Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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0;37,142); 18, Jamie Robinson 0'37.273); 19. Renzo Localelli 0037,281); 20. Giovani Lavilla (1037,324); 21. Jose Luis Cardoso 0:37.367); 22. Renzo Laconi (1037,410); 23, Oliver Petrucdani (1037.427); 24. S. Hikila (1:37.450); 25. Donana Romboni (1:37.870); 26. Luis Maurel 0 ;38.639); 27. Bernd Kassner 0,38.724); 28. Manuel Casli11a (1'lll,981); 29, P. Riba 00.39.003); 30. R. Xaw (1039.305); 31. C. Wa!It£r 0039.429); 32. C. Ramsay 00.39.930); 33. S. Smart 0,40.113). 500cc QUALIFYlNG, 1. Micheal Doohan (1033.701); 2. Daryl Beattie (1034.ll82); 3. Scott RusseU (1,34.192); 4. Luca Cadalora (1034.318); 5. Alex Criville (1034.328); 6. Capirossi (1,34.354); 7. Alex Barros (1,34,654); 8. Loris Reggiani (1034.676); 9. Shinichi lloh (1034.889); 10. Carles Checa (1034.910); 11. Neil Hodgson 0034.913); 12. James Haydon 0,35.067); 13. Norifumi Abe 0,35,231); 14. Adrien Bosshatd (1'36.783); 15. Juan Borja (1;35.838); 16. Sean Emmett (1:36.164); 17. Cristiano Migliorati (1,36,202); 18, T. Arakaki (1,36,226); 19, Jean-Philippe Jeandal 0,36.4(1); 20. Bernard Garcia 0,36.412); 21. Frederic Prolal (1;36,573); 22. Bruno Bonhuil 0,36.594); 23... Jamie Whitham 0:36.619); 24. Lucio Pedercini 0,36.927); 25. Eugene McManus 0,37,386); 26. Jeremy McWilliams 0'37.394); 27. Chris Walker (1,38.008); 28. Marc Garcia (1,38.056); 29, Scott Gray 0,38,304); 30. Bernd Haenggeli (1,38.603); 31. Marco Papa (1,39.740). 12Sec GRAND palX: 1. Kazuto Sakata (Apr); 2. Stefano Perugini (Apr); 3. Emilio Alzamora (Hon); 4. Dirk Raudies (Hon); 5. H. Nakajoh (Hon); 6. Masaki Tokudome (Apr); 7. Manfred Geissler (Apr); 8. Jorge. Martinez (Yani); 9. D. Barton (Yam); 10. T. Yamamoto Oliver Koch (Apr); 12. Herri Torrontegui (Hon); (Hon); 13. Gabriele Debbia (Yam); 14. K. Miyasaka (Hon); 15. Luigi Ancona (Hon); 16. T.lgata (Hon); 17. H. Kikuchi (Hon); 18. Y. Sugai (Hon); 19. Steven Patrickson (Hon); 20. M. D' Agnano (Apr); 21. Peter Jennings (Han); 22. Stefan Kurfiss (Yam); 23. C. Kellner (Yam); 24. Noboru Ueda (Hon); 25. T. ManaJco (Hon); 26. G;ovani Sca1vini (Apr); 27. J. Sarda (Hon); 28. Vittorio Lopez (Apr); 29. J. Falls (Hon); 30. Peter aettl (Apr); 31. Yoshiako Ka.oh (Yam); 32. A. Bal1eriJti (Apr). Time: 44 min., 6.180 sec. Distance: 26 laps, 64,99 miles Avenge speed, 88,227 mph ~ 01 victory: 3,171 sec. F_Iap,SteIano Perugini, 1,40.647/89.413 mph, Lap 2. 250cc GRAND PRIX: 1. Max Biaggi (Apr); 2. Harada (Yam); 3. Waldmann (Hon); 4.. Oliver Jacque (Hon); 5. J.P. Rugg;a (Hon); 6. NiaU Mackenzie (Apr); 7. J. van den Goorberg (Hon); 8, Tadayuki Okada (Hon); 9. EskiJ Suter (Apr); 10. Nob\latsu Aoki (Hon); 11. Luis D' ADtin (Hon); 12. Jurgen Fuchs (Hon); 13. '[akeslti Tsujimura (Hon); 14. R. Locatelli (Apr); 15. Regis laa>rti (Hon); 16. Juan Cardoso (Apr); 17. J. Robmson (Apr); 18. Adi Stadler (Apr); 19. S. Hikita (Hon); 20. Oliver Petrucdani (Apr); 21, C, Walker (Ho.,); 22. G, Lavilla (Hon); 23. L. Maurel (Han); 24. S. Smart (Hon); 25, Patrick van den Goorbetgh (Apr); 26. R. Xaw (Hon); Tl, Bernd Kassner (Apr); 28. Pere Riba (Apr); 29. JeanMichel Bayle (Apr); 30. Kenny Roberts Jr. (Yam); 31. C Ramsay (Apr); 32. M, Castilla (Hon). Rolf Blland easily won the British Sidecar Grand Prix at Donlngton Park. n. · '. .BrIe'fl"'i ,-. Time: 43 min., ]4.102 sec. Distanco; 27 laps, 67.35 miles Average speed: 93.46 mph ~ 01 victory: 2.848 sec. F.....t lap' Max Biaggi, 1;35.437/94.086 mph, Lap 7. 500« GRAND PRl)(, 1. Mick Doohan (Ho.,); 2. Daryl Beattie (Suz); 3. Alex Criville (Hon); 4. Loris Capirossi (Hon); 5. Luea Cadalora (Yam); 6. Shinichi Itoh (Hon); 7. Neil Hodgson (Yam); 8. Juan Borja (Yam); 9. Bernard Garcia (Yam); 10. Adrien Bosshatd (Yam); 11. T. Aralcaki (Yam); 12. Bruno Bonhuil (Yam); 13. Sean Emmett (Yam); 14. Eugene McManus (Yam); 15. C. Walker (Yam); .16. F. Prolat (Yam); 17. Bernd Haenggeli (Yam); 18. Norilumi Abe (Yam); 19. Alex Barros (Ho.,); 20, Lucio Pedercini (Yam); 21. Mate Garcia (Yam); 22. Scott Gray (Yam); 23. James Haydon (Yam); 24. Carles Checa (Hon); 25. Loris Reggiani (Apr); 26. Christiano Migliorati (Yam); 27. Marco Papa (Yam); 28. Jeremy McWilliams (Yam). Ttme: 47 min., 28.602 sec. DistanCt. 30 laps, 74.828 miles Average speed, 94.613 mph Margin of victory: 4.254 sec. F.....t lap' Mick Doohan, 1033.693/95,838 mph, Lap 9. SIDECAR: 1. Biland/Wa1tisperg (Brm); 2. Boeb;ger/Egli (Adm); 3. Bohnhorst/Brown (Brm); 4. KlaIIenboek/Parzer (Brm); 5. Abbott/TallIord (Adm); 6. Dixon/Hetherington (Adm); 7. Brindley/Whiteside (Yam); 8. T. Wyssen/K. Wyssen (Brm); 9, Kumagaya/ Hopkinson (End); 10. Janssen/Kessel (Hon); 11. Schlosser/Haenni (Adm); 12. Whittington/Birkett (Kra); 13, KosIer/KlaHenbocl: (Adm); 14.1', Guede1/C. Guedel (Brm); 15. Brindley/Hutchinson (Hon). Time: 42 min., 61.654 sec. Distance 26la , 64.851 miles Average ~90.'783 mph ~ 07ri~ ,638 sec. Fa_ lap; KlaIfenboek/Parur, 1037.603/91.999 mph, Lap 9. 125cc WORLD C'SHIP STANDINGS (After 9 0114 rou.nds): 1. Haruchika Aold (161/6 wins); 2. Stefano Perugini (112); 3. Kazuto Sakata (102/1); 4. Dirk Raudies (89.5); 5. A1dta Saito (79); 6. Emilio Alzamora (72); 7. Peter Qettl (67); 8. Tomomi Manako (64); 9. Hideyuki Nakajoh (63); 10. Norboru Ueda (44); 11. Yshiaki Katoh (40); 12. O"!E) Hem TOJron'egui/MasaIci Tolcudome (39.5); 14. GregoriO Sealvini (31.S); 15. Manfred Gcissler (30). 250cc WORLD C'SHIP STANDJNGS lAfter 9 0114 roundo~ t. Max Biaggi (188/5 wms); 2. Tetsuya Harada (149/1); 3. RaIl Waldmann (148/3); 4. Tadayuki Okada (93/1); 5, Jean-Philippe Ruggia (81); 6. Noboatsu Aoki (SO); 7, Kenny Roberts Jr. (60); 8, Luis D' Antin (52); 9. Carles Checa (45); 10, Jurgt'l\ van den Goorberg (41); 11. OOver Jacque (35); 12. EsIdl Sulet (34); 13. Jean-Michel Bayle (32); 14.Jurgt'l\ Fuchs (28); 15. Jooe Uris Cardoso (24), 500cc WORLD c'smp STANDINGS (Altor 9 of 14 rOld.ds): 1. Michael Doohan (170/6 wins); 2. Daryl Beattie 055/2); 3. Loea Cadalora (110); 4. Alex Criville (1OS); 5. A1berto Puig (99); 6: .Shinichi lloh (83); 7. Alez Barros (71); 8, Loris CapU'OSS. (61); 9, Nofirumi Abe (55); 10. Juan Borja (43); 11. Loris Reggiani (41); 12. Kev;n Sc:bwantz (34); 13. Neil Hodgson (30); 14. Bernard Garcia (29); 15. Scott Russell (19). Upcoming Rounds.: Round 10 - Monza, Italy, August 6 Round 11 - Bmo, Czech Rapublic, Augus1 20 witt:l lJOot,an ~ad atieaciY caused Ii stir al) .Out- , spaken interView in llie British'weekly M~or . '. . . '. ~''' •. _ . . . CYCle ·News;. where he criti9iZed the lOW level pf skUI'of many other·works. riders; and said ltis'permitted 'by the rilles, but,far from fashion-' that .without'KeVin Schwantz,pushing .lIie pace, . Spil(lish 500' star Alberto PU.lg is .stiliin:d8nger ',' Has the llwf\J1 se..ason of I;>orlano. Ro",bO~1 of losil)Q his.towar left'lag, after furth,er camplibeen Just.a sane~ of, mlsl?rtun!lte. COlnCIable lor. riders 'to race in more than one class. .racing had' .beCQme "as boring as. shit."· The' .cations'·and at'least two, bouts 01. emergeney " dences, ,or lIre darker, forces at.wo~? Th,e Ita!-,. The, lasl to do It regularly was F;r.eCldle· comments were pickel:! up by' the BritiSh·, daily, , ' surg~ry.following,hlshlgh'$p8ed practice crash Ia:n e!<-HB, rider sWltc"e~ ~t.l.IS .year, to the ,Spe~c,!", who won 250 and 500 litles In .198&., prass;8nd·.OOOhan Il!"d aritiSh,new~-' :at the French. GP, at Le Mans twa weeks ,ago. ; , uf.]sponsored, Team. AgOst,101 H' thinking about llie tect,lhBt A~-, is patron q1 !tie chilrity. Her vi.s.h· maKes 1his·the· C0r:'pany. resear~h ·and tleveJopment wing. Or) PUlg. s v,acaf)t Fo.rtuna-Pons· Honda ~SR tini's .buoget aJigns with ,his .preference 01. not third. GP this year to 8!"joy royal.-patroriage. In . The rumor sU9gests' that Hof.]da 's an the· .''!Vere brought to an abrl,lpt c.lose. when nSlOg ,spanding too' much rooney. on partS and devel'. ~alaysii. Raja Mu: Unable to find' any, other sPOlt'·on,1y th!l track's.!ack of '1ee1",. bat 'a!S0 'Jt:le. . previously . unf1am~d ·.·boend wa:s' ,called. '. .. .years ago."' '. . " '. ." ". eorrugaled curb 'edging stooliS. ~'yOlI g.8t yOl!r. SchWantz CO~r.,'ltlieS.b6twljeh·the· Otd'HIIIf' ' . .... .'. . .'. . 'wheel$ on .th8t,.lIie bike'is all oiler the. place: .pin. line! .Starkey'~ ~rldge comers, .and is:a, 'Ch8ca'ii p18ce in ~ 25Oqc'91asS W!lS taken. b~ . " 1'1-yeElr-old. Rabe'n X.u.• from Barcelona,. a '.SIdecar former World ChilnipiOil:Steye·¥hti- . ·can't· ride 'lIggresshiely here.. I' prefer . deceptiVelY dffficUlt IlIS\ Ieft-hltnder where'good reliItive ilovice :who n'ow:1iaS a workS HOOda iii .•~ hopes, to'll\8ke a ni~rig' comebaCk next' tracks where y.ou carl hang 'it 't?ut o\lerthe· r'ideC!l'can put t1ieniselvlis. into, an '

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