Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 38 of 63

Rocky1 Region 5/21 Sprmgs, CO 6111 ChoyoMe. WY &'25 Berlhound. CO e- -Region 6111 Moriat1y. Nil Sllvor _ Region 5/21 6/2 Carson City. NV Carson City. NV Carson City. NV Carson City, NV 1>'9 6116 T_Region sm Lenoir. TN 613 Lenoir. TN 6'10 Lenoir, TN 6117 Lenoir. TN T .... RegIon 5/27 Lampessas. TX 613 WMney. TX 6116 Mosier VeI1ey. TX VIIdng RegIon 5/21 Mazeppa. MN 614 Staples. MN 6'18 Mazeppa. MN 6/25 Staples. MN Info 3101868-8112 NMA Grand National Championships 811-5 Ponca City. OK In 310186B-8112 lo AMA Loretta l ynn Qualifying series -RegIon 6J3.4 IOOlano. PA 6117·18 Amateur Regional Anneugh. PA 6/24-25 YOU1h Regional S. Edmeston. NY _ Region 5f2G.21 Chrisliana. TN 611 0-11 Amateur Regional llaaln. GA 6117·18 Y 0U1h Regional R-.Fl Sou1llcenlraI RegIon TBA Natala.TX 6117·18 AmateurIYOU1h Regional Tyler. TX -RegIon 6'18 AmateurlYOU1h Regional lloreno Valley, CA -RegIon C1artton. NY 9116-17 Loudon, NH 1017-8 l.oub1 . NH . '10121·22 ' Deytone. FL -RegIon 5f2G.21 Chardler. AZ 6117·18 Chandler.AZ 9/2·3 Las Vegas. NV 9116-17 Chardler AZ , 1017-8 Chardler. AZ '10121·22 Daytona. FL 12/2 ·3 Chandler. AZ 'Race 01 Champions • WERA Sportsman Championship series Mid-Atla Region ntic 6110-11 Garrellsville.OH 718·9 Garrettsville. OH 7J20.24 ClennonL IN 815-6 Summil PoinL WV 8112·13 Rod~ " ' . ' N

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