Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUPERCROSS> 1995 U.S. Supercross Series Preview By Chris Jonnum o ve m be r brough t a close to more than one p oliti cal co nfron tation. In addition to the n a tion al electio ns on th e 8 th, th e m onth also mar ed th e resolution of a bitter conflict between the American Motorcy- . Team Hondal1-8OO-Collect 1 Jeremy McGrath 250 4 Doug Henry 250 5 Steve Lamson 250 A l;J ~ 16 clist Association and American / Intern ation al Racin g - a ha stily form ed alliance betw een the three American supercross promote rs, w hose original in ten t h ad bee n to assume the sanct ioning role held by the AMA. . Tho ugh we all wo uld probably have bee n better off without the orig inal disco rd, th e " maki ng' up " in itself wa s healthy for the sport. This meant that the factorie s wo uld all be concentrating on a single, healthy series - the newl y titled U .S. Supercross Serres. Ta le nt wo uldn' t be split, and fans wo uldn' t be confused . In short, things were back to "'995U;S~ .S~ ·S~ Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 . Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 , . . . . - - - _,--,1 Round 10 Round 11 Round 12 ,Rourid 13 Round 14 Round 15 normal - or as normal as you can expect from the parti es involved . Does this mean that everything in the world of s tadi u m racing is now ro sy? No t exactly. With last year's pull-out of Camel and Coors Ligh t, the series has . been left w itho ut a major spons or. The preseason in-fight ing d idn't exactly do Team Kawasaki 2 Mike LaRocco 250 7 Mike Kiedrowski 250 22 Robbie Reynard 125 East Team Suzuki 12 Damon Huffman 125 West 23 TIm Ferry 125 East 24 Ezra Lusk 250 27 Craig Decker 125 West 11 1 GregAlbertyn 250 Team Yamaha 6 Jeff Emig 250 14 John Dowd 250 , 43 KevinWindham 125 East January 14 :. 'January 21 . January 28 February 4 February 11 February 25 Minch 11 March 18 March 25 . April 8 . April 22 April 29 May 20 June 3 June 10 Citrus Efowl Orlando. Florida . . . ' . . Metrodome Minneapolis, Minnesota" . . AnaheimStad ium Anaheim; Calitornia . Sea Kingdome .Seattle, Washington .. ttle Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, Califomia Georgia Dome Atlanta, Georgia Daytona Intemational Speedway DaytonaBe ach. F lorida RCA Dome Indian apolis, India napolis . ' . . ' Houston Astrodome Houston. Texas Silverdoine Pontiac, Michigan 'Memorial Stadium Charlotte, North Carolina .Texas Stadium Irving,Texas Cleveland Stadium Cleveland, Ohio Milil High Stadium Deri er, Colorado v Sam BoydSilver Bowl Las Vega Nevada s, Team Honda of Troy 10 Brian Swink 250 16 James Dobb 125 East 19 Michael Ray Craig 250 26 Mike Brown 125 East Team NoleenlSlzzlerNamaha 11 Larry Ward 250 15 Kyle Lewis 250 21 Larry Brooks 250 Team SplltFirelPro ClrcuitlKawasakl 9 Ryan Hughes 125West 41 DavidPingree 125West 101 Mickael Pichon 125 East NA Casey Johnson 125 West Team North County Yamaha 32 Pedro Gonzalez 125West 387 Mike Metzger 125 West wonders for attrac ting outside mon ey, bu t in its absence, the promoters are kicking in a points fun d . Still, the two sides have signe d a five-year ag reeme n t, so per haps a spo nsor will be found by 1999. The series h as a lso seen cha nge in other areas. Though there will still be 15 ro u nd s, go ne are the San Jose a n d Tampa sto ps. In their place w ill be new ve nues in Cleveland an d Denver. In ad dition, the Min neapolis race is being held th ree mon ths ea rlie r. (Co nd itions should be downright balmy on Jan uary 21.) Like last year, no d oublehead ers will be held .

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