Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.MOTOCROSS . World C hampionship500cc Mo~ocross Series a rock on th e left eye and m y vision w as blurred for the firs t 20 minutes," related Shayne, betwee n motos . An advancing Boo nen pushed Berk back out of third on the fin a l lap, but H u sky su p p o rt m a n Peter Johansson had dropped back ou t of the first six. 'The clutch went 15 minutes from the end. I had to ride the outside of all the turns for fear of stalling," said Joha nsso n. "I had been ca tchin g Boonen and had some good lines. 1could have been third." Mike Young had to come out of th e pa ck fo r ninth. " I crunched w ith two o ther guys on the first la p," said Young . Mo to two had Berk again launch off the line firs t, bu t Pa rker an d Smets needed less than a lap to begin pressuring the Honda rider. The two contending rid ers knew that no one else was going to interfere wit h their battle for top po ints. After 10 m inu tes, the Belgia n was in , fro n t b u t, discom for t or no t, Pa rker clu ng to him like a leech un til easing his pace in the fina l la ps . 'That was a six pointer, an d I d idn' t want to risk making a mistake. 1 could ha ve go ne a second a la p fas ter," Smets said la ter. " Bu t if 1 had lost it o n th e loose rocks str ewn everywhere 1 might not have fo u n d a ga p aga in , even if 1 caught up. I just concentrated on making no mistakes and keeping him (Parker) off my rear wheel." Darryll Kin g su r rendered third to Johansson midrace, but the Swede had p ut too much int o h is charge a n d slumped to an exha us ted fifth place at the finish , while Shayne King wa s once aga in loo king at finishing in the top six, until he took another rock in the face and crossed the line ninth after riding the last 10 minutes in a sern ida ze , Young ha d s ta rted better a n d was 11th after a la p, but the re we re no points for his eventual 16th. "Va n Leeuwen stalled and 1 could n't miss him. Tha t gu y wi th number nine (Dirkx) left his tir e marks ove r me," an irritated Young sai d . "He' d bett er wat ch out for a black and orange bike the next rac e. 1 took so long to ge t started aga in b e cau se the automatic compression release valve stuck." Th e 500cc se ries is developing into a ru g ged classic in th e bes t tr aditions of big-bike racing, and Martens has vo w ed to be back in tw o weeks. Th e Old Testament David slay ed one Golia th, but can Parker and his little KTM defy two? I. ' SwlssGP Wohlen, Switzerland Results: May7,1 995 (Round 3 of 12) MOTO 1: 1. T... mpas Parker (KTM); 2. Joel S...... (Hbg): 3. Jo ha n Boonen (Hus); 4. Joh n Van d en Berk (Hon); 5. DarryU King (Kaw); 6. Shayne King (KTM); 7. Peter Iohansscn (H us); 8. Gert Jan Van Doom (Hon); 9. Mi ke You ng ever): 10. Rudi Van Leeu wen (Hon); 11. Rupert Wa lkner (KTMl ; 12. Allilio Pignolli (Hon); 13. Pe te r Dirkx (Han); 14. Erwin Mach tlin ger (Han) ; 15. Anders Svensson IHon). M OTO 2: 1. Joe l Smets (Hbg): 2. Tram pa s Par ker (lCTM ); 3. Da rryU King (Ka w): 4. Joh n Va n d en Berk (Han); 5. Peter Johansson (Hus) ; 6. [chan Boonen (}ius); 7. Gert Jan Van Doorn (Han); 8. Erwin Ma ch tlinger (Han); 9 . Shayne King (KTM); 10. Rud i Van Leeu wen CHon); 11. Gerald DeJepine (Hon); 12 Millel Caprani (Kaw); 13. Attilio Pignotti (Han); 14. Thierry Klu tz (Hom; 15. Ava Leok (Han) . O /A : I. Joel Smets (Hbgl; 2. Tram pas Parker (KTMl; 3. DarryU King (](aw); 4. fohn Van den Berk (Han); 5. Johan Boonen (Ka w) ; 6. Pe ter Jo hansson (H u s ): 7. Shayne King (KIM); 8. Ge rt Jan Van Doorn (Han); 9. Rudi Van Leeuwen CHon); 10. Erwin Machtlinger (Han). W ORLD CH A M P IONS H IP 500 « M X SE R IES POI NT S STANDINGS: 1. Trampas Parker 0(0); 2. Joel Sm cts (88 /2 w in s ); 3. Da rry rt King (78) ; 4 . Pete r [oha nsson (68); 5. Jacky Mart ens (62/1); 6. [chan Boone n (49); 7. John Van den Berk (38); 8. Shayne King (38); 9. M ik e You ng (36 ); 10 . Rud i Yan Le euw en (35) ; 11. Mik kel Ca pra ni (28); 12. Peter Dir kx (25); 13. Att ilio Pignotti (23); 14. Gerald Delep ine (21); IS. Gert Jan Van Doorn (17); 16. Franco Ross i (3); 17. Erw in Mach clinger (0); 18 . Rupert Wal k ne r (9); 19 . (TIE) Dietmar Lacher / Ronn y Wcustenraed (81. Upcoming Rounds : Round 4 - Loket, Czech Republic, May21 Round 5 - Kuelebierg. Luxembourg, May 28 Round 3: Swiss GP W orldChampionship 250cc Motocross series R nd5 AustrianGP ou : Take two SCHWANENSfADT,AUSI'RlA, MAY 7 inald i Yamaha teamst er Andrea Bartolini took his second GP wi n in eigh t days as th e Wo rld 250cc MX series moved to Schwane ns ta dt in Austri a for the fifth of 15 rou nds. A first- mo to win an d runner-up placing in the second race to teammate Bob Moore also m ov ed the Italian - o n ly retai ned this yea r as thi rd string and not even w orkin g out of th e main team R (Right) Now fifth In points , two-time 500cc champ Ja cky Martens fell and broke his hand. He has vowed to return for the Czech round . (Below) Though he didn't get the overall win, American Trampas Parker extended his lead in the cha mpionship with 1-2 moto scores. (Yam); 3. Tallon vohland ()(aw ); 4. Kurt Nicoll (Hon); 5. loakim Karlsson (Hon); 6. Werner Dewit (Suz); 7. Stefan Everts (Kaw): 8. Peter Beirer (Hon); 9. Peter lven O'aw); 10. Marmcq Bervoets(Soz). WO RL D C H A MPIONSHIP 250 « MX SE R I ES POINTS ST A N DI N C S : I. Tallon Vohland (132); 2. Stefan Everts (113/1 win); 3. Bob Moo re (110); 4. Andrea Bartoli ni 006 /2); 5. Ku rt Nicoll (101 ); 6. Marnicq Bervoets (99/1 ); 7. Yves Demaria (98/1 ); 8. Werner Dewit (97); 9. Pedro Tragter (74); 10. Peter Beirer (66); II. joajcm Karlsson (58); 12. Peter lven (52): 13. Loon Giesbers (32) ; 14. Jaimy Scevenels (28) ; 15. Miska Aaltonen (27); 16. Remy Van Rees (24); 17. Frederic Solley (24); 18. Danny Tbeybers (23); 19. Bader Manneh (1 4); 20. Paul Cooper (10). Upcoming Rounds: Round 6 - Ruskeasanta, Finland. May 21 Round 7 - Motala, Sweden, May28 trans porter - into fo urth pl ace in the stand ings one- third of the way through the series . Reigning 125cc cha mpion Moore ha d been kept down in sixth place in the first moto by a fall as both ra ces d ev eloped int o a high-speed freight train wi th litt le pa ssing around the single-line gra ssland track. Ind eed Bartolini led the o pener all th e w ay an d chased Moore from ga te to checkered flag in moto two. The Suzuki te am had domi na ted qualification, but sim p ly coul d not ge t ou t of the g ate in racin g, while Tallon Voh land, still wi tho ut an overall GP win th is year, rod e intelligently to take 2-4 mot o finis hes and extend his lead in the sta nd ings to 19 over Kawasaki teammate Stefan Everts. Bader Manneh, who won a GP moto at the facility in 1992, was again pointless, w hile Jeff Dement, flown over by KTM fo r th ei r ho m e GP, co u ld o n ly manage a sing le 20th -place finish. After a su ccessful opera tio n on h is broken leg in Paris, Yves Demaria is expected t o re tu r n to act io n in Venezuela in Jul y . C 'N Austrian GP Sehwanenstadt, Aus tria Res ults: May 7,1 995 (Round 5 of 15) MOTO 1: 1. Andrea Bartolin i (Yam); 2. Ta llon Yohlan d (Kaw): 3. Joakim Karlsso n (Han); 4. .Kurt Nico ll (Ha n ); 5. Stefan Everts (Ka w) : 6. Bob Moo re (Yam); 7. Marni cq Berv oet s (Suz) ; 8. Peter lven (Ka w): 9. Peter Beiter (H o n) ; 10 . Wern e r Dewit ISuz): n . Jai my Scevene ls (Hon); 12. Pau l Cooper (Han) ; 13. Da n ny Theybers (Ho n); 14. Bernd Eckenbach (}(a w); 15. Leon Ciesbcrs (Suz). MOTO 2: 1. Bob Moore (Yam); 2. Andrea Barto lini (Yam); 3. Werner Dewit CSuz): 4. Tallon Vohla nd (Kaw); 5. Ku rt N icoll (H a n) ; 6. Peter Beire r (Ha n ); 7. Ste fan Eve rts (Ka w) : 8. Fre deric Bo ll e y (Yam); 9. Io a kim Karlsson (Hon); 10. Pedro Trag ter (Suz); 11. Peter Iven (Ka w); 12. Da nny They bers (Han); 13. Miska Aal tonen (li on); 14. Iosep Alonso (Hon); IS. raul Cooper (Hen). O /A : 1. And re a Bartolini (Ya m); 2. Bob M oore .. . ·Briefl. Mike. Young's Vertematl was at the .lower ' end of its displacement range for Wohlen. Alvaro Vertemati said: "I expect that we will ' stay at 51Occ'for future'GPs ; The more rewy motor suits Mike 'and it is better for starting: ' The bike also ha s a ne w alum inum ta nk pa inted black and trie cas! ngs are now all magnes iumalloy. . After fa lling 'to qualify in Aus iria, Edwin The Wohlen club will have to rewor k their Evertsen has repo rtedly quit the 500 GPs' st art before they run the sidehack GP grant- ': and will try his luck in the 125 GPs. · · · . . ed them for 1996. At plese nt there is onlya · maximum length to the fi rst tum of 120 yards, ': Ronny Weustenraed was abse nt after dislobut from next yea r there is also a minimum'of ,eating a thumb at: Plomion. He will return in 80. The inside line ai this yea r's GP was 57 . Czecho. .. . 'paces : The first tum ,is actually a disaster. . . waiting'to .ha ppen, particularly'for those on , One day before the 50th anniversa ryof Vida-'' 'the outside of the gate who were looking at a .ry Day , spec tat ors' were offere d a special 25-yard-longer drag 10 the apex of the tum. ' midday flying de'!'o 'by.ex-GP,rnotocrosser . "Before 1989 the sta rt went'straight on trom . ' Max Vogelsang In a 19~4 Mustang P:51D .the hedge over there for more tnan 200 yards ·flghter. . . .. .

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