Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o IDAHOINDOOR SHORTTRACKOwyhee Motorcycle Club, Canyon Country Fa irbuil ing Caidw l. Info: d , el 2031394-551 2. o IOWA FLAT TRACK • Iowa State Fairgrounds, PioneerRacing Pavilion. De sMoines. Info: 515126;.&139, 2892140. NEW YORK INDOORSHORTTRACKOn TI e Productions, OrangeCountry m Fairgrounds Arena, Middletown. Inlo: 9141233·1322 or(914)457-1221, o OHI INDOOR MOTOCROSS O c.• AMAJAmericanMotosports, In Marion Country Fairgrounds Coliseum, Ma rion. Inlo: 6141596-2057, Motorcycle Ra ceway, Oklahoma City. Inlo: 4051751-6616. oTENNESSEE MOTOCROSS · Daitas Riclcer Complex, Northeast Tennessee Ra ceway, Greeneville. Info: 6151234- 9350. o GE ORGIA SUPERCROSS· TINT, Cartton. Inf : 8031348-3322, o GEORGIAMOT OCROS Wings & SWheels, Bremen MX, Bremen. Inf : o 4041941-8464. o KANSAS HARE SCRAMBLES - K.O, .R. 2-man, 2O-hr.. Silver City, R , i 3. Slertng. Info: 316/636-511 o MASSACHUSmS ICE RACE - GJ M PromotionslHamilton Rod/Gun Club, Stu rbridge. lnlo: 5081943-91 97. o NEW YORK ICE RACE - AMMliSi 341Tri-5tale Motorcy e Club, Lambo cl Laka Park, Modena. Info: 91 41564-4814. OHIOSHOW · J&P Promotions, 7th . An nuai MlC Parts Extravaganza, Tol do e Sports Arena, To ledo.lnlo: 3191462· 6011. j .. om. TENNESSEE POKER RUN· Dailas Riclcer Complex, Northeast Tennessee Raceway, Greeneville.lnlo: 6151234-0772. Wed , Ja n25 CA UFORNIADRAG RA CE· NHRA S~eef MachineDrags Sacramento , Raceway, Sacrnmento.lnlo: 9161363- 2653. J an Sun, J an 22 o ALASKA ICE RACE - Aurora Racing, Inc., KJondke 1 , BigLake. Into: M 9071376·7905. ON- San Jose CAUFORNIAMARATH Fairgrounds, Sa nJose Inlo 4081295. : 6906, o CAUFORNIAMOTOCROS- AMAI 3, ldSe • rias Po Dot M,CJD- 6 Pot 01 Go lka Rnd 4, Argyll Park, Dixon. Inlo: 209/8520754. o CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSS- CMC, GoIdan Stale Na tionals, So uth· Rnd 2, Sunrise Valley Raceway, Adalanto.lnlo: 619/246-7262. o CAUFO RNIA MOTOCROSS - CRC, le. : L A. County Raceway, Palmda Info 6 8051272· 889. CAUFORNIA VINTAGE MOTOCROSS · Ca Vintage MX Winfer Saries • Rnd3, li!. Sandhill Ranch, Brantwood. Info: 209/66 1-0706. o CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS - GFI Racing, Winler Sorias, South And - 3, Glen Helen Raceway, San Bemardino. tnfo: 9091943-3302, o CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS - GF I Racing,WintarSa ries, North Rnd- 3, PraireCity SVRA, Sacramento. Info: 909 1943-3302 or 2091673-8080. sert CAUFORNIAHA RE& HOUND · De M.CJO-37, The 1995 Winter Ctassi s Championships, Lucame Valley, Lucerne. Info 9091865-3935. : CE-I ceman, Quarry CANADAICE RA Oaks, WiMipeg, Manfoba, Inlo 2041878: SLJ~~~~~Oss 27-29 o KANSAS ARENACROSS - AMAIMike Kidcl Promotions, National Arenacross Series, Kansas Expo, Topeka. Info: 817/626-7297. Jan 28-29 o TE NNE SSEE SUPERCROSS • AMAlVidtJry Sports Indoor Winter , Saries, Calsonic Arena, Shelbyville tnfo . : 6151323-5497. Sal, Jan 28 CAUFORNIASHO RTTRACK· Be m Burner Series. indoormini bike, San Jose Fairgrounds, SanJose. Into: 408/295. 6906 . o CAUFORNIA ARENACROSS - USA AranacrossiGene Woods, Speedway USA, Sa nBemardinoCounty Faigrounds, VK:torville. lnfo: 6191245· r 6111. o CANADA ARENACROSS • CMAIFuture WestPromotions. Agrilair Arena. Abbotsford Fa irgrounds, Abbotslord, British Columbia. Info: 6041794-3824. GEORGIA MOTOCROSS · Thunder Cree Motocross, High Falls. Inlo k : 912/9 94-6630. o IOW FLA TRACK • Iowa Stata A T Fairgrounds, Pioneer Racing Pavilion, Des MoInes Info: 5151265-6439,289. 2140. UTAH TRIALS - Wasalch TrialS Assn., SL George. Into: 8011373-8341. Su n, Jan 29 o CAUFORNIACROSS COUNTRY MARATHON - Grog Scheid and Associates Racing, Santa ClaraCounty : OffRoad Park, San Jose. Inlo 40819728063. o CAUFO RNIA MOTOCROSS· CMC, Golden State Na lionals, North • And 2, Oatfiekl Track,Turlock. In lo:209/541 - 0860. o CAUFO RNIAGRAND PRIX - CRC, SunriseCycIa Park, Adelanto. Inlo: 8051272-6889. CAUFORNIA VINTAGE MOTOCROSS Ca Vintage MX Winter Sarias - Rnd 4, li!. Littte OOe Raceway, Madara.lnlo: 2091681-0 706. o CAUFORNIA MOT OCROSS- GFI Racing, Winter Saries, South Rnd - 4, rri ParrisRaceway, Pe s. Info: 9091943- o OHIOINOOOR MOTOCROSS - 3302. AMAIAmarican Motosports Inc Marion , ., Country Fairgrounds Coliseum, Marion. Info:6141596-2057. OHIO HARE SCRAMBLES · R&K Promotions,TrK::ounty 4-wheelan; grounds,Usbon. lnlo: 2161386-7353. OKLAHOMAMOTOCROSS - RBH, Inc ., CALIFO RNIAENDURO· VEAJO.37, "Not-so-Tuff-E-Nuff Enduro-, Luceme Valley, lucerne. Info: 9091592·2199. IOWA SHOW - J&P Promo tions, 15th Annuai MlCParts Extravaganza Do wntown Rider Cen Da tra, venport Info: /462-6011 . 319 Souvenir yearbook 0 MARYLAND MOT OCROSS & HARE SCRAMBLE -AMAlDiS1 7 &13, Budds Creek MX Pa Budds Cree rk, k.Info: 301/475-2000.' . ' o MASSACHUSmS ICE RA CE- GJM PromotionsIHamiiton RodIGun Club, Sturbridge, lnlo 5081943-9197, : o NEW YORKMUD &SNOWSC RAM· BLES - AMAISquare Deai Riden;M.C., S.D.R Raceway, Harpursv Inf : . ille. o 60 71723-238 or693-2634. 7 o NEW YORKICERACE- AMAIDist 341Tri-Stale Mo torcycle Club, Lambo LakePark, Modena, 1 914/5 0'10: 64481 4. o NORTHCAROUNA MOTOCROSSMontrose Motocross, CarolinaWinta r Saries, Raetoniln 91t1'875-3805. to: OKLAHOMA MOTOCROSS - RSH, Inc ., Motorcycla Raceway, O~ahoma City, Info: 4051751-6616. PENNSYLVANIASHOW- J&P Promoltons, MIC Parts Extravaganza, Ft Washington Expo Centar, Ft Washington.lnlo: 319/462-6011, SOUTH CAROUNA ENDUROSE&TRA, 26th Annuai Sumter Enduro, Wedgeflald. Info: 4041922·8234. UTAH TRIALS - W asalch Trials Assoc., 51. Geo lnlo: 8011373-6341 or rge. 8011865-0156. Wed , Feb The Offi cial Event Progr am of the U.S. Super cro ssSeries 1 CAUFORNIA DRAG RACE - NHRA Slraet MachineDrags, Saaamento Raceway, Saaamento. lnlo: 9161363-2653. Feb3-5 o MICHIGAN ARENACROSS - AMAIMike K1dd Promotions, Na tional Arena ClllSS, Fairgrounds Arena, Detro~ Info: 817/62 67297, Feb 4-5 o CAUFORNIA GRAND PRI - Desert X nual Adelanto Grand Viperslll-37, 15th An Prix, Adalanto.l nto 7141779-5313, : KENTUCKY INDOOR MOTOCROSS· AMAIAdion Sports Promotions, Inc. , Broadbent Arena, Louisville. Inlo : 6141594-6886. o NORTH CAROUNA SUPERCROSSAMAIV'dory Sports, Indoor Winter Saries, WNC AgCanter, Asheville. Info: 6151323-5497, Sal, Feb 4 nee again, Supereross r their own copies of the official event program ofthe U.S. Supercross Series. o IOWA FLATTRACK - Iowa State s Fairgrounds, Pioneer Racing PavilKln, De Moines. In 515126;.&\39 or289-2140. lo: GEORGIAMOTOCROSS· Thunde r Creek Motocross, HighFa Info: lls. 9121994-6630. Now, you can read all about the 1995 Supercross season: F actory team line-ups, interviews, rider numbers, top 125cc and 250cc stars, 1995 schedules, autograph pages and more! Sun, Feb 5 CALlFORNfA BE AT TRAILRIDE· NE F'ends 01 Chanes HalcombBe fntrail ne akSlope Caml>' ride,Clear CreeklO grounds, CoaIinga. lnlo 4151965-9732. : o CALlFORNIA MOTOCROSS · CRC, LA County Raceway, Palmdale. tnfo: 805/272-6889. o CALlFORNIA MOTOCROSS • CMAlGFI, GFIRacing North Winler Saries • Rnd 4, Sandhll FtancI1, Brantwood. Info 2091673-8080. : o CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSS- CMC, GoIdan State NationalslSouth· Rnd 3, BaronaOaks Raceway, Ramona. Info: Everything you'll want to know about the 1995 season is here in this all-color, glossy Supercross Souvenir Yearbook... to order just call toll free 800-831-2220 or beller yet- Visit your local Motorcycle Dealership and pick up a copY r----------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - ~ SU~~I;~U;~IOSS 61 91246-7262. Thll DmcIaI hen. Prugrilln of lhe U.S. Supertroll8 Serlea r----------- ----------~----------- -------, Allin completetyand cl..,rty ! FREECALeNPARLI$t,NGs:,.'_ .... ;" " I ':·1 Domestic Orders' I Pro Payba ck: Event sanction/promoter/sponsoring club :, 0 Yes 0 _ _ City Phone ( No -'-:- State ) ----'. Order Date _ ea. totaling Address - - - ------------ I Type of event; I cop ies @ 6 ,5 0 Name .I date: ,co pies @ 5 ,OO ea. lotaling Foreign Orders _ : calendar listings are a free service. Type orlegibly print allthe information asked for below and mail toCycle News I Calendar, P,O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 908OHl49B. Calendar listings cannot beaccepted over the phone, we , I must have a complete calendar listingform. Ustings must be received bythe close of business onWednesday for I publicationin the followingweek's issue. . : Event ORDER ,YOUR 'COpy TODAY Souvemr yearbook 01 BVBnt: I Method of Payment 0 Check or money order enclosed (sorry, no bill me's) I _ I I [ CilyfTown: Phone NumbBf (with 'areacode): LYour name : State: ---,-_ > - - - - - - - - - _ ~ _ _ I' Locat ion Zip _ I 0 Charge my Card No. ,0 VISA - 0 Mastercard _ Expiration Date Signature _ Send to: CN Publjshingj1995 SupercrossYearbook P.O. Box 498, long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone Orders 80O-S31-2220 • FAX 310/427-6685 _

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