Cycle News

Cycle News 2020 Issue 32 August 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SLR Honda Wins Glen Helen 10-Hour S lam Life Racing (SLR) Honda team owner Mark Samuels may have missed the race, but the team made its presence em- phatically known as it dominated the 3 Bros. 10-hour Endurance Race, round two of the three- race 3 Bros. Endurance Race Series at Glen Helen Raceway Park, August 8-9. But SLR Honda rider Trevor Stewart joked, "Honestly, it's kind of a mean way to not get an invite to his wedding—he makes you go race for 10 hours—so thanks, boss!" Hurt feelings aside, Stewart and teammates Cole Martinez and Justin Morgan put the hurt to the 73 other teams (reportedly a record turnout) at the race which started at 4:00 P.M. Saturday afternoon and finished at 2:00 A.M. Sunday morning. Shorter laps than some editions of the in- creasingly popular series at about 8.5 miles, the course still offered its usual mix of terrain, including some vicious silt beds as well as plenty of high-speed two-track, rocks, hills and some new single- track. Much of the fire road on the western ridges was bypassed as officials thought it would be too dangerous in light of dust and rain ruts. The SLR Honda trio completed 42 laps—the only team to do so— with the Champion Adventures Honda squad of Derek Ausser- bauer, Nic Garvin and Colton Udall claiming second with 41 laps, 16 minutes and 27.88 seconds behind. 3 Bros. KTM's Thomas Dunn, Shane Logan and Nick Stover ended up third, also at 41 laps. Stewart started out, quickly grabbing the lead on their Mon- ster Energy/Skechers/Lava Propane-backed CRF450X, though he committed the team's only real mistake when he got mixed up and took a wrong turn into the pits at the beginning of lap two. That let Josh Mosiman sneak past, and he led briefly on IN THE WIND P50 Trevor Stewart got the SLR Honda team out front early with teammates Cole Martinez and Justin Morgan doing their part to keep them pulling away from the field to win the biggest 10-hour yet.

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