Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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America'sweekly motorcycle newspaper ~o Sorry, LaRocco I enjo yed th~ comp~ehensive coverage of the Unadilla National Motocross in the most recent issue of Cycle N ew s. However, in the "Briefly..." section of the article, an item mentioned the proposed 1994 American Motocross des Nations team. In the item, it was noted ' that one of the racers reportedly picked to ~epresent America in Roggenburg, SWItzerland this September - Mike LaRocco - had no previous experience in the event. This is not true. laRocco was an important member of the victorious 1992 team (widely considered to be an und~dog "B" team) which competed in ~an).unup, ~ustralia. I am not trying to rut-p~ck a rrunor oversight, but laRocco put In two great come-from-behind rides that day and deserves to be noted for it! Good luck to Team USA in Switzerland! Eric]ohnson Manhattan Beach, CA We stand corrected...Editor. Tray says... I would like to take this opportunity to clarify ~nd incident that happened to me during the WERA National SixHour Endurance race held in Putnam Par~. The .race was covered in your July 27 Issue In a story written by Larry Lawrence. Larry interviewed me after the race and asked: "Was the traffic bad out there?" I responded with the answer (which appeared in your issue): " It seems you would only see clear track every 15 or 20 minutes. I made some contact with some of the other racers out there. I didn't mean to, but it was almost inevitable with over 40 teams ou t there." I feel I did a disservice to Lawrence and to my team by saying this. What I was actually referring to was an incident that happened to me during my first stint on the bike when fellow racer and good friend Bruce Hammock and I touched knees together while exiting the bus-stop tum under braking. 1 My mistake in relating the experience Larry was ~ generalizing the inciden t instead of gomg into more detail. Larry simply reported what he was tol d. However, after reading th e article I realized what I had told Larry made' it look as if I had been out there biimping people out o f my wa y. I w ish to le t everyone who read this article know that this was not the case. I've never been that type of racer and I don't want to be. Team Suzuki Endurance would not have hired me if I had a reputation like that. I would like to apologize to my team, and to WERA, for what I sa id , and to La~ren~e f?r not going into m?re detail, Being In the limelight is fairly new to me, and speaking to rep.orters is important and also deadly serious. I hope to learn from this and measure my words more carefully in the future. the race even more interesting: is Steve Morehead g oing to keep running through that hole going into tum three or will he mo ve up and take a chanc~ !ha~ Will Da ~is will pass him on the inside? That s why I like half miles you 're close enough to get a good look at the action, and you don't need binoculars to see what's going on at the other end of the track. I'm looking forw ard to the next half mile I'll get to see at Goshen, Indiana. Bob Palawski Flint, MI . laRocco vs. Kiedrowski Half-mile blues? And the guy that wrote that letter ("Voices" Issue #28, July 20) is from Salem, Ohio . I guess he hasn't seen Lima, Dayton Old-Time Newsies Greenvi.lle, Ohio regionals, and any other fairground track in the state of Ohio. Parkersburg and Harri~bu;g are hard-packed tracks. Make them cushion tracks and you've got good racing surfaces. I go and check out the mile tracks in Illinois and Indiana as well, but Ohio half miles are still number one. Regarding the confrontation between Mike laRocco and Mike Kiedrowski at the July 3 Red Budd National Motocross ro~d: .if the AMA fined Jeff Emig $1000 earlier in the year for kicking laRocco in the pants, shouldn't Kiedrowski's fine be ten times greater. The chance of serious injury was hundreds of times greater on Kiedrowski's part. LaRocco's pass of Kiedrowski must have been pretty rough. LaRocco's fine of $400 looks pretty meek in the wake of Emigs' $1000 boot in the rear. How would the MX Kied (Kiedrowski) feel now if his childish actions would have injured or even debiliated laRocco? The AMA needs to pull its tail out from between its legs, stand up, .retake control of motocross from manufacturers (the elimination of the 500cc class), and put some sportsmanship back into our sport. . The AMA's message to Emig was cnsp and clear. Their message to LaRocco and Kiedrowski was pathetic. Thomas Adams Urbana,OH Connie Feast Columbus City, IN Tray Batey Gallatin, TN No half-mile blues Volume XXXI SharonClayton. President Michael Klinger, Publisher Editorial PaulCarruthers. Editor KitPalmer, Associate Editor Donn Maeda, Associate Editor Chris [onnum, Associate Editor ScottRousseau, AssistantEditor Graphics and Production Ree [ohnson, Production Supervisor Man~y Lao, Production MJl1Ulger Dennis Greene, Lab. Tech: StaceyGuest, Graphic Artist Amy Faught. Graphic Artist Administration Judy Klinger, Coordinator PeggyRivera, Secretary to the Publisher Advertising Terry Pratt, National Accounts Manager Mark Mitchell, Eastern Accounts Manager MarkThome, Western Sales Manager ThomasGonter, Western Sales Manager ForrestHayashi, Western Sales Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager Rick Matheny, EasternSales Manager RhondaCrawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Allen. Eastern Ad Coordinator Want Ads KellyBranscome, Want Ad Sales Marketing &; Promotion MarkThome, Manager AccountinglDataProcessing Donna Bryan-Diamond, NR Coordinator Geneva Repass, Assistant Herlane Lewis, Credit Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager Alma Anguiano, Processing Coordinator Pam Klein, Billing Coordinator Carol Begovic, Dealer Coordinator Kim Mazenko, Data EntryCoordinator Serviceand Support Chris Aitcheson, Headquarters Receptionist Half-mile happy I was glad to see all those half miles on the Grand National Championship schedule this year . To me it meant that there was a good chance we wouldn't be seeing the same faces in the winner's circle week after week. The half miles I saw this year (Lima and 1-96) were both great, with riders taking different lines and plenty of passing . Lima did get bumpy, but that made Letters to the editor should be sent to Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90806-0498 or faxed to 310/4276685. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for . publication. All letters should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number .. • Editor. ., Leonard Herring, Service andSupport . National Headquarters 2201 Cherry Ave.,LongBeach, CA 90806, P.O.Box 498, LongBeach. CA 90801-0498 (310) 427-7433; (213) 636-8844 . FAX (310) 427-0685 EasternOffice 4188 FirstAve., Tucker, GA, 30084; mailing address P.O. Box 805, Tucker,GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850 . FAX (404) 934-3112 CycleNew. (V51'S141-340) is publishedweekly exceptthe last two weeksot the calendar year tor $50.00 per year by CycleNews,1nc.,2201 Cherry Avenue LongBeach. CA 90B06. , Second class postagepaid at LongBeach. CA.CanadaPost Internati nal Publications MailllS4661S. o POSTMASTER: Send add.... clwtges to CycleNews, P.O. Box 498, LonglINch.CA9OIlllH1498. "IN ID S E' Issue #31, AugUs! '1 0,1994. To determine the expir~tion dale of your subscription, check the four numbers on the fint llne of your address l.abel The first two digits indicate the lut issue number you'n ec:~ive uul the last two clw'acters indiate the fur of the lut issue. ~ption rates:Ratesfor the United States And its posses- MOTOCROSS Demaria leads new generation at USGP .4 ROAD RACING Two for Edwards II at Brainerd National.. Schwantz pulls off British GP miracle Fully Quarterley at Indy WERA F-USA round TRIAL No rest for Tarres at Swiss World Trial ENDURO Sweet victory for Hines at Rose City Nat'l World Enduro titles to the Hungariest at Kaspovar "$9o;s year. (SO issues), $50.00; two years (100issues) NEW BIKES 1995 Harley-Davidsons FEATURES 8 34 INTERVIEWS Jeff Smith Dick Mann 36 42 : PROJECT BIKE Vintage Iron Honda CR250 Elsinore .00; "" months. (25 issues),$26 ; trial sub (IS issues), • .00 ; $19.00. ~da andForeign,one year (SO issues),$90.00 two years (10015Sue5), $175.oo;.ix months (25 issues) $4S 00' trial . .. sub (IS iMues m.oo. ). Cyc~e News welcomesunsolicitededitorial material including stones, cartoons, photos. etc. Such material if published beco~ .the exclusive propertyof Cycle N~ Such ~ted ~terial1S subjectto revision as is necessary in the sole discretionof Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is not used willbe returned if accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. All unsolicitedmaterial will behandled with reasonablecare, however CycleNewsassumesno responsibility . for the safety, lossor damage to such material.Reprinting in whole or part ~nly b>.' ~ion of the publisher. Advertismg rates andcirculation informa will besent upon tion . request.See S.R.DS 42 20 DEPARTMENTS 26 EVENTS 44 CALENDAR .55 RESULTS 61 WANT ADS 62 LEADERBOARD 75 31 ANAL MOTO 76 32 LOOKING BACK 76 30 ON THE FRONT COVER Sure, we could've scattered modem day shots of vintage racing on the cover of our Vintage Racing Feature Issue. But these I;'hotos of Dick Mann in his heyday reinforce what vintage racing is all about today, a preservation of the past. Tum to page 42 for a Dick Mann interview . AUDITED ORCULATI ON Printed in U.S.A. Cnfyright" ~cle News, Inc. 1994. TrademarkCycleNews . ,"Sl5tered U •P.tenl Office. All rights ....rved,

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