Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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class champions hi ps on his Pa rri ot Motors F2 Honda; so far, he's well on his way . In the 600cc Superstreet, Parriott lined up with Dave Fra ncis , Ron Chia ra tti and Michael Riley in the front row: four very fast competitors . At the d rop o f the nag, Riley ju mped through a hole in time . taki ng six lengths before the rest of the front row go t moving . Up the hiI1through two and three . Riley had Parriot on his rear tire looking for the slightes t openi ng while Chiara tti held a three-bike lead over Fran cis for third. By the seco nd lip, Pa rrio t had the lead to himself. racing only th e track and looking for back markers. But the race for th e ne xt three spots wa s as hot as e ver with Ch iaratti on Riley's tail, and Francis loo king for a way by both of them . Down the back side of the course, a ll three riders ran at full speed, nose to tail. On lap five, w ith th e help of lapped tr aff ic, Fra ncis o n the Chande lle Motorspor ts F2 came out of the chicane to take Ch iara tti in tum one an d Riley in two, but Parriot was nowher e in sight, havin g sped off for the wi n . Using lapped tra ffic, Riley was abl e to keep Chiaratti trapped in fourth to the finish line . In the 600cc Prod ucti on class, Pa rriot lined his Armadillo F2 up with Francis, Ch lararti and Dan Baldini. From the flag, Pa rr iot took the lead w ith Baldin i, Franci s and Chia ra tti right behind. By the second lap , Francis was second, lea ving Baldini to deal with Chiaratti. By halfway, Parriot was gone, whil e Chiaratti found an open ing an d sho t past Baldini wi th Billy Vasstl u se lling up to d o the same . The rest of the race found Fra ncis in sec ond and Chiaratti look in g for a way to pass him o utside of six, but Francis shu t him down into sev en. At the finis h, Parrio t had an eight-second lead over Francis with Chiaratti less than on e bike length ba ck. Results s.-.Jn (Top) Brian Parriott (169) was practically uns toppable at Sears Point Raceway. Parriott hammered t he competit ion fo r wins In the 600cc Superstl'8At and Prod uction classes. (Above) Handicap maln -event winner Bobby Hedden (left ) leads runner-up Dusti n SChroeder through traffic at Auburn Speedway. The two have been rivals since their Jun ior days. 80 BEC: 1. Ju,tin Komaff (Hon); 2. Sha ne Millchd l ~ w); 38 la u Mitchell (; 4. Miles Buck (Kaw); S. Patrick Merrifiekl (Hon) . 80 (7. 11): 1. Sco tt Howl' (Suz); 2.. O.. ryl Ecklu nd (Suz); 3. Shane Smith (Suz) . • 80 (12·13): 1. Oris Honnold (Kaw l; 2. Brent La~teT (yam). 80 04-16): 1. George La Mon te (Suz); 2. Nick Butterw orth (y. m). 125 BEG: 1. Jonathln Schultz. (Su%); 2. Tyln Buck (Su%): 3. Tr.avis Smith (YolI m); 4. Ga bi Aba you (Hon); 5. Eddie Luri (Suz) . 125 NOV: 1. Chris f'kitze1 (Suz); 2. Kl!vin Tarw lltrr (Suz); 3SNun Mitchell (Kaw);" Krnn JKbon(Hon). 125 INT: 1. Lorm Jenkins (Hon); 2. N"rl Main:Jlie (Su7.). 2SOBEG: 1. Robm Wood (Han); 2. Donov an Durst (; 3. . Michael K.lutz (Hon); 4. Rick Nolte (Suz); 5. J.uon Craig (lCAw). 250NOV, I./"'!WI (Suz) . 250 INT: 1. ~ff Barbacovi (yAm),; 2. Darren Elliott (Han); 3. Robbie~m (Y.lm). 2SO rRO: 1. ToaySWdt(Suz). 500 BEG:1. Jon Hall (Han); 2. BobSwein (K.a ). w 500 NOV: 1. Ml rty Estes (Hon) . JRVET BEG: 1. Fenando 8ftTuternath (Hon); 2. Mk:hk-I Pass ohn Butin- (l Ion); 4. Ph ilip McKuhn (Y~). (Suz); 3. J JRVET NOV: t. Bn.n Snyder (yam); 2. C.T. Watan.Jbe' (Hon); 3. o.nny CAnacW (H on ); 4. Tun Konkol (Y.un); 5. John Erickson (Hon). JR VET INT: 1. Milr Crosby (KAw) . VET BEG: 1. Jon tbll (Hon ); 2. Lury Willi.ams (Han); 3. Mar k J ones (Yam); 4. Jo Ta nnrr(Yam). VET NOV: 1. Randy Uppie (yam); 2. Greg Robemon (Hon); 3. Carrie T ~ (Ka w ); 4. Cr aig Bryson (yam); 5. Rand y And ef'o son (yam). . VET tNT: 1. Jame Coppedge (Ya m); 2. Derek Borg (y am); 3. Alex Spinelli (Yam). VETEX:1. leo Saul (Suz ); 2. Rmdy (Suz). SR NOV: 1. Rick Early (Hon) . SR EX: 1. BobDunham (Yam); 2. Ken Renaux (Yam). Hedden, Sisemore share honors in Auburn By Gen Moore AUBURN, CA. JUNE 24 42 Bobby Hedden raced to his first main-event victory of the season in the Handicap main, while Jim Sisemore captured y e t another Scratch main event at G o ld Co untry Fairgrounds in Auburn. Bobby Hedden blasted off th e 4Gyard line and took the outside line through the first corner. In the back straight he powered past Dustin Schroeder and Vance Felicio to take seco nd p lace behi nd Allen Krause. As he went into the comer, he dropped down on the pole still in second. As they sta rted lap two, Schroeder, Sisemore and Bart Bast were right behind Hedden in th ird, fourth and fift h. Hedden continued to push Krause 10 the max. In the next comer, Hedden and Krau se touched and Hedden we nt on by . Afte r they touched, Krause bounced off the straightaway fence and came back across the tra ck. Bast, who was on th e in side, had to swerve to avoid a collision, which allowed the lead riders to get away. The rest of the race saw Hedden, Shroeder and Sisemore running so tightly you could have put a blanket over all three. At the finish it wa s Hedden, Schroeder and Sisemore finishing 1-23. The Scratch main event was the first race this season 10 place brothers on the line in the same race . Bobby Hedden was on th e ou tside while his brother, Tom, sta rted in gate two. Bast wa s in ga te three and Jim Sisemore d rew the pole. Sisemore took advantage of his pole position to take an unbeatable lead, stayin g on the pole the entire race without making an y mistakes. Righ t behind him was Bart Bast , jus t wa itin g for an opening. The Hedden brothers ha d a ra ce of the ir own going and rode side by side for a good portion of the race. At the flag, it was Sisem ore comin g in first and Bast in second. while Bobby Hedden won the hallie for thin:!. Re s ults HDCP:1. Bobby Hed d m 0 .1.""); 2. Du!ltin Schroeder (Wn); 3. Jim Si Iim10fe (Wes); 4. Bart But (Jaw ); S. Vance Feolicio (Wes). SCRATOi: I .Jim~(W es);2. Bart Bast Oa w);3. Bobby Heddm Oaw ); 4. Tom Hrdden (Gdn). 0-2: 1. Rick Schambers; 2. Mikr Armentrout; 3. Eric Homm.;: 4. JOt' Teilgen; S. John O' Con nell . 0- 3: 1. Kenny Tannehill; 2. George SnodgulII; 3. Bob Phillips; 4. John Cra ig; S. Rkh Wilson. JR: 1. Steven M«;il1; 2. Matt Proto ; 3. Travil MelJorVlld. Parriot dominates Sears Point Road Race By Patrick E. Dickinson SONOMA, CA. JUNE 19 Since the beginning of the 1994 season. Brian Parriot has been detennined to take both 600cc 2SOPROD: 1. Fr....os Mazur (Ka w ); 2. Murphy (Ka w ); 3. Oonald Sanchez (Kaw); 4. Terri Vogcl(Kaw ). VINT: I. Peter W"t50n (BMW) ; 2. Dav e RU!!lscll (BSA); J . Craig WftU (Y;un); 4. Ow-Ies 5c-Jtton (BuI); S. Jim Ninlburg (Bul). F·S: 1. Bill G ilner; 2. J.ltOf1 Wr ir (Yam ); 3 . David Colbert (Hon ); 4. David Vogel (Hon). F-TW OPE."': 1. Ja mrs Cod. (Due); 2. Tom Te rry (Due); 3. Paul Orlandi (Due); 4. Peee Oemu (H-D ); Kurt Sager (Due). 500 TW: 1. Ken Sin" (Ka w); 2. Pat s.-etnw ttl"r (leaw); 3. John Swl!'n'lC'Y (Kaw); 4. Alan Kelso (lC.lw); S. Fr.mcis Muur (K.w) . OPE N S/ STR.: 1. Dave Sta n ton (Suz) ; 2. Russ PLlmondon (Ya m); 3. jrff Mo;:Cabe (Suz); 4. C1enn Filsh~ (Suz); 5. Bob Sieberm.m (Hon). 600 S/STR: 1. Brian Parriot (Hon); 2. Dave Francis (Hon); 3. MKhM!l Riley (Hon); 4. Rona ld Chiantti Jr. (Hon); S. DaMy Bald i· ni (Hon ). 750 5 /Sffi: 1. Dave Sta nton (Suz); 2. Joe Brett Williams (Hon); 3. Nkk Felli (Kaw); 4. Tun Blasquez ('Su.z); S. Milr Smi th (Suz) . OPEN GP: 1. Omnia Doherty (Yam); 2. Robert Mesa; 3. Rut18 Pla mo ndo n (Ya m) ; 4. Bob Sie brnha m (Ho n) ; S. Chri s Vol ke r (Hon ). F-2: 1. Peter Winsloff (Ya m); 2. Michael Firth (Y.m); 3. Jrff Orlip (Y.i.m); 4. Mark Shubert (ya m ); S. Bill Giltner. 4SO PROD: 1. Roseland Eu~ Wells (Y.i.m); 2. Paul Kellogg (yam); 3. Reno Mod t'Sti (Yam); 4. David Wa ssen (yam); S. Frank Gonzales (Yam) . F-3: 1. Arnold Van Kemper (Ho n); 2. Cr a ig Avery (Hon) ; 3. John Bowman (Han); 4. Eric Giglitti (Hon). 250S/ STR.: 1. Steve Rapp (Hon); 2. Jeff Leggett (Yam ); 3. Jeff Ca rril lo (Yam); 4. Kt'nn y Cohen (Yam); S. Jason T!loCTI (Hon) . F-PAC: 1. p ave Sta nton (Su z); 2. Peter Wrnsloff (Yam); 3. Brian Parr&ot (Hon); 4. Joe Brett Willi .ms (H on ); S. N ick Frlli (Ka w). 450 S/STR: I. Jeif Short (Ya m); 2. Robert Nunez (Yam); 3. Roseland Eu gen e Wells (Ya m); 4. Da rrell Parker (Yam) ; S. r.u1 Krllogg (Ya m). F-4O: 1. Denn is Doherty (Yam); 2. Doi id Vogel (Suz); 3. r aul v Orlandi (Due); 4. Fred Willink (Suz); S. Keith Mclk'l h. F-l : l Joe Brett Williams (H on ); 2. Jeif Short (Yam); 3. Robert N unn (Yam); 4. Rilry (Hon); S. Chris Thorson (Suz). 600 PRO D: I. Briim Parriol (Hon); 2. Dav r Fn nc:is (Hon); 3. Ron Chi.a ratti (Ho n); 4. Billy Vass ilu (Hon) ; S. Da nny Baldini (Hon~ OPFN PROD:1. Bob Stebrnhaur (Han); 2. Jim Morgan (Han); 3. Nord Andrrson (Kaw). 7SO PRO D: 1. l un Blasqun. (Suz) ; 2. Tom A rnold (Suz); 3. Brian Sha nnon (Sgz ); 4. Oinlon Simpson (Suz); S. Brian Mo rk (Suz). Faria, Larsen share Glen Helen Speedway honors By Elaine Jones SANBERNARDINO, CA. JUNE 22 1l was Fox Night at Glen Helen Speedway. and Mike Faria and Josh Larsen wowed th~ girls for sure w ith some of the best racing of the year. Faria was almost perfect after four ro unds of Scratch racing, scoring 15 of a possible 16 points. Larsen had 13, while Charlie Venegas was one ba ck with 12 and Bobby Schwartz had the final spot, having 10 fight back w ith great rid es after touching the tape in the first round. Faria drew the pole wi th Schwartz right next to him, then came Venegas and Larsen in three an d four. All fou r riders hit turn one wi th in arm 's reach of one ano the r, bu t Larsen' had the edge coming out of two un til he we nt real wide in four , ahnost tagging the wall. That wa s all Faria needed 10get undem eath and take over the lead . Larsen made a great save and was able to hang onto second, but not by much as Schwartz and Venegas were right there. The race went right down 10 the checkered flag, with Faria home first followed by Larsen, Schwartz and Venegas. David Taylor led the H andica p main from short ya rdage for three laps before he we nt high in four and Paul Colsto n got by to take over the lead. Cols ton then carried it for two laps befo re Larsen powered past on the white-flag lap with Jim Estes and Faria righ t behind him. They were in this orde r at the checkered. Steele a nd Stewart had no trouble winning the Sidecar ma in e ve n t as th ey went wire to wire . The team of Gard ner and Lynch was second, with the real battle being the one for thin:! between Edwards /Brown a nd H ors ley /Medberry. On the last lap, Horsley and Med berry barely got by in tum fo ur to win the d rag race to the checkered. Results SCRATCH MAIN : I. Mike Faria O.w); 2. J osh La~ (GM); 3. Bobby Schwartz (GM); 4. Olarl....V~ Oaw) . HOC P MA IN : 1. Jos h Larsen (GM); 2. Jim Estes (Wes); 3. M ike Faria Oaw); 4. raul Col ston (Wt"S S. J ); erry Black (Wes). SUP: 1. Jimm y Ka.'t"goln (Wt-' 2. Bub Manha UOaw); 3. Mitch !I); HaU Oaw ); 4. Beau Lrvand06ki Oaw ); S. Richa rd Ga vdos (Wn ). SOCR MAIN : 1. Stee le / Ste wart (Hon); 2. Canhwr /Lynch (Kaw); J . Hor.oley /ML"C1beny (Kaw); 4. Edward s / Brown (BMW). JR: I. Sleven [)uwn ln~ (Wes ); 2. Jimm y Fishback Jr. 0.1"") ; 3. JeMn y Simmon s (Yam); 4. Rya n Fi!>ht'l' (Wt'!I) . Mensch bums Brainerd RR By Kevin Downey B RAINERD, MN, JUNE 18-19 As heat an d humidity overcame racers and their tires, John Mensch sho wed tha t it's po ssible to overco me the wea ther, grid position , a nd bad s ta rts by taki ng th e w in in Saturd ay 's Middlew eigh t Supersport event at Brainerd international Raceway. Oint McBain, CRA regular Dan Wipper, and th e in fa mo us Do ug " Clu tch" Barne tt all led Mensch through the first two laps until he wa s ab le to gather the Ferree- tu ned FZR 6OO's ponies and make a charge for the fron t. The next time Mensch went through tu m three, he was in fron t and stayed there for the win. The e ve n t wa s marred , however, by th e dea th of Canadian rider Jason Scraba, w ho crashed in to the woods at tum three af ter his brake lever apparently fell off in tum one. Med ical personnel at the scene cou ld not revive him. The day's trophy dashes were sho rtened, bu t the excitement level was not di minished. Charlie Bach n ever relin qu ish ed his fine hol eshot lead in the first trophy dash to second -p laced Les Harkonen. Th e su rp rise o f the race ca me when Mark Bennett proved that power isn' t e ve ry thi n g when h e took third place on his Suzuki GS500E , ed ging o u t Shane Simonette, Brian Rogers and Eric WaroHn, all mo unted on FZR400s. In the second 'tro phy dash, featuring the big bikes, Dave He nry motored away from everyone on his new FZR1000, w hile Mensch again pro ved 'his expertise by pulli ng off a fourth place on his FZR600, ahead of a fie ld of GSXR750s and zxs« Results U / L 55: 1. Dave Hl'llr)' (Yam); 2. Mike Ruehle (Kaw ); 3. Keith Dier kes (K.J",,); 4. Scott Rut"h le (Hon); S. Rod Fid ler (Suz ). 55 EX: I. Mike Rueh le (Kaw); 2. Keith Dierkes (Ka w); 3. Stev e Johnson (Kaw); 4. Scott Rudlle (lion ); 5. Tim Woldsworth ~w). H /W SS NOV: 1. Sohn Wrhselto (H an); 2. Sco tt Ff)'ft' (Hon ); r J . Alex Freeman (Hon ); 4. John Hed strom (Kaw); S. Jason Hanson (Hon~ M/W 55 EX: 1. John MeNch (Yam); 2. Clint McBain (Hon); JOan Wippe r (lion); 4. Outeh Barne tt (Han); S. Ken Doble (Ka w ). M/W 55 NOV: I. SOOn WehsckT (Hoa); 2. Scott Frye' (Hon); 3. J~ Ha nson (Han); 4. Jason Mar ku Ja (Yam); S. Kyle Knu tson (Hon~ L/W SS EX: 1. Ot.arlir B.d\ (yam); 2. Marc Chiodo (Yam); 3. Les Harkonm (; 4. Shane Simonrl«' (Yam); S. Ken Url..ert (Suz~ L/W 55 NOV : 1. P,1f Lambert (Ya m) ; 2. Joh n Frrderieb (Ya m ); J . Luan Ng uyrn (Ya m ); 4. Bill Ask (Yam); S. Adam Sylves rer (Y.a . m) ULTRA L/ W SS EX: 1. Km Urkrrt (Suz) ; 2. Eric P.i.uLsen (Suz); 3. Tom Mairr (Suz); 4. ~ Mellbrrg (Suz); S. Pat H;aIJ (Suz). ULTRA L/W SS NOV : 1. O\.ad 80chrI (Suz); 2. Terry Dusing (Su.z); 3. Shrldon Mlnhys (Su.z); 4. TIm Conunns (yam); S. Scott (Suz). lROPHY DASH 1 EX; I.Owrlir Bach(Y. m); 2. Lrs Ha rkonen (yam); 3. Marl Bennrtt (Suz); 4. SimonrttC" (Y am); S. Brian Rog=(y.mj. . TROPHY DASH NOV : 1. Pal Lambert (Yam); 2. Troy Haa land. (Yam) ; 3. Bill Ask (Yam); 4. Kevin Eliason (Kaw ); S. Luan Nguyen (Yam). . TROPHY DASH 2 EX: 1. Davr Hrnry (Yam); 2. Keith Dirrbos (lea w); 3. S,"r Johnson (Kaw); 4. John Merwch (yam ); S. LarTy Sha w (Suz) . n OPHY DASH 2 NOV: 1. Jor Cci56ler (Ka w); 2. Scott Fryer (Hon) ; J . John Hedstrom (K.i. ); 4. J.!JDf1 HaI\lOf1 (I-I ; S. Ryan w on) Fnnk (Suz). MSTR EX: 1.Roger Hrndricks (Suz); 2. Clreth Jones (y am); 3. Glen Chris tian son (Suz) ; 4. Tom Mairr (Suz) ; S. Bryan Brag er (Yam) . MSTR N OV : l.Wayne Andrrson (Bon); 2. C h ri s Rezb a (Yam); 3. Phi l Ester ly lIT (Yam ); 4. Dam"11 Pranon (Suz ); S. Jim Stodola (Hon) . S/BIC SHOOTOlIT: 1. Mark Bennett (Suz) ; 2. John Mensch (Yam); 3. O\iIrlie Bach (Y.m); 4. Ken Uekert (Suz); S. ks Harkonen (Yam). SPTSMN M/W S/BK NOV : 1. Jon Erickson (Hon); 2. Mid\ael John son (Hon) ; 3. Bill Ask (yam); 4. Barry Stuart (yam); s . Pat Lambert (Yam ). SPTSMN L/W S/ BK EX: 1. Marl Bennett (Suz); 2. Brett D0nahue (Suz ); 3. Glen Christianson (Suz); 4. Erik PauI.en (Suz); S. Joe Cornelius (Yam). 5PTSMN L/W 58 NOV: I .Will S~ (lion); 2. Kevin Eliason (; 3. Shddon Matth y. (Suz); 4. Trny Dusing (Suz) ; S. Tim Commen (Yam). »...