Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... 9 9 4 VEAHB • DIRT-TRACK : AMA Amateur Dirt Track National Continued from page 42 fi r s t when Rog e r Banes fell in tu m three. Th e red flag came out, as Banes needed a ride to the hospital. D u ri n g th e delay, the rain returned and th e rest of the program was halted u n til the next day . Bra d Rosine came bac k Frid a y morning to win the 400cc in a close race over Nelson Pearson. The 65cc Mod ha d all the thrills of a good m ile as Roger Lee Hayden and Rob Pearson d rafted the ir way around the track wi th H ayd en topping Pearson at the flag. Hayden returned in the 85cc Mod (711 yrs) to settle the overall wit h Mickey La ne . H ayden, Lan e and Mike Mashewske. were d ueling over the lead when Lane's Suzuki quit. Hayden we nt on to win easily over Mashewske, with b o th riders w ell a h ead of th e tight gro up including Jake Holden, Rob Pearson , K.C. Kno del, Tyler Smulders and Jake Johnson. The 250cc DTX looked to belong to Bryan Bigelow, as he was holding Chris Hu ss off throughout the rac e. On the las t lap, Huss made his mo ve ex iting turn four, but Mike Forro II surprised both riders as he charged to the inside of turn four and sped to the w in. A shocked Bigelow dropped to third. £N AMA Amateur Dirt Track Natio nals 1-96 Speedway, Lake Odessa, Michigan Results: J uly 5-71994. Short Track 2SO MO D: 1. J.R.Schnabe l (Hon); 2. Bryan Bigal ow (Yam); 3. Chris H uss (Hoo); 4. Garth Bastian (H on) ; 5. • Mike Forro U (Hon). 51 STK: 1. James Liles (M-M); 2. Jesse Janisc h (MM); 3. Blake Young (M - M); 4 . D an Gu isepp e ; S. Benjamin Glisson. 125 MOD SO/BY, 1. Jere m! Thompson (H on ); 2. Brandon Rose (Hon ); 3. Da nie Ka uffman (Kaw); 4. Jason Goodwin (Suz) ; 5.Franki e Hi tchcock (Kaw) . 65 DTX, I. Henry Wil es (!Caw); 2. Corey Hormes (!Ca 3. Chris Waite (!Caw); 4. Jason DiSa lvo (!Caw); 5. w); Rob Pearson (!Caw). 85 DTX (12-1S): 1. Tob y Jorgensen (Hon ); 2. Sheldon Wenz (Suz) ; 3. Ben Mill er (Yam); 4. Do n Mullen (Suz); 5. Nick Evans (Hon). 125 DTX: I. J .R . Schnabel (Ka w ); 2. Jere m y Thom pson (Hon); 3. Dan Kauf fman (Kaw); 4. Frankie Hitchcock (!Ca ; 5. Abe Washak (Yam). w) SR 30., I. Mike Babka Jr. (Hon); 2. Rlchard Washak (Rtx); 3. Brian Hewson (Hon ); 4. Dan Watson (Yam ); 5. Jack Touchette (Yam). 400 M O D: 1. Larry VanVal kenburg (Bul); 2. Lonnie Wadle (Yam); 3. Brad Rosine (Kaw l; 4. Pau l Wacker le (KTM); 5. Roger Banes (Yam) . 65 MO D: 1. Roger Lee Hayd en (Kaw ); 2. Henry Wiles (Kaw); 3. Corey Hermes (Ka w) ; 4. Rob Pearson (!

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