Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 08 02

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broke away from the rest of the pack as they argued over the lead in what was a very intense battle. U went on for five laps until Hughes made his move and shot by the Honda rider. Hughes proved that the pass was no fluke as he immediately began pulling away from Lamson. Lap after lap, Hughes steadily increased his lead over Lamson until just past the halfway point when he bailed hard over the handlebars. . "We had a good battle going," said Hughes. "Once I got out in front, I tried pulling away from Steve as quickly as I could; because I didn't want him seeing (Right) Kyle Lewis ran second for moat of the second 250cc mota and eventually finished fourth. . (Below) Steve Lamson (5) chases down Damon Huffman. Lamson was the beneficiary of Hughes' second mota crash. my lines. But I lost the front end and the bars hit me in the stomach and I flew a ways." 'Briefl ,- . Missing from the '250cc line-up at Unadilla was Team Suzuki's. ~'reg Albertyn. Last week a!'the Troy, 'Ohio, Natio."al, Albertyn fell during the second mota and injured t)iS Wfist. He went on to finish the mota and originally · didn't think much of the injury ·until he woke up the next morning and the wrist had swelled. The 250cc World Champion.had the wrist X-rayed and it was' discovered ·that he had broken the long-healing navicuiar bone. According io team manager Roger "DeCOster, Albertyn is out for the rest of the season. Tne word out of the HOOda of Troy pits is that former 125 and 250cc MX World Champion Donny' Schmit will compete at next week's "Spring Creek National in Millvil!e,. Minnes<;>ta, on a Honda of Troy team bike. Schmit, who 'hails fr<;>m Bloomington; Minnesota, a local favorite at the Sprin9 Creek track, is scheduled to compete iii the 250Cc class. . . Team' HondaJ1-800-Gollect's Doug Henry made his first public appearan.ce at the Unadilla National since injuring his back at.. the Budds Creek National last month. Henry showed little signs of his injury as he, along with his wife Stacey, walked around in the .pits visiting with friends and signing autographs fo.r fans; As far as when he'll be allie to (ide again, Henry said, ":Time will tell." He . did say he plans on racin9 again next year. Speaking of Greg. Albertyn; ttie Soutt) African .has no intentions of switching teams. for 1996. Hecurrentfy'has a aile-yeaF con- Kawasaki rider Phil Lawrence and Suzuki tract 'with Suzuki arid is' expected to sign tor. pilot SCOtt Shaak.were the' top-finishing privaanother VElar. teers at Unadilla and were the recipients of the Camel'Raci"glSkoal Raclng Pro Privateer The injury to Greg Aib.eriYn relegated the. ·Challenge. Each rider was. aW~rdea $500 for once-mighty Suzuki team to' just two riders' their efforts. Lawrence, who is sponsored by going' into the'Unadilla National, but that 'Kawasaki of Mexico anetThor, finished'1Oth'in , number would dwindle to just'one after the the 250Cc class, While Sheitk, who is supportfirst mota. Tim Ferry was unable -to start ttle ·,Circuk, Tt)or, Bell, Scott and Dunlop, . second 'moto after he" discovered in .the first . finished sil\th'in the125cc. class.. mota 'the sprained thumb that he had sustain'ed las.t week ·at.ihe Troy National Tony AmJitadlo showe'd up' at'Unadilla cilused too much. pain for' hint to ride comp,et- ·aboard. a borrOwed' Honda CR250. The Cali- . itively.. Thaf left Dam.on Huffman as Suzuki's fomian was it fa,clory-tiacked KTM team rider sale 'survivor at the 'lnd at the day. Pilr!lady . ."until' last week following the ·TroyN.atioAal.. ~)J1 Suzuki's Clisaliled flSt.are Cra.lg Decker, Airlaradio ·Md .KTM st(uggled'all year wilh who 'is recuperatil)g with a back injury, and 'suspension and communication' problems · Ezra. Lusk. lusk, who snapp.ed il ngameni in which eventually "ed to Amaradio'S decision his wrist 'ea~ier in the season, is 'riding again, .. to leave the team. The first time he rode the • hut' ii' is' still 'I)ot sure when he'll'relurn to Honqa w~ during practice On race 'r11oming . action. "I' guess I'm going to. have to·star\"ridof the Unadilla National. H!l finished 16th in' ing again;" joked iea'fI) manag:er Roger the first mota and finished out of the pqints:in DeCo~ter, a five-time World Champion. the second mota: . .'. Despite his handlebars having been pushed downwards from the faIl, Hughes still went after Lamson after picking up his bike in second. '1 knew I had the overall but I was still thinking about the points." "He was putting a lot of pressure on me," said Lamson. "All I could do after he passed me was try to watch his lines." Right after Hughes crashed, the rains came and drenched the track, making Hughes' attempt to catch Lamson that much more difficult. Many riders tossed aside their mud-eovered goggles as they sloshed their way around the now muddy track. The rain ended just as quickly. as it had started and the sun was even shining by the time the checkered flag came out. Lamson went on to score the win, finishing approximately 11 seconds ahead of Hughes, who enjoyed a big lead over third-place finisher Huffman. Pichon, who started the moto in seventh, ended up' fourth, while Brown finished right wliere he started - in fifth. Reynard climbed from 11th to sixth, while Sheak rode another strong race to claim seventh. Craig finished eighth, followed by Pederson and Stephenson. For the second time in his career, Hughes finds himself leading the 125cc series point standings. 'Tm not going to change anything," said Hughes. "I've been in this situation before, but this time I know how to deal with it." CN Unadilla Valley Sports Center New Berlin, NY Results: July 23, 1995 (After 8 of 12 rounds) 125 MOTO 1 (30-minutes--plus·Z-Laps): 1. Ryan Hughes (Kaw); 2. Mickael Pichon (Kaw); 3. Steve Lamson (Hon); 4. Damon Huffman (Suz); 5. Scott Sheak (Suz); 6. Mike Brown (Hon); 7. O>ad Pederson (Hon); 8. Davey Yezek (Suz); 9. Jason McCormick (Hon); 10. Denny StEphenson (Suz); 11. Buddy Antunez (Hon); 12. Nathan. Ra!J15eY (Suz); 13. David Pingree (Kaw); 14. Ryan Huffman (Hon); 15. Tony Lorusso (5uz); 16. Steve Herman (Suz); 17. Robbie Reynard (Kaw); 18. Barry Carsten (Suz); 19. James EickeJ (Hon); 20. Tim Ferry (Suz); 21. Jim Povolny (Kaw); 22. fun Mcilvaine (Hon); 23. David Kratz (Kaw); 24. Scott Cartel" (Hon); 25. Travis Hodges (Kaw); 26. Richal"d Zupko (Hon); 27. Tom Welch (Yam); 28. Richard Schmidt (Suz); 29. El"ic Swartwood (Hon); 30. Mike C~aig (Hon); 31. Doug Dehaan (Suz); 32. Mike Treadwell (Suz); 33. Thomas Rice (Kaw); 34. Eric Reilly (Suz); 35. Keith Tl"occoli (Suz); 36. Brett Salandel" (Kaw); 37. Brian Deegan ad Pederson (Hon); 8. Denny Stephenson (Suz); 9. Robbie Reynard CKaw); 10. Buddy Antunez (Hon); 11. Tony Lorusso (Suz); 12. Mike Craig (Han); 13. Davey Yezek (Suz); 14.. Jason McCormick (Hon); 15. Nathan Ramsey (Suz); 16. Brian Deegan (Han); 17. Barry Carsten (Suz); 18. Steve Herman (Suz); 19. David Pingree CKaw); 20. Carlo Coen (Suz). AMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 125cc MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS (After 8 of 12 rounds); 1. Ryan Hughes (301/2 wins); 2. Steve Lamson (2'Tl / 4 wins); 3. Damon Huffman (292); 4. Mike Brown (288); 5. Mickael Pichon (265); 6. Robbie Reynard (253/1 win); 7. nm Ferry (219/1 win); 8. Chad Pederson (176); 9. Denny Stephenson (128); 10. Brian Deegan (127); 11. David Pingree (114); 12. Scott Sheak (107); 13. Buddy Antunez (102); 14. Barry Carsten (88); 15. Milee Craig (79); 16. Davey Yezek (77); 17. Tony Lorusso (63); 18. Brian Swink (59); 19. Cory Keeney (53); 20. Craig Decker (~). . 2SO MOTO 1 (30-minute-plus-2.laps): 1. Jeff Emig (Yam); 2. Mike LaRocro CKaw); 3. John Dowd (Yam); 4. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 5. Jeremy McGrath (Hon); 6. Larry Ward (Yam); 7. lames Dobb (Hon); 8. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 9. Todd DeMoop (Hon); 10. Phil Lawrence (Kaw); 11. Cliff PalmeI (Suz); 12. Damon Bradshaw (Yam); 13. Roy Schellenberger (Kaw); 14. Kurt McMillen (Han); 15. Jeff Curry (Suz); 16. Tony Amaradio (Han); 17. Kevin Crine (KTM); 18. Bruce Stratton (Suz); 19. Shawn Kalos (Yam); 20. James Kapitan (Hon); 21. Dag Boyesen (Yam); 22, Mike Jones (Han); 23. Peter Jastrenski (Hon); 24. Mike Katin (Hon); 25. Matthew Crown (Yam); 26. Brian Austin (Hon); 27. justin Blake (Kaw); 28. David Gaylord CKaw); 29. Lee Rostien CKaw); 30. Jen'Y Seip (Kaw); 31. Pat Barton (Suz); 32. Chad Kresge (Kaw); 33. Jeff Yentzer (Kaw); 34. Billy Schlag (Kaw); 35. Jeff Dement (KTM); 36. Joseph Ellington (Hon); :r7. Ty Wallace a

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