Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A U.S. Sena te subcommittee has un anim ou s ly appro ved a n a me n d men t to restore fund ing to the National Recreational Trails Tru st Fund, accord ing to th e AMA . Th e vo te came during th e m arku p of the National H ighway System bill before th e Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee . Th e a mendment wa s offered by Sen. Dirk Kempthorne (R-Idaho ) and would ensu re funding for th e trails program through fiscal year 1997. "This is a signifi cant investmen t that will go a long way toward building and maintaining new and existing h iking trails , snowmobile trails, equestrian and other numerous off-road recrea tional opportunities," Kem pthorne said. The next stop for the National Highway System bill will be the full Senate Environment and Public Works Committee . It wo u ld then have to pass th e fu ll Senat e an d the House be fore it could becom e law . The " Ha rl ey Legen d s Exh ibit " sche duled to b e he ld in m id-M a y at th e Peters en Automo tive Mu seum in Los Angeles, Californi a, has been po stpone d to the second week of Novembe r. A dirt track race will be held at the Sheboygan County Fa irgrounds in Plymouth, Wisconsin, the same wee kend at the AMA Na tiona l Championsh ip Road Race Series in nearby Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, on June 9-11. The J&P Promoted dirt track will be held on Friday nigh t, June 9 with four pro classes featu red . For more information call 414/353-5920 . Ka ren Ho mbecke r, 48, died of a strep b a ct e r ia l in fect io n in Flagl e r Be a ch, Florid a, on April 21. Hornbecker wa s th e medical d irector for GP / PRO and the Loudon Road Race Series an d a form er road racer a n d co rner m arshall . Ho rn becker wa s kno wn for her vo lun teer wor k' with safety and medical race eme rgency pe rsonnel and was a famili ar face at both N a tiona l and lo cal roa d races throughout the United States. She . is survived by her p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. M erton 'H ornb ecker, h e r co mpanion, Lou Patzlaff, and two sons, Ku rtis an d Kraig Patzlaff. In lieu of flow ers, donati on s can b e sen t to th e Wo odbury Ambulance Asso ciation, Box 581, Woodbury, cr 06798. T h e AMA and AMA Pro Ra cing 'are accepting applications for tw o professional staff positions in the communications field. The AMA' s Communications Depart ment is see king to fi tla newly created copywriting an d editing p osition, and AMA Pro Racing is review ing candidates for Com mu nications Manager. Resu mes and w ork samp les sho uld be forwa rde d to AMA Personnel Manager Brenda Erichsen at 33 Collegevi ew Rd ., Westerv ille, OH 43081-1463. Camel, Skoal to sponsor Nat'l MX Series The AMA's indi vidual m emb ers h ip increased by over two percent in March, pushi ng membership over the 210,000 mark for th e first tim e in th e association 's 71-year history, the AMA says in a press release issued in, Ap ril. The current membership stand s at 210,251. he American Motorcycli st Associa tion has an nounced that a $50,000 sponsorship for th e AM A 125 / 250cc Nati ona l Championsh ip Seri es ha s been se cu red for th e r ema ining 11 ro u n ds o f the 12-rac e series. Underwritten by Camel Racing an d Skoal Ra cing, th e Pri vate er Series Chall enge in "elu d es spo nsorshi ps for the 11 ou tdoor Na tionLance Smail (left) and Buddy Antunez (right) were awarded al s, a .$5000 rider spon- the first two $500 top privateer awards at Hangtown. •sorshi p to the AMA for their Rider Safety Program , and $11,000 to the top-finishin g non-factory pro privateers at the ind ividual roun ds. The top -finishing non-factory pro privateer in each class at every rem ainin g round will be aw arded a $500 check. In ad dition, a $5000 Series check will be p resented to the top non-fac tory privateer in each class at the series' end . The two $5000 checks will be presented at the year -end AMA Awards Ban quet. Eligible riders must be 18 yea rs or older. In the eve nt that the winning rider is under 18, a $500 donation will be mad e on his beha lf to the cha ritable organization of his choice. O f co urse, fa cto ry tea m r ide rs , incl u d ing th ose on th e fac to ry-backe d Noleen/ Sizzler/Spli tFire /Pro Circuit/Kawasaki and Honda of Troy teams, are not eligible. . In ad dition to the series awa rds , Camel Racing and Skoal Racing will p resen t a series of special prom otions at selected events. At each National eve nt, the enti re program will be conducted by Gerace Communications of New York. "The Cam el Racing / Skoal Racing Challenge recognizes the import ance of the outdoor N ation al Promoter s, wh o h ave worked unselfishly for the betterme nt of th e sport," said Gerace Com munications' Frank Gerace. "The idea s for these awards were formulated by promoters like Ward Robinson an d Dave Coombs, whose inpu t and years of experience were ins tru mental in creati ng the series. "The series also gives an in centive to those privateers who sacrifice much jus t to compete at each race. Many times , they see their efforts go unrewarded . It's a way to show them how mu ch they mean to racing." At the May 7 Ha ng town Nat ional, Buddy Antunez and Lance Smail took home the first two $500 checks for their performances in the 125 and 250cc classes, respectively. T A ccor d ing to th e Peoria Mo torcycle Club, Scott Pa rker will compete in the 600cc Na tiona l TT in Peoria on Ju ne 11 in addition to the Grand National TT at ' the Illinois facility on August 6. The Trask Moun tai n Mot or cycle Clu b says that en tries for the 25th and fina l Trask M o u n tain Two D ay are n ot close d . Accord ing to Trask M / C secretary Dennis Bershaw, it is unlikely that entries will be limited, bu t they must be receive d p rior to Ju ne 23 for the June 24-25 event. Onl y Letter of Intent rid ers w ill be abl e to en ter at th e even t. Fo r more info rmation call Carl Mendenhall at 503/472-6567. Remi nder dept: The Hon da Su p er Cycle Weekend , round fo u r o f the AM A Su pe rbi ke N ati on a l Ch am p ions h ip Se r ies, at the Mid -O hio Sp o rts Ca r Cou rse in Lexington, Ohio, is being held one month earlier than normal - on Ju ne 1-4. Hinds Motorsports w ill h ost its thi rd annual Tr ack School and Practice Session at the Mid-Ohio Spo rts Car Course on Monday, Jun e 5 and Tuesday, Jun e 6, followi ng the AMA Superbike National Champions hip event at the Lexing ton, Ohio, race track. Guest ins tructors will include Dave Sad owski and Tom Kipp . For m o re in form a ti on ca ll H ind s a t 614/ 267-0318, or write to them at 2600 N. High si, Columbus, OH 43202. p resident of PACE Mot orsp or ts. "These contingency payme nts to riders are an importa n t so urce of reven ue w hich h el p s get p ar ticip ants from e vent to event. More importantly, because most factory rid ers are not eligib le for these awards, the paymen ts are ge tting into the hands of those rid ers who need the most s u p p ort, sp ecifica lly th e priv ateers. With th ree races remaining on ou r sched ule we are confid ent that 1995 will be a record year ." The next round of the series is sche d u le d for Cle v e land Municipal Stad ium in Cleveland, Oh io, on May 20. The May 13 roun d of the CMC Sunstar Sprockets Spring Classic Nat ionals at Riverfront Park in Mar ysville, CA, has been rescheduled for May 20. For more inform ation call 916/ 695-2727. Accord ing to the promo ters of the U.S. Supercross Seri es, pa yments to rid er s in co n tingency sp o nso rs hi p over th e first 12 rac es ha s totalled mor e th an a quarter of a milli on dollars . "We ar e fortuna te to have the genero us sup port of the 25 companies that par ticipate in th e p ro gram," sai d Je rry West, v ice BORN: Kelsey Da ne e Lewis , to Tea m Noleen ride r Kyle Lewis and girlfriend Kathy Wri gh t, on Ma y 2 in Antelo pe Valley, Californ ia. BORN: Robert Christopher H un ni cutt, to District 37 O pe n Exp ert Ch ampion Ted H unnicutt and his w ife Na ncy, on May 4 in Thou sand Oaks, Californi a. ACQUIRED: The Ducati and BMW lines from Pro Team Cycle of San Bernardino, California, by Malc olm Smith Motorspo rts of Riversi de, Californi a. For more ~ inform ation call 909/687-1300. r-------------------------------- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - ----------- -- - , ([!ill ~ .SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _ , Address City Order Date State _ _ Zip _ _ o This is a 0 Ne w Su bs cription o Renewal o Please bill me O . 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