Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I foug,-.'---,-~~~~~il' . .. .:__ --_~/.-·"":-'j:Y:-_<,-·- ':d:C"h';:.:';:vS--,c-tb / :"~. >: - --" . . : tZ ~< real war started trackSide during the second m oto of the French 500cc MX GP.. As happens too often, officials had provid ed mechanics with an unsuitable sign alling .area, so the technicians took matters in to their own .hands and moved, en masse, elsewhere. .. ss After fists had flown, local law officers were called in, and, as in Italy one month earlier/a scuffle erupted between the signallers and the officers., " In Italy -thecaribinieri '(police) h~dattemptedto , drag a sleI"\dersigna,Jlerto the ground from behind, lmly to d iscover that th e 'person wi th theboard was the girlfrien d ofEngli sh.privateer Leigh Williams. In France the police/gendarmes r~ughly h.u;dled the signaller of Marian Duchon, whose injured left arm was in a slm g.. . tr d Apaitfrom the shabby image po rtrayed to the public, the lack of dialog over a ' sui table signalling area also c~usedgreat frustration for a section of the crowd. The fans had taken up what they thought to be an ~xcellent viewing area, on ly to have their viewof the racing impaired by the crowded "unofficial" signalling area. Swedish FIM jury delegate Peter Hansson sa!d that he had raised the sub ject of signalling and work areas already the previous day. "I was told that the signalling was to be d one from the top of the hill, with the work area at the bottom (where the tussles eve ntually took place). When I asked if t he mechanics should split themselvesdown the middle, Twas met w ith abrupt silence and a shrug of the shoulders;" A WOR LD C H A M P IO N S HI P 500 cc MX S ER IES PO INTS STANDINGS: 1. Mar cu s H an sson (209 /2 wins ); 2. jacky Marte ns (198/ 2); 3. joel Sme ts (187/1 ); 4. Ronny Weu stwen rae d (129); S. Ger t Jan Van Doorn (113/ 1); 6. Billy Liles (100/1 ); 7. Darryll King (93); 8. Dan ny Theybers (73); 9. Merv yn Ansti e (71/1 ); 10. Fran co -Rossi (70); 11. Mirosla v Kucirek (70); 12. Peter Dlrkx (67); 13. joha n Boonen (61); 14. Ca rlo Huisen (53); 15. Rudi Van Leeuwen (52); 16. Ce org es [obe (51); 17. Jerem y Whatl ey (51); 18. Siggi Baue r (46); 19. Gerald Delepine (36); 20. Dirk Ge ukens (33). Upcoming Rounds: Round 9 - Agueda. Portugal. July 3 Round 10 - Folkendange, luxembourg , July 17 World Championship 250Cc Motocross Series Round9: Czech GP 609 HOLlCE, CZECH REPUBLIC, JUNE 26 re nch man Yves "T he Fly " Demaria backed up his maiden 250cc MX GP w in at the British GP, with another victory eight d ays later in the Czech Republic, moving him up to th ird place in the point standings. As in England, he was joined on the podium at the technically undemanding Holice track by championship pace-setters Greg Albertyn and Stefan Everts. The South African, Albertyn, incr eased his narrow lead in the s tand ings over . the Belgian, Everts one p oint to three, w hile the Frenchman is a further 60 points back. . The onl y other rider to split the trio all d ay was Dema ria ' s Pepsi Honda g teammate Tallon Vohland, who pu shed Everts dow n to fourth in the opening mo to and was fifth overall on the d ay. The Ame rican had been ninth in moto two, and was th e lone bright light for America. Trampas Parker lost a dose decision for sixth to his English friend Rob Herring in the opener, but did not fin ish race two, while Donny Schmit's d reams of a third wo rld crown were buried for ano ther year. Still handicap ped by the sho ulder he dislocated two weeks earlier in Belgium, the Minnesotan was put out of the first mo to on the opening lap, and a brave ride to the finish in race tw o was only rewa rded with 18th. Schmit now trails Albertyn by 87 points and has been pushed down to fifth in the standings by Demaria an d consistent Belgian Marnicq Bervoets. eN CzechGP Hollce, Czech Repub lic Results: June 26, 1994 (Round 9 of 15) MOTO 1: 1. Yves Demaria (Hon); 2. Greg Albe rtyn (Suz); 3. Tallon Vohla nd (Hon); 4. Stefan Everts (Kaw); 5. Mamicq Bervoe ts (Suz); 6. Rob Her ring (Kaw) ; 7. Tra mpa s Park er (KTM); 8. Andre a Bartolini (Yam); 9. Joakim Karlsson (Kaw); 10 . Kurt N icoll (Han ); 11. Michele Fanto n (Ka w) ; 12. Peter Iven (Ka w); 13. Paul Coope r (Ha n); 14. Max Gazza rata (Ha n); 15. Werner De Wit (Suz). MOTO 2: 1. Ever ts; 2. Albertyn; 3. Dema ria; 4. Bervoets; 5 . Ka rlsson; 6. Nico ll; 7. Herrin g; 8. Alessa nd ro Puz ar (Ka w) ; 9. Voh land; 10. Fanton; 11. Iven; 12. Oiet mar Lacher (Han) ; 13. Cooper; 14. Mark Eas twood (Hon); I S. Paul Ma lin (Yam). alA: 1. Yves Demaria (Ho n); 2. Greg Albe rtyn (Suz); 3. Ste fan Evert s (Kaw) ; 4. Mamicq Bervoe ts (Suz); 5 . Tallon Vohland (Ha n) ; 6. Rob Her ring (Kaw) ; 7. joakim Karlsso n (Kaw); 8. Kurt Nicoll (Hon); 9. Mich ele Fanton (Kaw); 10. Trampas Parker (KTM). WORLD CHAMPION SHIP 250cc MX S ERI ES POI NTS ST ANDI NGS: 1. Greg Albertyn (255/ 2 w ins); 2. Stefa n Eve rt s (252/4); 3. Yves De ma ria (192/2); 4. Ma m icq Berv oets (173); 5. Donny Sch m it (168 / 1); 6. Kurt N icoll (ISO); 7. Werner De Wit (127); 8. Tr ampas Parker (11 6); 9. Ta llo n Voh la nd (115); 10. Jo ak im Karlsson (114); 11. Rob Herring (96); 12. Frederic Belley (75); 13. And rea Bartolini (74); 14. Michel e Fan ton (56); 15. Peter Iven (54); 16. Alessan dro Puzar (41); 17. Paul Cooper (39); 18. Peter Johansson (39); 19. Pa ul Malin (34); 20. Ton Van Grinsven (25). Upcoming Rounds: Round 10 - Uddevalla, Sweden, July 10 Round 11 - Heinola. Finland, July 17 (Top) Former champion Georges Jobe performed like his old self, fin ishing an Impressive thi rd overa ll. . . (Above) Darry l Klng won the open ing mota, but crashed hard and was injured when his motor broke in moto two . 27

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