Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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G FI Proudly presents the spo nsored Suz u ki to the 125cc class win, beating out the Kawasa ki of Brett Thompson. Michael McNamara a nd Mark Kilgore battled over the thir d overall pos ition, with Kilgore coming out . on top . . -' In 80cc actio n, moto master Ricky Carmichael styled his way to the 80cc class win. Whe ther at the Wo rld Mini Gra nd Prix or at a local race, Ca rmichael gives it his all and is rewarded with the adoratio n of the fans . August Lausberg managed to keep Ca rmichael's d ust trail in sigh t with Dean Joiner locking down third place . The 25ee class racin g saw Mike Williams squeak out a dou ble-moto win after 01 race-long dice w ith Kawasaki-mounted Pau l Zelinsky in bot h mo tos. Zelinsky led the way in the opening moto but began to fade after five la ps o f the seven-lap race due to a still-heali ng injury. Mo to two saw Zelinsky sticking a wheel in on Williams in every comer, but not findi ng a way pas t him . Eric Pries t motored his KTM into thi rd pla ce over a charging David Stanfo rd. Results 80: 1. Ricky Ca rm id \dcl (Kdw) ; 2. AugW>1 L.tunrg (Kaw); 3. 01,,," JOin..·f(Kaw). Saturday: June 3rd Saturday: June 17th DAY MONDAY, MAY 29TH Get your bike and your body ready for Mammoth Mountain Motocross. • Perris Raceway • -r:,Lo No membership required .:.~.~ TEAM RACE • BAR-B-Q EVENT TROPHIES Custom Event T-shirt toalltrophywinners 125: 1. Terry [oe ll (Suz) ; 2. Bfl't t Tho mpsen (Kaw) ; 3. Ma rk Kilgon·(Hon); 4. Mich.ld McN.Hnilra (Hon ). 250: I. Mikll' William s (Ho n); 2. Pa ul Zelinsky (Kaw) 3. Eric rrit..~t (KTM); 4. Davld St,.n furo lHon). n g Moto s! L ong Trac k ! - No Membership Required . Gates open 7:00 am Practice at 8:00 am (sportsman classes only) - 10 riders make a class- GFI (909)684-6996 DeHoop Cruises to Win at Birch Creek MX GFlRACING YAMAHA & KAWASAKI By Jay and Sharon Hauser DANVILlE, VA.AP R.23 Mothe r Nature was not very kind to the riders that came to round three of the US. East ern Pro-Am Motocross Spring Series a t Birch Cree k motorsports park. Cool winds doubled up wi th a cold, steady rain mad e for a very unsp ring like day, which eve ntua lly left the track in a m uddy mess: Although it was co ld, there was one rider th at wa s de fin itely HOT . Hon da of Troy team ride r Tod d DeHoop sto pped in on his way home fro m a successfu l trip to the 250cc mai n eve n t the p rec e d in g n igh t at the. AMA Charl otte Supercross. DeHoop used the day to hone in on the track that will hos t roun d two of the '95 edi tion of the AMA Fall Cl assic. Although track conditions were les s tha n fav orabl e. DeH oop rod e "justto be racin g and ha ve some fun." DeHoop post ed a four-mote sweep ab oard his H OT / AXO /Pro Circuit-ba cked CR25 0 to take the wins in the 2SOcc A and 25-Plus A classes with relativ e ease. With DeHoop checked ou t in th e 250cc A mo to s, the battle fo r seco nd through fifth wa s anything but boring as Rob McWho rter mo tored his smoo th CRSOO just out of reach of DeHoop. A third Ho nda wr apped u p the top th ree with Brandon Tur lington hounding McWhorter in bo th motos for a 3-3 score. William Finch proved to be a st ron g mud rid er as he scored fourth in bo th mo tos while Scott Shi pley weathered the cond itions to bring his Suzuki home in fifth on the da y, preventing 0 a Honda sweep of the class. Resu lts 50 (4-0) : 1. Dus.tin Smith (Y~m); 2. M.Jni'ww Pirrson (Yam ); 3. Austin Cccper (Yam); -t. 8m O\.1pnwn (YoI m); 5. Brad HUf (Yam). 50 (7-8); 1. Tylrr Sh urm.lte (Cob); 2. Billy Jones (Yam) ; 3. Rand}' Jones (Yam ); 4. Buddy &lgi (ICTM); S. He.ther BLigi (YAm) . 60: 1. Ch.lse Shut"lNtr (K.w); 2. IW Wood (K.lw); 3. Josh (A'll:k"T welcomes back the " GFI AT NIGHT TRUCK GIVEAWAY SERIES" --- .... -_ "'1-a_n_ July 2nd Sunday Supercross ...._0.0a,_ ~ .. _0.0 _ ... ...... .............-., -..,-~. ... um. ... 11 .- " - ., , . -..... ...N_ . --_ --- _.. ....... _ -~ "'J _ U - July 1.t Saturday Motocross Perris Raceway _ .... -n-cs-DOl ....... ror ~ ptizD Reee on the World F. mous GFI In vttatlOIWSupcrcrou Tnck ~iolIltlipTIlIawi be dc!odI). ,.O"I'...".....""".....r. _ _IItn.... .......... ,...u VI ,..."'_ ~· AlI a... - - - . . .. )OM, ~ TDuI~~.IIIa- ~(909)684-6996 flU .....); ... Srevm Daiky (K.iw); 5. Ol-.In o.y (K&w). 80 (7·11 ): I. JU!Iotin Gibbi (K-w); 2. Scot: h (Kaw ); 3. Isha Wood (Sul); -I. Andrew Williams ~w); S. (N.§t." Shumate ( K.l w) . 80 (12-15): I. Jo>h Wood (K. w); 2. 8mn Oirwdimsl; 3. 8HTy Carpt"flter. 4. 8ry ..n We.. thmy (K.1w ); 5. CokoTtTI')'. ' S/ MINI: I. fol;.h Wood (lC.Iw); 2. 8ry.Jn We. the rly (IC.I",,); 3. lu ~t in Cibbs (K.1w ); 01. e.n 1bom~ (lC.Iw); 5. J.aJT\C."5 Bevn-Iy ( ). 125 A: 1. Robe rt McWhortt-r (Hon); 2. 8randon Turlington ( Ho n) ; 3. Mark Willim.ll (Ho n ); 4. Mike E.u.twood ( ; 5. 125 8 : 1. Doug Neighbon (Hon ); 2. Stoner R05S (Ka w); 3. Sh. '\Ien Llgler (; 4. Willi.lm Coni'!' (k.l w); 5. Sidney WiU i.a;rns " Donate to I' . 1. Daniel Dailey (Hon) ; 2. Kurt ln5coe (Yam) ; 3. Kevin 125 Wt."I."Q (k.lw);.c . RU5IiP'icktt (; 5. Mictwel Ne..1( 125 0: 1. Kevin Fn.onch (Han); 2. Cnog o.-xler (Hon); 3. Bownwn Wil1rls (Hon); of Robt'rt Tillman (Yam ); 5, Bill Art1'I5IroI'Ig ( . 2SOA: 1. Todd [N Hoop (Hon ); 2. Robm McWhorrer (Hon) ; 3. Brandon Turlingturl (Hon); 4. William Finch (Hon ); 5. Scott Shiplev (Suz ). . 250 B: I. Kl-vin Rothrock (Hon); 2. Dus tin Floyd (Suz); 3. Keith N l.owton (Suz) ; 4. $1\"\'l.'I\ Llgk-r (K.iw); 5. Jhore (k.l w) . 250 C: 1. Sta n Puett (Hon); 2. Kevin Wt'('b (Kaw); 3. Mike Snow (Hon); ·t Kyle Richolnhon (Koiwl; 5. Robt-rt Md1lnit'1 (Suz) . 250 0: 1. P" ul Baker (Suz) ; 2. Mibo Meader (K.lw); 3. M.ll'''J all h Finch (Ho n); 4. Hilton Ho ldre n (Kaw ); 5. Bill Kidd (Ka w) . y 25... A: 1. Tod d IA'Hoop (Hon); 2. Robert Ce rkl.'f\ (Ho n); 3. W illiam Finch (I-Ion) ; 4, Scon Shi pley (Suz) ; 5. Bren na n Dunca n 2201 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, CA90806 Chns.opher Morg.1n ()(.aw) . t c: THECLAYTON ~ FOUNDATION (Kaw). 25+ B: 1. Robe rt Tol bon (Yam); 2. Kevin Austi n (Suz) ; 3. Jeff l Hoob (Hon); 4. Jo hn Ransey (Yam); 5. Thoma , 'ennings (Su.z) . 10+ A: 1. Robl-11 Gt.rken (Ho n); 2. Scott Shipk-y (Suz ); 3. Don· nil.' Fosl l.'l'(Hon); 4. Jay HolIWIol'T (Suz); 5, BI?n Ran Dunca n (Kaw). 30+ B: 1. Sid ney W illi.ams (Ka w); 2. Kevi n Austin (Suz) ; 3. PoIU! Mu ndi (Yam); 4. Tim Wilkenon ( ; 5. Jeff Hoo ks (Suz ). 35 +: I. Pau l Mundi (Yam) ; 2. David Bell (Hon); 3. Ronn ie Murgan (Yam); 4. Roge r Arnold (Kaw); 5, John Je'Uroe (Hon). 010+: I. Paul [)zj wallOW$ki(AD 8); 2. Mike Bodenhamt't (Hon ); - 3. ' .tmes Eckman IICTM) ; 4. Joh n &I ~; 5. Dona ld Fll.4ds (Suz). O PEN B: 1. Kfo\; n Rothroc k (Hon); 2. Stan (Hon); 3. Tom tuar (Hon); 4, Roger AmoJd (lC.Iw) . 310/427-7433 'We want to be your fawrite charity' ~ l!') 0\ 0\ ......, ~ C'l >. r:l ~ 37

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