Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 07 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t'st eone c ubt at etsyou ·OD n the IDons; the moose 9 ~ and the elksm When you join the Suzuki DualSport Riders Club'; you won't be stuck inside some boring meeting hall. Because this club is wild. And that's exactly where the meetings are held ... in the wild. And the club initiation? Easy. Get on any Suzuki DualSport motorcycle and you're ·in. No dues, no fundraisers, and, best yet, no funny handshakes. But that's just the beginning. You'll soon be receiving the Suzuki Route Sheet newsletter, and the chance to attend great rides. like the AMA/Suzuki DualSport Trail Ride Series, where you'll ride some of the best trails in. the country. Some events even feature ISDE gold $ SUZUKle The ride you've been waiting for.™ medalist and multi-time Blackwater winner Mark Hyde, who'll be on hand to help. And you'll have t.he chance to win free stuff from Dunlop, Moose; Fox; and Bel Ray. So lose the fez and bring your helmet down to your local Suzuki dealer today. Because this is one club that welcomes animals. 1995 AMA/SUZUKI DUALSPORT TRAIL RIDE SERIES* 7/8-9 Oregon (503) 591-8005 8/26-27 Washington (i06) 363-9244 9/13-16 Colorado (303) 697-8382 10/14-15 Ohio (614) 385-3885 7/22-23 Massachusetts (413) 743-4146 8/26-27 Indiana (317) 839-6105 10/7-8 Virgina (703) 339-5131 10/21-22 West Virginia (304) 594-1157 7/30-8/4 Michigan (517) 782-4567 9/9-10 Kentucky (502) 522-6107 10/7-8 California (408) 475-3619 "fin • AI Sunll, WI WIIIllYtry rlcM to ~ wE. eH .nloy"". So .!ways wtall helIN', '1' prltt

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