Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROAD',RACE":ยท "" :" WorldCha mpiOnsh ipSuperb i~ Road Race Series,' Round 5"" Austr"18 (1:52 ,286 ); 19, Karl Truehsess (1:52.507); 20. Ma ss imo M eregalli (1:5 2,54 1); 21. Al e x Vi e i ra (1;52:5 86); 22 , Roberto Panich i (1:52.649); 23. Mauro Lucch ia ri (1:52657); 24. Brian Morrison (1:53.059); 25. Robert Mitter (1;53 .134); 26. Michae l Paquay (1:53,142); 27, Thierry Rogier (1:53.284); 28. Gianmana Liverani (1:53325); 29. Mauro Moroni (1:53:575); 30, Marcel Emst (1:53.792); 31. Jochen Schmid (1:531!O3);32 Adrien Morillas (1:54,061); 33. Ald eo Presdutti (1:54.094); 34. Robert Ulm (1:54.175); 35. Peter Haug (1:54.251); 36, Hugues Blanc (1:54.466); 37, Fabrizio Furlan (1:54.679); 38, Andrea Perselli (1:54,7D4 ); 39. Eric Maillard (1:54Jl82); 40, Go!rald Muteau (1:54.920); 41. Jean -Mar c Deleran g (1:55.316); 42. Denis Sona ns (1:55.626); 43. Karl Undinger (1:55.651). RAC E O NE: 1. Ca rl Fogarty (Due); 2. A nd reas Meklau (Due); 3. Do ug Po len (Hon); 4. Aaron Slig ht (Hon); 5, 5h'phane Mertens (Dw:); 6. Simon C raIar (Han); 7, james Whitham (Dw:); 8, Fabrizio Pirovano (Yam ); 9, Rober to Pani ch i (Due) ; 10. Rob Phillis (Ka w) ; 11. Pierg iorgio Bontempi (Kaw ); 12. Mass imo Mer egalii (Yam); 13, Serafino Foti (Due); 14. Scott Russell (Kaw ); I S. Christer Lindholm (Yam) ; 16. Iochen Schmid (Kaw); 17. Kar l Truchsess (Kaw) : 18. Roger Kellenberger (Yam ); 19. Ald eo Presdu tti (Du e); 20. Alex Vieira (Hon); 21. Marcel Ems t (Kaw); 22. Robert Vlm (H an); 23. Fabrizio Furlan (Due); 24. Peter Haug (Ha n); 25. Valerio Des tefanis (Due); 26. Thierry Rogier (Due); 27, Adricn Morill as (Kaw). Time: 33 min.,32.793 sec. . Distancr.18laps, 65.317 mil es . Averose.peect 116.822 mph, Mugin of vidory: 2.923 sec. _ F..testlap: Meklau. 1:50.408/118.323lnph. RA CE TW O : 1. Carl Fogarty (Due) ; 2. An dreas Mek lau (Due); 3. Do ug Po len (Hon); 4. Aaron Slight (Hon); 5, Sh'phanc Mertens (Due) ; 6. Simon C ra/ar (Hon); 7. Paolo Casoli (Yam); 8. Joehen Schmid (Kaw); 9. Piergiorgio Bontempi (l(aw); 10. Serafino Foti (Dw:); 11, Terry Rymer (Kaw); 12, Seott Russell (Kaw); 13. Rob Phillis (l(aw); 14. Chrism Undholm (Yam); 15. Massimo Me regaUi (Yam ); 16. Roberto Panichi (Due) ; 17. Alex Vieira (H an ); 18. Marcel Ernst (Ka w ); 19. Robert Vim (Han); 20. Fabrizio Furlan (Du e); 21. Valerio Destefanis (Du e). Time 33 mi n., 31.787 sec. Distance:~, 65.317 mil es. 8 L1 Average. - 116.889 mph. victory: 2.332 sec. F,,'estlap: Foga 1:50.769/ 117 rty. .938 mph. WORLD C 'SHIP SUPER BIKE SER IES POINT STANDINGS (After 5 of 12 ro unds): 1. Ca rl Fogarty (128); 2 Scott Russell (118); 3. Aa ro n Slig h t (105); 4. Doug M a rgi n 0 Polen (97); 5. Gia nca rlo Falapp a (76); 6. Simon Cr afar (75); 7, Andreas Me kl au (74); 8, T erry Ry mer (59) ; 9, Fabrizio Pirovano (57); 10. Piergio rgio Bonlempi (54); 11. S h~p ha ne Merten s (48); 12. James Wh itham (43); 13. Mauro Luceh iari (34 ); 14 . Valer io Dest efanis (33); 15. Brian Morrison (30). Upcoming rounds: Round 6: Sentul, Indonesia - August 21 Round 7: Sugo, Japan - August 28 Doug Polen (23) leads Jamie Whitham (69), Andreas Meklau (11) and Fabrizio Pirovano (4) In one of t he two legs at the Oesterrelchrlng. :Bri,efly.~,~ ~~ " " And~itasMekl iiu, 'sl a rt ed ,his remarkable,

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