Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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opened u p an uncatchable lead over Brian McElroy and Parsons. Kevi n Crine ma de a quick getaway on h is KTM at the start of the second moto but co uldn't do anything abou t eese, who eventually passed Crine on the fourth lap. Neese we n t on to win his second mo to of the day, w h ile Crine s uccessfully defe n ded second pl a ce from a charging Johnson. A fou rth in the mo to gave McElroy second ove rall. Barnett bombed both Vet pro motos for a clean swee p but was ho un ded flag to flag by Earl May. "May was after me in both rnotos," said Barn ett. "I basically rode d e fen se th e w hole way. I didn' t give up an insid e line all d ay." During Saturd ay's amateur program, Man ley won both 125cc A mot os after close races with Ch ester. In the seco nd m oto, Chester look ed to be heading to victory until... "I was leading the seco nd moto, when I lost contro l on a double . Bone {He n], _ 250/500 A: 1. Jim Neese (H on ); 2. Rob b ie Skaggs (Kaw ); 3. Jim Chester (Suz ); 4. Ada m Be chdel (Ho n); 5. Christopher Bailey (Hen), P/ W (.J~6) : 1. Da v y Mill saps (Co ); 2. Jak e Gri (fjs ener (Yam) ; 5. (Co ); 3. Michael Lozaw (Co); 4. Ricky Re Brad Wri~h t (LEM). P/W (7- 8): 1. Cr is La zz a rtt o (Le m) : 2. Kyle O rr (Cob); 3. Melissa Hampshi re (tern) ; 4. Andrew Matnsck (Lem ); 5. R.>nda ll Cha rm (KTM). 65 (i~l1 ): 1. Jam es Stewart (Kaw ); 2. Pa u l Pe rebijnos (Kaw); 3. Brad le y Ripple ( Kaw): 4 . Mi cha e l Sisem or e (Kaw ); 5. Kyle Williamson (Kaw ). jum p," sa id Ch ester. "Luckily, I had a soft landing." Neese won the 250cc A class ove rall but was upset with a last-lap pass by Skaggs in moto two that cost Neese the m oto win. Skaggs said of the incident, " I follow ed Ne ese, wa tche d his lines and railed outside bv him before the tabl etop . It caught hi';" by su rp rise and I won the moto." Ricky Carmichael pulled a hat trick with wins in the 85c c (14- 15), Super Mini and 12-15 Youth classes. The best Min i clas s duel of the day was between (7-11) winner Travis Pas- . trana and (12-13) winner Emesto Fonseca in the final Super Mini moto. Fonseca, who prevailed, said afterwards, "We are out of 'school in Costa Rica so I am living with the Pastrana's and practicing with Travis." A close race in the 25+ A clas s between Brian Manley and Kevin Foley ended in moto two with Foley tak ing a trip to the hospi ta l with a d isloca ted sho ulder. "I cased a jump and we nt over the ba rs," sa id Fo ley . " I h ave b ro ken bones bef ore but ne ver fe lt p ain like th IS . Barry Carsten held off Alan Andreu and Tommy Mar tin for second . Andreu rebo unded with a win in the 30+ A class over Michael An d rews an d Earl May . Professor Gary Bailey, the only guy th at h as continue d racin g throu gh the 25-year h istory of th e series, fin ished second to Robert Sweeney in th e 50+ class. f~ 8S (i-11) : 1. Travis Pastrana (Suz ); 2. Robe rt Farnell (Ya m ); 3. Jame s Ste w art (Ka w ); 4. Josh u a Su m mey (Kaw ); 5. Derrick Fisher (Suz) . 85 (12·13) : 1. Em esto Fon seca (Yam) ; 2. Matt Walker (I

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