Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- .. .... . ...... ~fRf'~ YOUR [HH [f TO TURN 6Rff INTO 60lD. MX/OFF-ROAD PAYBACK KEY EVENT A B C 1sl·$8000; 2nd-$SOOO; 3rd-$3S00; 4Ih-$3OOO; Sth-$2000; Slh-$12S0; 7Ih-$1000; 8Ih-$7S0; 9Ih-$700; lOth-$SSO; 11lh-$SOO; 12Ih-$4S0; 13Ih-$400; 14Ih-$3S0; lSlh-$300; lSlh-$2S0; 17Ih -$200; 18Ih-$ 100 ; 19Ih-$100; 2Oth-$100. 1sl-$7000; 2nd-S3000; 3rd-$2000; 4Ih-$lS00; Slh-$1000; Slh-$7S0; 7Ih-$700; 8th-$S50; 9th-$SOO; lOth-$SSO; 11lh-$400; 121h-$3S0; 13th-$300; 14Ih-$200; lSth-$100. ELIGIBLE CLASSES AMAAmateur Nationals (Tennessee) (1evenl) 85Slk7-11 , 85Stk 12-13, 85Mod 9·13, 85 Sik 14-15, 85 Mod 14-15, 80-125 Women, 125 Slk 12-15,125 Mod 12·15, 125 CStk, 125 CMod, 125 BSlk, 125 BMod, 125 AStk, 125 AMod, 250 CSlk, 250 CMod, 250 8 Slk, 250 BMod, 250 AStk, 250 AMod, Open BlC, 25+,30+Vet A,30+ Vel B,40+ Sr L AMAAmaleur Regional Qualifiers (8events) 85Stk7·11, l25CStk, 125CM 25O CStk, od, 250CMod 85 M 9-13 85Stk 12-13,85 S od , tk14-15 85 Mod 1 4-15, 125 Stk 12-15,1 BStk, 25 125 B Mod, 250 B Stk, 250 B Mod, 25+, 30t Vet A, 30t Vet B, 40t Sr W , omen 125A Slk, 125A Mod, 250 ASlk,250 AMod J 85 Beg, 125 Beg, 250 Beg 85 7·11 , 125 C Nov, 250 CNov 85 12·13,8514-15,125 BInt 250 BIn , t 250 25+, 250 30t D lsl-$lS0; 2nd·$100; 3rd-$7S; 4th-$SO; Slh-$2S. F 151-$2S0; 2nd-$lS0; 3rd-$100 4Ih-$SO; Sth-$2S. G 1sl-$3S0; 2nd-$2 00; 3 rd-$1 00; 4Ih-$7S; Sth-$SO. H 1s l-$7S ; 2nd-$SO; 3rd-$2S. isr-stso. 2nd-$100; 3rd -$7S . J PAYOUT 857-11 ,125Schoolboy,l25C,25OC E F G 85 12-15, 125B, 250 B, 25+, 30t , 35t 125 A, 250A 125 Pro, 250 Pro AMA Distnd 5 (Pennsylvania) (7 events) K Series 85 7-11 ,125School , 125C, 250 C 8512-13,8514·15,1258, 25OB, 25+, 30+B, 30+ A, 40t Sr 125A,25OA E F 80Beg, 125 Beg ~ 807-11,125Jr,25+Am 8012 250 Jr, 30+ Vel Jr -16, 125 Int 25+ Master, 30+ Vet Masler 250 Int, 30 Vet Inl, 30t Vel Pro + 125 Pro, 250 Pro G AMA Distnct 6 (Pennsylvania) (7events) 857-11 , 125 Schoolboy, 125 C, 250C 8512 -13,8514-15,125 B,250B, 25+, 30+ Vet, 40t Sr 125 AExp, 250 AExp AMA Distnct 11 (Southern Ohio) (7events) 85 Jr 125 SChoolbo ,125C,250 C 85 Sr, 125 B, 250 B, 25+, 30+ Vel, E F 40+Sr 125A ,25OA G (Arizona) (10 events) CMC Golden State seres G E F AMA 807·11 Jr, 80C 12-15, 125 C, 250 C Distnct 14 8012 ,l25Jr, 125 B,250B,25+,30+ ·15 Spnng Ring senes 125A ,25OA (Michigan) (8events) E F G (Califomia) (10 events) 80Beg, 125 Beg, 250 Beg 807-11 ,l25Jr,25OJrUTHAm,3OtJr , 80 12 1251nl, 250 Inl, UTH Master, -16, 30+ Inl, 30+ Masler, 25+ Pro, 40+ Am 40+ Master 125 Pro, 250 Pro CMC Pac West (OregorvWashington) 80 9-11 ,125 Jr 250Jr, UTH Jr25+, Vet Jr30+ , (8 events) 8012·13,80 14-16,125 BinI, 250 B Int, 25+ Int 30+ lnt, 30+ Pro , 125 Pro, 250 Pro H E F G H E F C E F G B 125 Pro, 250 Pro 1sl-$600; 2nd-$400; 3rd-$300; 4Ih-$200; Slh-$17S. AMA Supercross (16 events) 125 Pro 2SOPro H 80Beg, 125 Beg, 2SO Beg 807·11 ,8012 125 Jr 250 Jr 25+ Am, ·16, , , E 25+ Master, 30t Vellnt, 30t Vel Master,30+Vet Jr 125 lnt 250 Int 25+ Vet Pro, 40t Master,4OtAm F 125 Pro 2SO Pro , G 80Nov 125 Nov, 250 Nov 25+ Nov 30t Nov, E , , , 40+ Nov 80Int, 125 Inl 250lnt, 25+ In 30t lnt, 40+ lnt, F , t 30+ Vet , 40 Master + 125 Pro 250 Pro , G 'GF Night senes I Overall Championship (Califomia) (1event) 80Beg, 125 Beg, 250 Beg 80 Nov, 125 Nov, 250 Nov, 25+ Nov, 25+ lnt, 30t Nov, 30t Int Vel Pro 80 Exp, 125lnt 125 Pro, 250 Int 250 Pro B A AMA Southeastem 85 Jr7·11 , 125SC11oo , 125C, 25O C Mega SeMes 8512·13,125 B, 250 B, 25+ A,25+ B, 3OtA, (TN,GA,VA& KY) 30t B, 40t Sr E F (10 events) G 125A,25OA 'CMC Transcal (Califomia) (8events) 'GR Fa senes ll (California) (8 events) AMA National Champions hip (12 events) . ... . . . . ....... ......... . . - G CMC Copper Slate 1sl-$SOO; 2nd·$400; 3rd-300; 4th-$2oo; Slh-$17S; sm-srso, 7th-$125; 8Ih-$100; 9Ih-$7S; 10Ih -$50. 1sl-$l 00 ; 2nd-$7S; 3rd -$SO. 125 ASt ,125AMod,25OAStk,25OAMod k J L o G C 80Nov,125 Nov, 250 Nov, 25-29 Nov, Vet Nov, E OTNov 80 Int 125lnt, 250 Int 25-29lnt Vellnt OT Int F 25-29 , Vet , OT 125 Pro, 250 Pro G lsl-$3S0; 2nd-$200; 3rd-$100. lsl-$200; 2nd-$100; 3rd-$7S. E F 2~Lr,...,..=-~-="""'.,.....,.---,= Carolina Ultra (N o.Carolina) o./S (10 events) lsl-$2S0; 2nd-$lS0; 3rd-$100. N 8512-13,8514-15,125 Youth 12·15, 125 B, 250 B, 25+ BlC, 30+ BlC, 35+ Sr 40+ Sr , 125A, 250 A, 25+ A, 30+ A 125 Pro, 250 Pro 'CMA Fall North 5enes (No. Califomia) (5 events) K M 85 Slk 7-11 ,85Mod 7·11 , 125CStk, H 125 CMod, 250 CSlk, 250 CMod, Women 85 Stk 12·13,85 Mod 12-13,85Slk 14-15, F 85 Mod 14-15,125 Stk 12·15, 125 Mod 12-15, 125 BStk, 125 B Mod, 250 BStk, 250 BMod, H 'AMA Arenacross (10 events) tst-stooo: Overall-$looo. E 85 7·11 ,125C,250C H isr-srooo. 2nd-$7S0; 3rd-$600; 4Ih-$500; Slh-$400; Sth-$350; 7Ih-S300; 8Ih-$2S0; sm-saoo. 1Oth-$l 00. AMA Winter senes (Ronda) (4 events) AMA Winter Olympics (Flonda) (SXlMX) (2events) MOTOCROSS a '94 or '95 Kawasaki KX, KDX or KLX, and you get more than a great off-road competition bike. You get real winning potential and a shot at a piece of Kawasaki 's $4.25 million F G M overall contingenc y fund : And based on Kawasaki's tra ck record , you should plan on win ning a lot. Amat eur riders are backed by Kawasaki's Team Green. The win ningest amate ur support program in history, it ElIGIBILITY R EQUIREMENTS Rel,hons 7141770-{)400x2633 4 Conhngency .....illbepaid 1 0one wa rranlyregistered ow only ner 7 OnlyU,S, MO elssoldinthe Unlled Slates areeligible d , 1 199 or newer KX1KOXiKLX model. 4 ider mll cy ormlor 5 Kawasak w 3 A must sub one 1995 Kai'iasaki Contingen Claim F i illpaycontingency based on results provided by prom oler 8 ContingencymuSiIle Clarm by December 31. 1995 ed 2 R m st submll a 1995 Kawasaki Coolingcncy R :rallon Form idel u egis eachclass/place and race inwhichhe/she iselgible lor contin i gency and conhrmaon ridercom petedonapronerfyQ ualified mach ine ill ision only 01 the s ame clas 9 Contingency w be paid in one diV (one lime only). Forms m be obtained Irom any auth orized ay w ilhin 30 days 01 event A rider lalsilying a claimform w be 6 Therem stbe aminimum01 7riders 10 consllt te acontingency pay· ny ill u u s pecllied by promoter-nomultipledivis ions K awasaki Dealer. T eam G reen Support Vehicle. or KM C PUblic exclud horn elig oo ibility lor anyKawasaki Contingency program. in gclass (5riderslor SCOR S E imes) 1 R 0 iders wi ll bepaid fOI thei highest llOishing positio in on t r n e

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