Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 02 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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tH,E1995 YEARBOOK CALL TOLL FREE 800-831-2220 - ~i'" or a sixth straight year, Motorcycle Road -:» Racer lllustrated returns with its 1~95 . ',.' ~~~:~ Yearbook - a complete review of the 1994 '. - ~~ motorcycle road racing season. Everyt~ing from .t h,e ; U.S. National Championships to the exciting wo rld of Gr and Prix road racin g, from the colorful - ".. ""'Y'jpiIo"". ... ~" persona lities to hard-l ine techni cal informat ion or\ "%6 the state-of-the-art motorcycles . It's all packed into " ~ a full-color, pe rfect-bound yea rbook. -",:- ' . $f -; ~ Th e yearbpok provides action photograp~Y,, ~)jF from the wo rld's top' professiona l motorcycle .. , ' ; racing photographers, facts and figures, and . "', enjoyable reading from those in the knowto bring aso n: , back jhe,highl ights of the 199 Mo torcycle Road Racer illustrated 's 1?95 -c.: »: Yearbook is sure to give. road race fans months of '~ enjoy ment while also serving as a reference boo _: to their favorite spo rt. Now available, yo u can be one of the first to • receive Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated's 1995 . _ . Yearbook by or dering now. F I .. 'I' I----------------------- ---- ~-------~~------- ~ , · 1995 MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED YEARBOOK ORDER COUPON : ' RESERVE Fill in completely and clearly Domestic orders: __copies at $3.95 ea . totaling _ _ Method of payment YOUR Foreign orders:_ _copies at $5.95 ea. totaling _ _ _ ' o Name Charge my 0 COpy Address TODAY! L _ _ Check or Money Order enclosed (Sorry, no bill me's~ Credit Card # VISA ' , o ...,..-_-..,.. --'-;::- I· I I I I I ,I r I Expi ration Date .sz: I City ---'State __Zip _ I Phone # Order date Signature _ I I Send to: CN Publishing, Motorcycle Road Racer Yearbook, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 I Phone Orders: 800/831-2220 • 24-Hour FAX 310/427-6685 CN ~ I

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