Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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over Thoma s who easily topped the B divi sion. Finishing beh ind Th oma s were A rid ers Troccoli, Waitt and O'Conner. Thom as again led the field into tu m one to s ta rt the secon d moto, w it h Rand, Tr occoll, Shimaguiri Maries (from Brazil) and Mack Perry following. Rand once again motored by Thomas on the opening lap to secur e the top spot. Jason Dodds, wh o star ted .m id pack, bega n to make a ch arge, within three laps Dodds fir st pa ssed Perry, then Troccoli to move into second in the A class and third ove rall. The rest of the positions wo uld stay the same, with Rand taking the win ove r Thom as, Dodd, Trocco li and O'Conner. Rand was at it aga in in the 250cc A division where he gra bbed holeshots in both motos and pu lled away for per fect scores and the ove rall . Results . bO: 1. Ba r rett Sm it h (Ka w) ; 2. Za ck Lu n dy (Ka w) ; 3 . T im Fl"did (K.1w); 4. Dustin Lyrm (Kaw); S. J"-"!'I'lt' Ft."dick (lC.:lw). 80 (7· 11): L A nge la KeuntJes (Hon); 2.l..Kk Lundy {Kaw] . 80 (12 -13 ): 1. Dustin KlI'U n tjt'S (Hu n); 2. Tom PolrlOnS (Suz). 16--24; 1. Ja so n Th oma s (H o n ); 2. Jd f Ne ila nder (Hon) ; 3. C ha d v a ncets te r (H o n ); 4, D an Sa (K.:Jw); Johnny B.ufueld (H u n ). . 125 A: 1. C rcg R.. d (SUZ); 2. K.. tth T ro cco lt (Suz ); Ja son m Dodds (Yam); 4. Shanre O'Conner (Su z ); 5. Pill watu (Yam ). 125 B: 1. JoIM," Thomas (Hon); 2. M.:Jck Perry (Suz ); 3. Joh nn y Barfield (Hon); 4. Rya n Ke Iley (Kaw ), 125 C: I. Scott Ml.Gu igan (Hon); 2. Dan 5d.1I.15(Kaw); 3. Mike ' Red mee (Hon); 4. R<\b« rtW righ t [Hun]: S. J.:Jm MlVen ditti (Hon). 250 A: 1. Gn 'S Rand (Suz ); 2.'lt;' O'Connt;>r (Suz.); 3. John Lundy (Yam~ 4. Mike Fink (Hon). 250 8 : 1. Stt"VeDumond (Ya m); 2. Jdf Nt"ilander (H on). 250 C: I. Mik e Lepp (Yam ); 2. Brett Boha nnon (Hon); 3. Ron Mensworth (Hon ); 4, Donnie Co llo n!' (Ka w ]. 125 / 250 BEC: 1. Du...t in Keuntlf'S (Hon); 2. Gih vera Jo rg e (Ho n); 3. Mike Mong e (Suz). 25+: 1. Sh.~ Dumond (Yam ); 2. Stne Dye (Ka w). 30+: 1. JohnLundy (Han); 2. Steve Dye (Kaw); 3. Drew Just ire (Yam); oJ Eme rson (K.lw ). 35+ : I. Drew Ju stice (Ya m); 2. Rand y Kt"lIey (K aw); 3. Joe Hoffman (lGaw); oJ. Mik e ML-nder (Su z ). . 40+ : 1. Robert Dart' (Ka w ), OPE N NOV : I. Ron Mt'n.sforth (Ho n); 2. O.ln Dye r (H (ln ). USA Arenacross battles intensify By Michael Maher VICTORVILLE. CA,DEC. 10 New stars and old rivalries e stablis he d themselves duri ng the second round of racing in Gene Woods ' United Sports Arenacross Series at Speedway USA. The main show was once again put on by the pair of Cory, Keeney and Jimmy Lavo rci, who man aged to keep the crowd en te rtained with their awesome battles in the two Pro categories. Keeneymanaged to win both mo tos in the Open Pro class and held off Lavorci again to win the first 12See Pro rnoto, but the race put on by t h is pair in th e second 125cc Pro mot o w as intense. Keeney took the lead off the sta rt in a close ba ttle over La vorci an d Expert class rid er Terrance Malan . Just when he seeme d in con trol. Keeney lost it and went down. allowing Lavorci a nd Malan through. Keeney got going again an d began a charge thro ugh the pac k in his pu rsuit of Lavorci. First he got by Malan , wh o fell, and then he set out after the leader, cho pping hu ge chunks out of Lavorci's lead with each lap . By the final lap, Keeney had caugh t Lavorci a n d mad e th e p ass over t he dou b le ju mps . Lavord, however, shot un der Keen ey in the next tu m, and the tw o drag raced to the che ckered flag, colliding just sho rt of the finish line . Keeney went down, and Lavorci collected the win. Amo ng those showing their stuff were some very familiar names to fans of the track's su mmer speed way races , as local ju nior speedway stars Jim Fishback Jr. and Michael Hull p u t in impressive rides to sho w tha t they can do more tham pctito m just tum left. The BOcc Beginner class Jim Fishback Jr. and Michael Hull , with p romo ter Woods ' d au gh ter Dae lyn also in the fray. Fishback Jr . a nd Hull . lapped the field in the first mote, and Fishback Jr. ap pea red to be on the verge of doin g it aga in . in the se cond mot o but fell on the last lap, allowing Hull to go by for the race and division victory . Fishback got going again and finished second while Wood s cruised ho me for third-place finishes in both motos and third place overa ll. 1:\ Want Ad inform tion-(310) 427-7433 a ~ ~ _:~ ~ -~ ~ GENUINE RACING PARTS HI-PERFORMANCE PISTONS MXlATV High performance race style pisto ns manufactured from spe cial high-silicon aluminu m all oys. Results p IW: 1. Midwd Parker; 2. J.R. Willi.lm ~; 3. Edd ie Woodard. bOBED: 1. Kd ly Tedder; 2. jee ee Litt ll'; 3. Stl. phm w omach. · eo NOV : 1. Chr is Nihan. RO EX: 1. Ito Posea; 2. Chris Thnmp !otJO; 3. Lev! Reid . KO NOV : I. Chris Huremger: 2. It'lf Peaulcr . 80 BEG: 1. Micha el H ull; 2. Jimm y Fish back : 3. Daelyn WUl.I !l; 4. Ryan H a rcou rt; 5. Shane Po e. d 125 PRO: 1. Jimmy Lavorci; 2. Cory Kt't'Oty; 3. Jimmy MartinL'Z125 EX: 1. Otris COO IL"}'i 2. Terrance M.:J1an; 3 . Da vid Martinez. 125 NOV ; I. Dustin D ailey; 2. Oint Sllt'pard; 3. Brian FalTt" lI; 01. Billy L:lVorti; 5. Vito Va lt"n;i. t 125 BEG: 1. Jw;tin Guti~ 2. Steven F Oll:; 3. Brian Davl 4. ~; Steven P"'"Y' 250 BEG; I. C urti s BladwOl.)(j; 2. Joh n Aden; 3. G.a.rren Little . VET NO V: 1. MilLeCarr; 2. J~ Litt le. VET EX: 1. J(l("! Seal\<. 4-STRK; I. Krts Kt-t-ter. 2. Ja y Kelley. OPEN PRO; 1. Co ry Keeeey: 2. Jimm y Lavorct, - - =--= .. ... - _"'-1 ... -- -L.A. SLEEVE CO. Piston kits supplied with ri ngs, circlips, wrist pin . For leading makes and models, see your dealer. LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. Ph.(310) 531-1 619-Fax(310) 531-3524 12051 Rivera Road, Santa Fe Springs , CA 90670 (310) 945-7578 Dealers call or write for your free catalog and deca ls 35

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