S:00pm

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