Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• byBtuce Brown Fiins, _ _ racing. 45 _ from KWB Ueripe. Kenny discusses the high & lowpointsof his GP career and talks about his ne liferunning a GP team. 69 mi utesfrom Duke Video w n USA. (142) Claaslc Racer Experlence .. Join Team Obsolete's DaveRoper asthey provide a ride(seye ~ew ofracing !heir 1962 M ess G50 du ngthe '92 alchl ri M Grand Prix amund the Isle of Man TT circuit 30 minanx utes from DulalaSt 0I!fSSlrI in search of the real America. 94 _from Progr~ Design. . ('139 TheWild O ) ne Whar. JoImy rebelling against? 'What have you go~o he sneers as an angry young Marion Branda scorches the screen in this powerful '50s cuft classic 79minutes from . Progressive Design. ('1 40) On An Sunday y Btuce Brown's classic 197 f~m which covers ~rtuaIIy every 1 lorm 01 motorcycie com petition Irom the AMA's Grand National Tour to Molocross: Dasert Ra cing to IceRacing: the ISDTto the WKlowmeker Hilldimb; the Bonn ~lIe San Flats 1 Ihe El in Gr nd Prix" mi utes I,om KWB 0 s ore a _90 n MarkatingGroup. ('181) Heevy Duly: 90YearswitHl An all·eround look al the H-D mystique Irom the 90th , anniversary celebration in Milwaukee to Siurgis and Daytona; alook at thevarious big twin designs, elour01the Milwaukee lactory, custom buill Hareys and racing, l too...Haneydrag radng, dirt track and road racing including , some speclacular crashes. 70minutes from Duke Video USA. _ ~~"' ~ ~~ L-:: r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I llnIer Form (PleasefUi out completely) . . Oty. . Description Amount Cly. Description Am ount Oty. Description : I Name Address City Phone(_ _ ) o 0 Sta _ _ Zip te Order Date card' Signatu re Exp. Date _ _ Send Checkor Mon Order pa ey yable to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS , P.O. Box 498 Long Beach,CA908OHl498 (Allow 4-6 weeks delive ) ry Prices subject tochange • please usecurre orde blank nt r All of these VHStapes areavailable free of shipping and handlingcharges, from CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS Mai to; CYCLE NEW PRODUCTS l S P.O. Box 498 long Beach, CA90801-0498 , orean(310) 427- 433duringbusinesshours 7 Please rush thefollowingtapes: Oty, Description Amount _ ' 8Castro!His10ryof WCRacing @80.00 _ #9U.S. RRGrand Prix'as @33.95 ge mecoming @39.95 _ ' 10 '90AMA Herila Ho _ #11 Ricl< Johnson Profile@24.95 _#12 DirtDe~1s @33.95 _ ' 13 MXGlover Styl @24.95 e _'1 5 MikeHa llwood · Champion @34.95 _ #16 Kenny Roberts · Champion 0 34.95 _#1 7 Ho wTo Buya Motorcycle @24.95 _ '1 8 "Showtime" Jeremy MicGrath @34.95 _'19 Barry Sheene· Champion @29.95 I _#20 Golden Mountain @32.95 _ 121 Fundamentals of OIR Riding @38.95 L _ 122MI. Techniques of OIR Riding 1»33.95 l ·l l _ '23Praetical TIre Changing @23. 5 9 _ '24 The Basics 'liMC Ma intenance @89.95 _125A BigTwin Eva @49.95 torcycle Trials @32. 5 9 _ '27 This is Mo _'30 Cartridge ForkService!Tun @35.95 ing _'312·SIkEngine Design & Tuning 0 45.95 _'32 2·S1k EngineRebuilding @34.95 __ _ ' 33Rear Shock Service and Tuning @34.95 _141 Bike Experie nce0 34.95 _ 142ClassicRacer Experience @29.95 _143 IT Tribute @34.95 US Speedway Nan C'Sh @29.95 ip _'51 Soott Par1hio AMA Nan. RR @29.95 _ 11256 '94Bra inerd AMA NaI RR @29.95 l _1257 '94 Sears Po AMA Narl RR 0 29.95 int _ 125B '94Road AIlanta AMA Nan. RR@29.95 _ ' 325 Throttle for the Gold 0 24.95 _ '301E '940 11ando Superaoss 0 24.95 _.302E '94Houston Superaoss0 24.95 _t303E '94Anaheim Superaoss @24.95 _I304E'94 Sa Di go Supercross @24.95 n e _ .305E'94Tampa Superaoss @24.95 _ I306E '94 AIlanta Superaoss @24.95 _ t307E'94Indi8napolis Supercross @24.95 _ t3OBE'94Chal10tte Supercross @24.95 _t309E'94 Pontiac Superaoss@24.95 _ .310E'94Minneapolis Supercross 0 24.95 _1311 E '94DallasSupe rcross @24.95 . _ ' 312E'94Se attle Supercross @24.95 _ 1313E '94Sa Jose Su n percross @24.95 _ .314E '94Las Vegas Supercross @24.95 _ '325A Rightto the Fin ish@24.9 5 _ ' 325B Airtime-Thrills of Supercross @24.95 _ '325C AllCrossed Up @24.95 _ 14D1A '94BritishWork! Supertlike @ 24.95 _ ' 402A '94German Wond Supertlike @24.95 _#403A '94Italian Worid Supertlike @24.95 _ #4D4A '94Spanish Wo rldSupertlike@24.95 '94AUSlrian Work! Su pertlike @24.95 _ #410 '90Wo~d SIB Season Review @ 34.95 Subtotal CARe~dents aod 71/4% Sales Tax LA Counly aod 81/4% Sales Tax (Outside the continental United States add $10.00 pertape additional shipping costs) U.s, Shipping & Handling Free Total , _ _ . _,4D5A _ 31

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