Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Rid in g this section the fastest , Hawkins took the lead by a mere 11 seconds. This left him, Davis and Blackwell in a three-wa y tie for the lead. All three riders had six points. Pepper, Stavish and Lafferty carded seven-point totals, followed by Hatch with eight. At the IOo-mile mark, the Band C riders retired , but the toughest sections still lie ahead for the A and AA class riders . Kawasaki KLX650 rider Cody Maxwell took the top B honors with a score of 16. The final section was a real butt-kicker, and kept the rid ers on their toes . It consis ted of 21 miles with checks at the eight- and 14-mile ma rks, and a check out at the 21-mile mar k. Hatch tried to make up for his point at section one, and got on the gas and smoked the first eigh t miles. Hatc h was rewarded with the lo w card score of th r ee, w hile Haw kins, Davis and Pepper were a tad off Ha tch's pace with four . The others all carried fives or more. Hatch continued to stay on the gas until the next check, and wa s the only rider to score a five. "1 knew I wa s riding go od when I caught Ty in th is section," said Hatch. "Ty is a great rider. When 1 caught him he let me by. He showed great sportsmanship by not trying to hold me back." H awkins, Davis and Pep per all took six-poi n t scores a t the second ch eck, while Lafferty, Cunningham and Blackwell took sevens. Before the final emergency check at 21 m iles, Ha wkins, Davis and Hatch all boasted 16 points and sat in a three- wa y tie for the overall win . They were closely followed by Pepper wi th 17 and Blackwell wit h 18. For the third tim e in the final loop , Hatch blazed th rough th e section and turned in the fastest time of fiv e m inutes and nin e seconds. Th is brought his overall total to 21, and as it turn ed out, those last nine seconds were wh at cos t him the win . Without them, Ha tc h co u ld have scored th e ove rall win . Ha wkins' five m inute, 40 second time ga ve him a similar 21-point total, but the five-time National Champion won the tie breaker. " This run was what o ld enduro s used to be like," said Hawkins. "It was for all riders. The first and second loops were fun and easy, bu t the third loop kicked our butts. I crashed real hard in the last section. I had just passed Stavish and Randt, and I picked the wrong line through a mud hole. My front tire stuck and in th e a ir I wen t! Rand t told me later that I was at least four feet in the air. Unfortunately, crashing is a part of racing, but 1 guess we all ma ke m istakes . I jus t m ad e th e least am ount today." A six in the final section put Gas Gas 125-mounted Terry Cunningham in a tie with Davis for third overall, but Davis' seven in the final section lost out and set him back to fourth overall. The top A class rider, Doug Blackwell, rode th e final secti on with a flat tire and still turned in a low score of seve n, good enough for si xth ove rall behind Pepper. 0 26th Annual Little Raccoon Clas sic Wellston, Ohio . Results: May 8, 1995 O/A: 1. Rand y Ha w kins (Suz); 2..Sreve Ha tch (Suz); 3. Te rry C unningham te-e» 4. Ty Davis (Kaw); 5. Kelby Pepper (Kaw); 6. Doug Blackwell (Yam); 7. Michael Lafferty (KTM); 8. Matt Sto1\' ish (KTM); 9 . Ge ne Onail; 10. Ma rty Kchl meicr: 11. Ala n Randt (KTM); 12. Kevi n Ben nett (I-Ion); 13. JamL'S Gray (KTM); 14. Jeff Fredette (Kaw); 15. Shawn Summers . AMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURO SERIES POINT STANDINGS (After 6 of 9 rounds), J. Ty Davis (163); 2. Randy Ha w kins (132); 3. Steve Hatch (126); 4. Kelby Pepper (107); 5. Michael Lafferty (86); 6. Danny Ham e l (60); 7. Jam es Gray (SO 8. Matt Stavish ); (46); 9. Kevi n Bennett (37); 10. George Waller (34). Pro-Lite pistons feature : * New! forging design for ~aximum heat transfer. * New! piston skirt profiles for maximum piston stability, minimal cylinder wall friction providing peak horsepower and maximum torque . * Anti-detonation grooves and new ring land profiles eliminating ring blowby while maximizing your engines ' performance. Pro-Lite p istons are a vailable for: HONDA • KAWASAKI • KTM • SUZUKI. YAMAHA W...ii • .... • r ~~ ~ 7201 Industrial Park Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060-5396 ~~., In Canada : (519) 537-6281 ANA National SuperTeams Series Apnl 29 • Monterey, California 1st Cycle Motion Racing (Suzuki) (216) 951-6600

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