Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1995 very season. the really se rio us ra ce rs get th ei r new 250 's, take them home-tear them a part-and trick th em out. It's just the standard routine th a t racers go through. Bad news guys-you con't do that anymore. • You see, we took the YZ250, and ra ther than take It ho me , we took It to the factory. Tore It apart. And really tricked It out. • We started with the engine, adding a resonator box to the Power Valve system and used a Ke lh ln carburetor which gave the motor a ha rder hit In the mid -range portion of the powerband to g ive you mo re pUlling power out o f the corners. We changedthe Intak e manifold radius and ree d valve system for Improved air flow. Eve n the a lrbox passageway got boosted, so the YZ250 can take bigger oxygen gulps. And we changed the Internals of the Power Valve for more control and a longer, wider power hit. Then we topped It off with a stronger Ignition system that generates higher voltage at the spark plug. We even dove Into the transmission and figured out a way to make It shift cr isper. • The next stop was handling and suspension. We went Into the Racing Department and borrowed their fork design that features the new mid-range travel valve. It boosts the suspension's midstroke performance (where your forks work th e hardest). Then we slipped In a larger shock p iston and ring set-up. Finally. we changed the steering head angle , tucked It In a tad for quicker steerIng, th e n changed the trip le clamp offset to provide j ust the right balance between precise stee ring a nd straight-lin e sta bili ty. • From th ere we moved onto Improving th e brakes. The front no w has new pads for a more positive fee t. while the rear got a new sta inless steel rotor and a new ca liper guard. And since the whee ls were o ff a nyway, we designed a new sp oke set-up to g ive you more tim e b etween ma intenanc e Interva ls. • The last th ing we did was b righten the color a little bit. Did n't make It faster- b ut It looks coole r. • So rry about taki ng a ll th at ho p -up, tri ck-out stuff awa y from you-we just couldn't resist doing It ourselves. • E YZ250 - 10 t's living large In the hig h rev range-the 125 c lass-a world of wide open throttle, lots of clutching a nd a billion shifts per la p. The smallest mistake can Insta ntly d rop you back six posltl on s-and the slightest edge can be the d ifference between g rabbi ng a tro ph y-and going home with a handful o f e xc uses. In 125 ra cing , the o nly wa y to stouohecd Is to keep gett ing b etter. Intro ducing the 1995 YZ125. It's thi s seas o n's hottest screa me r. • The sq ua re bo re en g ine , which debuted last year, has received num erous perfo rma nce Improvements for the 1995 ro osting season. The re's a repositi oned Power Valve that works with the re-shaped ex haust ports. Plus It ha s a bigger carburetor, a la rg er a ir cleaner, a n enlarged Intake b oot and a smoother fuel Intake tract. It delivers b etter, stronger power. • The YZ1 25 still hits hard-very hard-but now th e additional power b oost g ives you more usa ble power to point a nd shoot with.• 125 Pro riders know that whe n you're totally on the gas, you can't back off ju st b ecause of gnarly ra cetra ck bumps. This year's YZ125 suspension Is fin e-tuned to ke ep you a head of th e wolves a nd out of the banne rs. The front forks hav e received a new mid-stroke damping valve (tested a nd proven o n the works bikes) for better perfo rma nce when the forks are batt ling the bumps In th e mid -stroke ra nge-where yo ur suspensio n wo rks the hardest. • The rear shock ha s a larger pisto n, piston ring and a top bearing Teflon sheath for Inc reased suspension durabilit y. It's a suspension package that Isn't going to let you d own or fad e away o n th e c losing laps. • Since the YZ125 now goes faster. It ma de se nse to make sure It stops better too . The re's new front b rake pads that delivers stro nger. more controllable braking and Inc redible "finger feedback." The rear wheel sports a new sta in less steel disc brake for higher hea t resistance a nd longer life . • The 1995 YZ125. It goes faste r. It rides smoother. It stops better. • I AMAHA YZ125

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