Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.CALENDAR UJend.r liitings.a~.I fretsen'a (or c~~ Ntws ft'i dm n fact prornoIIen- AU infOl'1Nltion is tnt I'I!SJ"Ribilityai tbr pnxnotrr CMmd.II' liItinp WlftUl: be ~ Oftr thr phonewr must tww II mmpIrtr ","l'itlm Uirndir ~ . on ffit. UwI~blmk in tbis S«'bDft. ~ mustbr ~ byWtdned.., bpublOtion ... thtfoUowin&wM·1o ts5ur. W, WlUnpysugget flJaB/~ton aa tht pmrnocrr/trJd 10CXJnfinn drWlsbtfcft Im~ to hr¥mt. 11I10-11 1.A-~ Vegas, 11/19 12110 RiYef>ide, CA Filmore, CA ·National Trai Ride Series...... JIll S II T W T f ~ 8 1 &249-21 4 1 S 1 AMA/Dis1rict 36 Central calif. Spring MX Series Marysville, CA M5 Tracy, CA 1nfo 2l&1l62-0754 5127 4 5 I Z I 7 I I 11 T1 lZ U 14 15 11 n II 11 ZI ZI ZZ n Z4 ZlZlD ZlZI JlI Appalachian Dual Spo Series rt 9123 GJouster, OIl 10121 '22~, WV Info 304/292·2122, 3041594-1157 • DENOTES PROPAYBACK Wild Wes1 National MX Series OHIO DIRT DRAGS - New LexClassic Ridel' Inc, Thunderrama '95, Perry s County Gun Club, Ne Lexington. w Inlo: 6141342-1 287,6141342-3040 or 7122·23 Rupert, 10 8112·13 Rock Springs, WY 8125-27 Boisa, 10 Info801/464-5445 1995 Veterans Classic May 28 at Delta Raceway - Delta, Ohio Madera, CA Madera, CA Madera,CA Madera.CA Info 2ll9I673-8OIlO V E T E RAN S 30+ PRO CLASS PAYS $ 500 Spo nsored by Dave Bowman Inc., TechCare, JT Racing , Spectro Oil, HJC Helmets, White Bros . All MRA CLASSES WILL BE RUN Ca ll 313-289-2100 for more informat i o n Second Annua l GARTRA EVENT CALENDAR Speedwoy RIcing E WtdnIsdIy "... very SII., IIoy 20 .... 1Inllhn Foow SlnlIat PrIdice III IIIIionII TIICi IjIQ tilllIIlllIl [Iwo .... 0lQ 'IInlage Illd PeeIhe T~ Open 115:00pm SIn, IIoy 21 W1liIe IInllhnWorld Foow SlnlIat ~ GIles Open 6:301m SIgn U p7:01l1n1 TIuL, IIoy 25 III PI1dIce III NIIianII, 'IInlage Illd PeeW. Ta I:llIlIm IilIlu1i. W SW No III PrIdice due 10 SInd DrIgI 1Ioy 27128 lion., IIoy 29 Dlck CepIll Tna DrIgI TIuL, JIIlt1 IIIPI1dIce III NIIIonaI, 'IInlage' PMW. Ta 1:OOom IiIllu1k SII., JIIlt 3 III PrIdice III NIl'I TIICi1:1IIIom 1112:011p111 SIn,JIIlt 4 V .... 1looIer Series Rcu1d 11 BATTABOOCHEE DUALSPORT ~ TWO DAY June 17-18, 1995 • 100 + MilesIDay • EasylExpcrt loops • Lunch served da ily • Camp ing permitted • Qui et. Street Legal Machin es On ly 'a .i SUNDAY, MAY 21 1IIe Wltife IJroflters 4aSIroIce WorW Cltamplonsllip MX Motocross • DualSport Ride $ 1000 Purse Vintage Show Walch Cycle News for Info/ ASPHALT RACN~ ON 1 PaE /4 MAY 26 Jbin date .b1e 2l 600 Pro, 600 &250 Pro-Am Classes Starring: Ja Springsteen, Steve Morehead & Win Davis y __ C RC California Race Schedule lOOUIO PAYlACX acMX · o....- Sortoo acMX · o....- Sortoo acGl' . 0....- Sortoo 'lM.stown G J: ac,...MX e- LA.C1 LA.Cl LA.C1 Saturd ay Pra ct ke • 9 a ,m,-2 p,m. l.A .C.R. Wednesday Pradlce • 4 p.m.-9 p m CRC Info (80 5) 272-8889 • DElAWARE SHORT TRACK Delaware Mo!OlSpOl1S Inc. Delaware Short Track CIlampionship Series, Sea!OI1l Speedway, SeaIOld. In to: 3021422~. GEORGIA lAOTOCROSS • l1lJnder Creek MX, High Falls. Into: 912.$46630. GFVTeam Green Youth World Championships • NORTH CAROlINAFlATTRACK· 711-2 Perris, CA Info 9091684-6996 GA tflQhl!IX TruckGlveawIy ' Penis, CA 7/15 Perris, CA 7122 Penis, CA 7/29 Penis, CA 815 Perris CA , 8112 Penis, CA 811 9 Penis, CA Mti Perris, CA Inlo 909I691Hi996 7/8 5127 6110 6117 &24 711 7/8 7/15 7122 7/29 815 8/1 2 8/1 9 May 2G-21 OHIODUALSPORT - AMAIHodcing Valey Dual Spcxt Trial Ride, Logan. Inlo: 61418634127. we. Denver, CO 11117·18tas Vegas, NY Info 7141754-7305 Northwest 883 Twins Series Kent. WA Portland, OR Hoquiam, WA Portland. OR Kent. WA Inlo~ WG ..., T W T f S 1 Z I I I I 11 T1 1Z 11 4 5 14 15 11 11 11 11 ZI n Z4 ZIZI :II 11 TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS AMAICllristiana Raceway, Lor tla e Lymqualifier, Christiana. Inf : o 61 !'>'ll9lN245. • TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS AMJ.N DDry Sports, Mega Series/Suzuki Eastern Continental ~. MualyCreek Raceway, Bloootvile.1nfo: 61Y.l23-54 . 97 TE NNESSEEDRAG RACE · AMRA, 3rdAMuaI Memp/lis ADHartey Drag Na tionals, Memp/lis International Dragway, Memp/lis.l nlo: 708J25O. 0838.' Sat, May 20 .. ZI ZZ • CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSS · N. camVet & OT Championships, . OatteldMX. Tur1ock. lnto: 2091541· i 0860,667·7109. NEVADAMOTOCROSS · CMCIOver the Hill Gang, o.-er Ille HillGang National, Silverstate MX Pari<. CaJSon City. Info: 702I2S7-4392. 611 0 Vegas, NY 9129-30 Anaheim, CA lM 3-1. SaillJlkeCity, UT l 1fJ.4 San Diego, CA 7 • CAUFORNIA ROAD RACE • Willow Springs Motorcycle Club, Willow Springs Int'l Raceway, Rosamond. Inlo: 8051256-1234. IW NOISTRIALS - Splinter Creek Dirt Riders, Splinter Creek.. Inlo: 61&'3624355. Us. Womens Team !IX Series S OHIO SPEEDWAY · PJJ.A. lJIwrenceburg Io1oto'75Hi616. • PENNSYLVANIA SHORT TRACK AMAJNminHostetlef!Trai-Way Speedway, Hanove<.Info 7171359: 4310. • PENNSYLVANIA SUP ERCROSS EvansviDe Raceways Inc.. Be rwick. Inlo: 717/759-2841. • SOUTH CAROlINA MOTOCROSS • Kilgore Moto-spollS, 1-95 Motoaoss, Har1leeviDe. Inf : 8031784-2401. o • SOUTH CAROlINA HALF MILE MARSlCarolina tHl Dealers Assn., Myrtle BeacIl Speedway. Myrtle BeacIl. lnfo: 8031626-7959. TENNESSEE lAOTOCROSS • NMA. Ponca City Grand National Regional qualdier, Blountville. Info: 7041483077 2. • VIRGINIA SUPERCROSS • AMAIBirth Cleek Motosports Inc., Danville.lnlo: 8041836-3633. Sun, May 21 • CALIFORNIA lAOTllCROSS · CMMC, Barons Oal

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