On October 8 a t Texas World Speedway, Team
Suzuki Endurance continued its undeniable
domination of endu rance roadracing by winning
its 100th WERA National Endurance event.
This win shou d
prove the first 99
weren't flukes.
And this milestone comes only a sho rt time
a fter clinching a n unprecedented 10th series
championship. Wa s there ever a ny do ubt?
After a ll, T m Suzuki Endura nce rides the ea
GSX-Rll00W, the bike that wouldn't lose.
Unless you' re ta lking about losing weight. With a
significant weight savings over '94, it's a lock
tha t the '95 GSX-RllOOW, ridden by Team Suzuki
Endurance, will rule aga in. And again . And aga in.
The numbers don 't lie. If 100 WERA victories
and 10 WERA championships aren't
endu rance, we don't know what is.
Suzuki firmly believes racing be longs in one place • on the racetrack. We wont every ride to be sofe a nd enjoyable. So olWCJy$ wear a helme t. eye protection and pro tective clothing . Never ride under the inRue nce of o kohol
always inspect your Stlzuki befo re rid ing . T ke a riding skills course. For the eoune nearest you coil the /oAotorcyde Safety f ou ndat ion at 1·8QO..255-2550. The Suzuki GSX-'!:s ar e engineered
other d rug !o. Study you r owner ', man ual and
for experienced riders. For the nome of the nearest Suzuki motorcycle dealer
co li 1-800828-RIOE. Profeuionol rider pictured in sonc:t1oneddosec.kourse competition .