Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and the pf4e~ent .... Yamaha FZR600 " Wrth'a blend of light weight. a powerful yet compact engine and superb handling, the FZR600 haswon countless races and rules an unknown number of twisty roads. 1994 model shown. .. .... Yamaha VZ250 . Oneof lastyears most dominating performers, the VZ250 motocrosser returns with .• Sox more leadin~ge advancements to continue its race-winning ways. 1994 model shown. Just fill out the sweepstakes entry form and mail ittoday. No purchase necessary. W you're at it, subscribe toCycle News, Americas Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper. hile Call Now to Subscribe! 1·800-831·2220 (subscribers only) 24 Hour FAX (SUbscriptions only) 310-427-6685 You can't win if you 'don't enter! ...- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - --- - -- - -q--ENTRY FORM-Mail- Today - -- -- --- - -- -- --- - --,-OFFICIAL ~ (jJ]]ffi / VA M H AA ~ ~ o ~ ~\~t\ ~ ~ o YES, I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS AND BE ENTERED IN THE SWEEPSTAKES· w..'tt\\Il\l\. m~~ ~~l ~~V~\l • No, I DONIT WANT TO SUBSCRIBE, BUT PLEASE ENTER ME IN THE SWEEPSTAKES. NAME , ADDRESS J CITY PHONE _ STATE No. ORDER DATE ZIP _ _ _ ~, 01 year (50 issues) $35.00, 0 1year (50 issues) Canada, Mexico, and all other foreign countries$75.00 (U.S. Funds) THIS IS A 0 NEW SUBSCRIPTION 0 RENEWAL 0 CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ENCLOSED o 'PLEAS ME EBILL 0 '8ILL3PAYMENTSOF$11.67 o CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD - 0 0 CARD No. ,Exp DATE _ _'--_ _ "Signature MAll TO: I WOULD PERFER TO WIN: (CHECKONE) ~ "_ o ' YAMAHA FZR600 SPORTBIKE o YAMAHA YZ250 MOTOCROSS BIKE ; - ." ... -'-__ CYCLE NEWS, INC. S'ZZUNG SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 ~ No purchase necessary. Must be 18 orolder 10 claim prize. Fill out the official entry form (or a3'xS' facsimile), including your name, address, city, slate, ZIP code and phone number. Mail your entry (one per person, please) to Cycle News postmarked by September 26,1994. Final drawing will be held on Seplember 30,1994. The odds ofwinning will be determined by the number ofentries received: Subject to all local, stale and federal regulations. Tax, regislration and transportation are the responsibility ofthe winner, By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to accept responsibility for city and slate licensing and registration requirements. No substitu1e prize given nor cash equivalent paid. Ifm wins the prize, itwill be registered inthe name ofthe parent orlegal guardian. Inaccepting the prize, the winner grants Cycle News, Inc., pennsson to promote and publicize his orher photograph inor L and the prize won. All employees ofCycle News, Inc.,Yamaha Motors Corporation and their dealers/agencies and their families are not eligible. ~ ' ~ ~

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