Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NESCC'ship MotocrossSeries 5/21 Soulhwick, MA 5128 le wiston, ME 5/29 Lewiston,ME 614 MKldleboro, MA 6111 Centra Villa l ge,CT 6118 Sou ltlwick, MA 7/1 lewiston ME , 712 lewiston,ME 7/9 Soultlwick.M A 7/16 Middleboro, MA 7130 Soulh wick, MA 816 Midd leboro, MA 8112 lewiston, ME 8113 Lewis ME ton, 8120 Central Village. CT 8127 So ulhwick, MA 9/3 Lewiston,ME 914 . le wiston, ME Soulhwick, M A 9/1 0 Middlebor , MA o 9/17 9123 Lewiston ME , 9124 Lewiston, ME 1011 So wick MA ulh , Midd leboro. MA 1018 10/15 Central Vilage, CT l 10122 Soulhwick, MA 10129 Middleboro, MA 11/5 Mi d d leboro, MA Info 4131772-ll685 New England Trials AssociationSeries 8125 Meriden, CT 7/1 6 Wr nltlam, MA e 7123 W, Greenwich, RI 815 Cissippee, NH 816 Ossi pee, NH p 8113 Wr nltlam MA e , 1011 Ch epachet, RI 10115 W, Greenwich, RI In fo2031889-5327 Florida Trials Assoc. Championship Series 5/21' Crooms, FL Rorida Trail Riders C'ship Enduro Series 5/21 Richloam FL , 614 Daytona, FL Inlo 40 71264-0559 YamahalMcDonald's/Fox Pee Wee C'ship Series 8124 7122 8119 912 10/6 10120 Ortanoo, FL Orlanoo, FL Onando. FL Onanda FL . Onando, FL Qnando. FL Tucker Rocker Rorida MinioCycle C'shlp Series 613 Qnando . FL 7/8 811 2 919 Qnando, FL Ortanoo, FL Onando. FL Onanda FL . Onanda. FL 9129 10127 TuckerRocker Central Rorida MC Dealers Series 613 6124 7/8 7122 8119 912 9129 10127 Qnanda. FL Orlanoo, FL Onanda FL , Onanda, FL Qnando, FL Onando, FL Ona , FL nda On anda FL , .South Rorida Spring Motocross C'shipSeries 5/2 8 614 6111 6125 712 On anda FL , Homestead, FL Onan , FL do Ona, FL Ona , FL ndo GNC Texas Series 5/1 4 Dicki son, TX n 5/21 Eu less, TX 5/2 8 Lampasas, TX 614 Whitney. TX Info 817/694-2901 AHRMA TexaslSouthwestern MX Spring Series_ 614 LakeWhitney, TX Info713149 7·3366, AMA Fall Classic Motocross Series 9117 9124 10/1 10/ 8 10/ 5 1 10122 Buchanan, MI Dan ville, VA Englishtown, NJ Casey,IL London. KY Blountville, TN AMA Mega Series 5120-21 Blountville, TN 614 London, KY 6118 Blountville, TN 8125 Kingsport,'TN 718-9 Blountville,TN 7/16 Wythevill , VA e 9/10 Blou e, TN ntvill 10/1 4·15 Lo ndon, KY 10121·22Blountville, TN Info 6151323-5497 AMAIU.s, Eastem Pro-Am SpringMXSeries 5/21 Danville. VA 614 Axton, VA Inf 8041636-3633 o AMA No callfomiaCross , CountrySeries 5126 Klarnaltl, CA 9/17 Fe mley, NV 10/1 Sparks, NV Sacramento, CA 11/5 11/19 Willseyville,CA 11125 Fa NV llon. Inlo 4081294-3438 Southeastem Trials Rider Assoc Series . 613-4 Alpharetta, GA 6110-11 Carrolton, KY 8112-13 Newnan, GA 919-10 Berea, KY 9130-10/1 Allanla, GA 10121 ·22Jasper, TN , Info 4041463-4390 MRAN Off-Road C'ship Series 5121 Pioche, NV 7/2 Caliente, NV 7130 Ely,NV 9i3 Pioche, NV 1018 Bo ulderCity, NV 10129 Beatty, NV Inf 7021437-6726 o Soundof Thunder Four StrokeSeries San Be rnardino CA , AMA No camomia Enduro , C'ship Series 5121 6123 719-9 10115 Redding, CA , 10122 Stonyford CA 10129 Grizzly Fla CA ts, 11/4 Upper Lake, CA 11/12 Stonyford, CA 11/19 Ba llinger Cenyon, CA Into 91816247407 614 Portan OR l d, 7/4 Portland,OR 9124 Portland, OR 10/15 Portl nd OR a , Info 503i221-1487 AMA No. callfomla Family Enduro Series 5120 Foresmill, CA 5121 Foresltlill, CA 614 Lony Ba CA m, 6111 HollisterHills, CA 11/11 Foresth CA ill, 11119 Stonyford, CA Inlo 415/7 955 26-5 Texas Cross CountryRacing Assoc. C'shipSeries 5121 Whitney, TX 614 Mue nster, TX 7/18 Whitney, TX 7123 ' Rusk. TX 8127 Muenster, TX 9/10 Wealtlerlord, TX 9124 Monta9ue TX , 1016 Era, TX 10122 Killeen. TX 11/5 Hami ton, TX t Info2141394-9168 lVRCSpring Series 5121 614 6118 Kempner, TX Cly TX de, Bu neson, TX Missouri Hare Scrambles C'ship Series 611 I Russellville, MI 8125 Collins. MI 7123 Tebbetts, MI Sedalia, MI 6/6 6/13 Potosi, MI 8127 Cenlon, MI 9117 Smiltlville, MI 9124 Columbia,MI 9130-10/1Pa Hils, MI ri< l 10129 Festu MI s, Info 31 41392-2 475 Kansas Hare SCrambles Championship Series . 614 Weslrnoreland KS , 611 1 Wa mego, KS 712 Ca _ le, KS 7/16 Randolph, KS 8120 LakePerry KS , 9110 Lake Millord KS , 1018 Carllondale, KS 10122 Weslrno reland, KS 11/12 Ca rllondale, KS 11126 Ca _ le,KS Info9131636-9171 AMAJ District10C'shipHare SCramble Series 5121 Owenton KY . 7/2 Bedford, KY 7/16 Caneyville, KY 8127 Owneton, KY 9/17 Bedford, KY Info 6D6I4n-3442 Outlaw Spring Classic Motocross Series 5121 Ashland, NE 614 Agency. MO 6111 Ashland, NE 6118 Weslrnoreland, KS 6125 Ashland, NE Info 9131456-2516 OCCRA Cross Country Series 5121 Elk City, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9/10 9124 LakeDraper, OK 1018 EricI<, OK l ter, 10122 Stilwa OK llet, 11/12 Ha OK Inlo 4051376-8849 Mammoth Lakes,CA Cansbad, CA OMRRA Road Race Series 25th Anniversary "Old Time Newsies" For Charity Saturday, June 10, 1995 Montgomery Co. Fairgrounds Dayto n, Ohio PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MOTORCYCLE RACES ***Largest$27,000For 8nY-Cash Purse ! *** Over Total The Pay-Off Non-National Race Will Attract The Nation's Top Riders! * **Expert Final Contingency Fund *** Over $10,000 750 1st Place $5,000 RAM C'shipRoad Race Series 6118 Coos Be OR y, 712 Coos Bey, OR 6/13 Coos Be y,OR 9i3 Coos Ba OR y, Coos Bey, OR 1018 Inlo5031269-2474 600 Expert Final Pro-Am 600 Final Pro-Am 250 Final 2nd Place 3rd Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place $2,000 $1,000 $1,500 $600 $400 WSMCRoad Race Series 5120·21 Rosamo , CA nd 6117·18 RosamO , CA nd 7/15-16 Rosamo , CA nd 8119-20 Rosamo , CA nd 9116-17 Rosamo , CA nd 10114-15 Rosamond CA , 11118-19Rosamo , CA nd 12116-17 Rosamond, CA Info 8051256·1234 • International Old Timers Motocross Series 5/27-28 W ashouga WA l, 613-4 TBA, Alberta, Can, 7/1-2 A9azziz, B,C Ca " n. • 7/15-16TBA 7129-30 TBA 912-3 Fe ml~ , NV • Tentative Over the Hill Gang National Series 5127-28 Femley, NV 6117-18 Mammoth Mo untain, CA 9/16-17 TBA 10/14-15Adelanto, CA l1ITB TBA A Info 4061629-5278or310/864-6875 KK Motorcycle Supply 431 East Third 81. Dayton, Ohio 45402 800-543-9638 513-222-1303 3RO .·.Annual.: • MotorcyCle Asphalt Racing Series 5120 Myrtl Beach, SC e 618 Columbus, OH 6121 Richmond, VA 6/18 Asheboro, NC • Ashe~ lIe , NC 9129 1018 Wi casset, MA s inesvill , GA e 10/14 Ga 10128 Chaneston, SC Info80 31626-7959 AMA Dual Sport Trail Ride Series - 5120-21 613-4 6110-11 6110-11 7/8-9 Logan, OH Leasterville, MO La keIsabella, CA Davis WV , Brighlwood, OR Adams MA , Kinross, MI TBA,WA Columbus, IN GoldenPond, KY Steam boat Sp rings CO , M So VA I. lon, An s Camp CA gel , 7122-23 7-30/9-4 8126-27 8126-27 9/9·10 9/13-16 1017-8 1017·8 10114-15 McArthur, OH 10121-22 Elizabeth, WV 10121 -22Grand Canyon, t

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