Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ducati HMR 1984 electric start, 5900. Desmo, or igina l plus "good ies". excallenl bike . 58 .5OOIoffa r. Days (408) 423-9939 . evenin9s (408) 425-8999. CA. (318-20) '91 TZ2S0R Raced one seas on, like new co ndition, all major spare s untouched, new tires . Steal at 57,500. Call Rick (517) 894.04 10. MIL (318-23) KEEP IT CLEANER! Parting 19 GSXR1100 93 Frame $1.500 motor 51.800 . front end 5650 Olher misc. Also GSXR 750 parts and F2 parts. call after 5:30p.m. eastem time. (908) 246-0940 . NJ.(318-21) WITH THE NEW FILTER CLEANER FROM UNI FILTER. Wanted Kni9 ht frame lor 1979 XR500 Honda . Leave message. (513) 836-9002 . OH. (319-23) t o C al Our proven e!el:lrornc odometer ISJUS! $149.95 o 3 Pro3 dlsplays !he "ShOukI be' InIleage lor companSlCWllo your oda . AI80$149.95 trumen t Guards Uni Filter is proud to introduce the latest in its line of air filter care products , The NEW UNI FILTER CLEANEL Uni's FILTER CUANER is designed to be used on all original and performance air filters. Just spray it on , let it soak in for about three minutes, and rinse with warm water. It's that simplel And Uni's FILTER CUANER is biodegradable, so it won't harm your filter or the environment. The suggested retail price per 16 oz. can is $6.50. Uni FILTER CUANER and Uni FOAM FILTER OILS are designed to give you the best air filter performance possible. M achtnedfrom solida1um mum bille!. the Single guard lor one !CO instrument is $49.95 while the CIOubIe for2 1$ $79.95. RZ350 PARTS: transm ission. COl, stato r. wire narnes s. clutch, COIIers. stator covers. (707) 444·2985. CA . (319-23) '82 Katana 1000 . Imm a c u late conditio n, 6 0 0 o r ig ina l miles . 56.0001 0b0 . (805) 258·1903. CA. (319-21) WANTED YAM AHA BANSHEE pa rt s. cylinders , cases. complete engines . (707) 444·2985. CA. (319-23) ITTTI1 l:J.U.J UNIFILTER· Uni Rlter, lnc. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 939-6300 . 7932 Armour Str~t, San Diego, CA 92111 Pho ne (619) 560-7139 · Fax (619) 560-7036 Ctj~. To ll Free 1 (800) 645-2745 (CA only) - ~~:i-A~~~~~ BEST: PRICES, QUALITY S ~\ OW\. , G E N UI N E '93 XR600 Must Go!!!! $2,800 KeL CIcwtle KeL A S~ NICKEL SILICON CARBIDE ~ua~~~~~ ~ - - -- - - SAN DIEGO- - - OFFICIAL ARAICAP 0Ilicia1 Arai ."Winner', Grde" Cap created for wiMing""en. Now lMIi1ab~ for the lim lime 10 Arai flJllS, . oed from Arai USA. High quality, Royal BI.. and NotlJfal. with rihIy embroidered logo. On~ 513.95 each. plus 53.00 royers S&H lOr orders opto3[lIpS. Senddieck or money order. in U funds. ia: A HEL\lElS .s. lAI USA, Dept. eN Cap. P Box 9485, D .O. aytona, Il 32120·9485. Sorry. no credit cards. PIeme allow6·8weeks far del~ery. - - - Shark Fin Bill et alum inu m 31'S" plat e disc protect or (ca rrier inclu ded) . No we ldingl The best! (818) 248· 6747. CA. (219-21/P) - - - - - - - - - - A"~~ ~-1-~~LL Start ond finish ot the front with WORKS A/T Steelers. The winningest shodcs in Baja. Models 10 fit most ATVs, . riders and bucIgets. c::ill =701.1010 PERFORMANCE Visa, MC UPS C.O.D (319-21) '95 BIMOTA SB6 200 miles 520.000 . cail evenings (414) 788-4564 . WI. (319-22) '94 KTM 620 EXC titled and licensed streel lidd en $4.000 cail evenings (414) 788-4564. WI. (319-22) Wanted Honda RC30 Low miles showroo m condi tion to ride. Cash waiting Mike (717) 288-5600 . PA. (319-23) ZX-7 PartsILikeNew Hindle high pipe 5200 . rear w heel with cush $200 , ZX·7 R shock 5200. new steeli ng damper kit· purple 5220 . Cail Jim. Jr. (402) 333-8743 . NE. (119-21) us FIRST '81 Ducati Pantah Largest Selection Of Used Parts In Northern California 500 S L De smo . 9 k. M inor cosmel ic dam age . 52 .8 00 . Cail F rida y Ihrough Sund ay . (815) 336· (119-21) 2051 . IL Free Parts Locating Serv ice We Ship UPS Daily !J) (619) 37 1-1522. CA. Dirt Track Sellout Visa & Mastercard Accepted Free Shipping In Califo rnia Whe n You Menti o n This Ad Honda 250 Knighl lresh rebuild best of everything $3.000 firm. 600 Knight Rotax GNC calibe r equipm- . lenl $7.000. Cail Lenny (614) 922-6244 . OH. (119-22) e~;e~u 1538 Psrk Ave, Chico CA 95928 ........................................... Silver Canopy Kits Reflects Heat Easy Set Up 10X10 $94 10x20 $12 k $ 10x16 $119 12x20 $139 ~\\'{ Mast.....rd, \1".... and C.O.Dauep fR ~ . (304) 343-2277 A'fiJ (800) 788·3969 - "" (800) SpoMnd Iy """ 1WIoy-Do..... DooIon ."" a. Irnwitk H ·D McD,nnott'. If.D "" F'ftIJ HOG ......,.,N·D ,"'....."" N-o .A ['T "" • lonnit'. Spitm'I ". a For allyour Genuine Parts. II-D Van'. H·DH·D .a. Accessories and Uo1orc1olhes call 813-817 Union Avenue . - "" 1-6OO-fAST-HOG lor.... "'talog "" UPS & Same Day 50_ Newburgh. NY 12550 " " Fax (914) 564-5405 "" . -. Mention this ad and receive 10%off first order . - ". :.- RACER DISCOU NT 883 & XR7 50 Racin9 Port. In Stock Call for Screaming Eagle ca ta log .: •• Exotic Honda Collection -. ........................................... ~,,&& :D~ M olorCycle Center, Inc. DDCAD 518W. St Charle s Rd. Villa Park, IL 60181 ~ 4'iIif 701 1-782-2010 I 'fIJ;,:u=YJ: FAX 708-782·2015 PREMIUM RAC ING O ILS 3105. Isl5t" Marlins feny,OH 43935 (614)633-1333 !2iaAN ~ SUZUKI HONDA YAMAHA PARTS" FAST & CH EAP" 800-342-1681 Fa x: 800-341-1681 pro~action ,g~ Southwest division Ph /FAX: 520-888-5381 Fremont Cycle Salvage GEORGIA DEALER USED PARTS CYCU SPECIAlTIES OF ATHENS · Ducatl. Cagiva. l.averda, Moto-Guul & Moto Morini saJes and sen-Ice. Mich eli n Ure.~. Southeast's Iargesl parts invenlory - same day UPS sen-ice. Mon-fri 9a m- Ne w Accessories At Discount Prices UPS Daily 1-8 0 0 -4 24 -5 58 8 6p m; Sal 10am-2pm. 260 Com me rce Bl vd.. Bogart, GA 3 0622 ( 706) 5 43 '()235. 1994 NS R250 S I1 511 .000 . 19 93 N SR2 50SE 57,000 . 1990 RC30 europea n model 510,500. 1993 CRM250R $5 .900 . Ail low mil eag e and like new condition can ship. (805) 252-4 144 . CA . (119'21/P) Husaberg Rear Link CNC mod ified rear shock link for MX or endu ro. Improved action withou t shock reva lve. $95+ S&H. D i ~ Pro Cycle. (380) 673 -3148 . WA . (119-22) 1971 TR IUMPH BON NEVILLE $650, 4 speed eus1 0m 52.100/0bo. After 5:00p .m. Doesn't leak! (310) 426-4356 . CA. (119-21) TTSOO Yamaha Nicke l plated Knight frame fresh 53.500. 1 set of iron Harley XR750 twin earn branch heads 51.000. TT540 Yamaha hill climber fresh 51.600. 1 set of stroker piston s, and alumi num barrels '90s early Harley Sportster 51,000. (510) 490-2889 . CA. (320-23) 1994 900 RR PA RTS - whee ls. ro tors. exhaust. shock. sWingarm, subframe, ca lipers . All parts mint. (512) 444·7394. TX. (119-21) Yamaha SRX600 Carillo rod, Falicon crown white cam , pipe dyne jet exce llenl conditon, 52.500 firm. (312) 581.o478.IL (119-21) ** '83 Husky CRSOO ** O rig inal owner, nev er raced , excellent cond ition extras $850. Also 3 rail trailer. (805) 269-5432. CA. (319-21)

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