,,,,:''..' :'1
' .,
outcome, This time, Michael Kann, who finished
13th in moto one due to a derailed chain. led to
the fi rs t corner followed by Mega w a n d
Ettesvold. Seeing an opportunity to pa ss right
away, Ettesvold took it and snuck to the inside in
the second comer to pass both Kann and Megaw
for the lead . The trio of Yamaha pilots finished
the moto in tha t order, with Mega w's 1-3 finishes
good eno ugh to net him the overa ll win. .
Res ults
MICRO: 1. Brlondon Andenon; 2. joshUA RolbiK U: 3. Scon
DUmIdJt; ... Josh~ 5.. ~·ftl Str.Jtldl.and.
P/W: 1. Na than Brouljht; 2. Cnin CWrk; 3. Adolm Dr.d; of
(}reft.. ~ S.JKDbSchobr.
JR: I. R..tondy Ploimer; 2. Zach. Orrry ; 3. Andrew M illeT; • .
a..d _
S. JoryCecko,
SR: 1. Ryan Mt'gaw; 2. Michael Etles vold.; 3. Courtney S.tompIOn; 4. Eric Gerber; 5. Lucas Onwnn.
Ynt 1. tee Theis ; 2. Aaron Huppert; 3. Ryan Brough ton; • .
L.ncr Cunningh.tom;S. Shell y K..tonn.
17·2. A: 1. Robbie Engslrom; 2. J""on J(~mpd; J . Chad
W inrdre; • . James Pov o lny; 5. Kenneth M.uch..
17·24 B: 1. Scon Johnson; 2. Chuck. Ow51 ..-T; J . Joahua Hu ts;-I.
Bill MftiL· ,;5. Chris Slt"l1\.
11-24 C: 1. Robby Kendall; 2. JefOR\(' Ha gen; 3. Tim Roth; -I.
Myks Saj&h; 5. Brm t Herber .
2S+ A: L Davi d Nie mi; 2. Idf Colbert; 3. MiChael C rail ; 01.
Bruct' Ca tes; 5. Bill Engstrom.
25+ B: 1. J Mo m !ldte: 2. John Ktolly; 3. Chrill M. rilI; • . Jeff
5. David J.nw g.
2S+ C: 1. Mike Fox; 2. Brett Dt'lp; 3. w tlltam Kren ik; 01 . Tim
BjomllOn; 5. Troy John~.
VET A: 1. Cary Broni kowski ; 2. Mich ael C rail; 3. Michat.>l
Nollhe-; 4. Jeff Sof'l"l1!lOn; 5. RU9!ie1 Anthony.
VET 8: I. Chrill Hind s; 2. Mikr M.:N.. i1 3. Tim Rood ; 4. Dan
Ze1.lmy; 5. Will Leclaire.
. VET C: 1.WillLun Krenik. 2. Perry Wolf f; J.
David Koenig; S. Dave tkncir.
o.n LJCroi x;- 4.
SR 40+: 1. Brian .OI lo; 2. Ca ry C ro th; J. s teve RrKhu ; •
Mm """""' S. Mil< Quinn.
SR 50 +: 1. Robrrt Wistedt; 2. Da ITd Armb ruster; 3. JIoInt'S
1Grlq>alri. I. J. ~ Milton (lion); 2. K.ilrl lowty
Jr. (Han); 3. Robm Milkor (lion); 4. Robt."J1 Ylom
pob.ky (Hon); 5.
Ton y Mathews (Hen).
150 MOO PROD: I. J. Andft'W Milton (Hon ); 2.. John Hilton
(lion); 3. ~ HoW (Hon ): 4. Michael Aickingn (Suz); 5. M.a
nc. M.lrAcio ~w).
OPEN MOD PROD: I . Curtis Ad ilrN (Suz); 2. John Hi lton
(Hon ); 3. [)elon Vincml (YIom); • . Richard Munn (Suz) ; S. IQeIl
Westberg (Han).
BOTI H /W: 1. Mid. Ofie ld (Due); 2. Jerry Jirkovl.ky (Kaw); 3.
Lloyd Johnaon (Due); 4. Bill fenne.y (Yam).
801T L/W: 1. Sll-phton Ullion (Hon); 2. Alan Bur« (l(.lw); J.
Gerry Tunoncy (Hon ); 4. Abe lA-levier (Ka w ); S. Brian Rochlitzcr
500 SCL: 1. Scott Fabb ro (Nor) ; 2. Dann y FarNWorth (Ya m) . .
600 SCL: 1. Sfu.UI Knigge (YIom 2. John NielM!n (yam); 3.
MiU Franklin (YIo rn);4 . David Deleon (Yam); S. Rich Papini (YIom).
F-SGL: 1. Marc Field (WR); 2. Stua rt Knigge (Yam);.J . Sll*Ve
ohnNieben (YIom).
HiD (Yam); 4. Mike Fr~nkl in (YIoml ; 5. J
(Hon ); 2. Cnig Beecher(Yam); 3. Da ve
V1NT: 1. Ie-!
Ga rdm.'1'(Ya m); 4. Scot1 Fabbro (Hon ); 5. ~II Roush(YIom).
f40: I. John Hilton (Hon); 2. Joji Tokumo to (Ha n); J. John
McMahon (K.w) 01. Danny Farnsworth (Yam); 5. John Bailt")'(Suzl .
SDCAR: 1. Rick Murray (Ka w ); 2. Ken MIocN eil (K.lw) ; 3.
Edward R.amo~ (SC); 4. Rosa Manaktala (SO; Mike H.ilvt'l"lOn
SECA n CHAL: 1. Tommy McComas (yIoml; 2. 8m Cardn'
(Yam ); 3. Thoma Row (Yam).
500 NOV : 1. Scott jennings (Suz ); 2.. Richard Amilon (lC.aw); 3.
A1.lnSund (YIom),;4. Randy l...u.Ir (YIom),; S. Gerald Oyler (Yam).
6SO NOV: I. Gerald Prendt'rgilsl (H on ); 2. Brad y Fitzpa tric k
(H o n); 3. Bre ll Ca m pbe ll (Hon); 4. Lu is Zap.tta (Ha n); 5. Stev e
Whi rled ge (y am ).
OPFN NO V: 1. John Ferdinand (""' w); 2. Rick Arnold (Suz) ;
3. M.kIyn rena (Su.z); 4. Mario Rubio (YIo m); 5. KnlCodu (Han).
Otto steams to Spring
Creek Motocross win
By George Hodkinson
Photo by Karen Hodkinson
Brian Otto was the victorious rider of the day in
the 40+ class at the Spring Creek MX Park. going
un cha llenged to domina te his class aboa rd his
VZ25O. The total number of rid ers in a ttendance
was a whopping 465.
The 40+ class was all Otto 's. He nailed down
the holes ho t con vinci ngly in both motos, and
crossed the line both times with leads of over 3S
seconds . The best battle in the class proved to be
for second place in mota one, with a close race
between Steve Reschke and Gary Groth. Reschke
held off Groth at the finish to claim the SpoL
With Otto in front again in the second moto,
Reschke was running second at the beginning,
but Groth got by after the first lap thro ugh the
sand wash section. The positions would remai n
unchanged to the finis h: Otto again won can·
vinci ngly , with Groth in seco nd th is time and
Resch ke slightly behind in third.
The Mini Senior class has proven to be one
full of talent this year, and tod ay was no exception. Twenty · nine riders lined the gate for mota
one w ith Co u rtney Sam pson tak ing the ea rly
lead followed by Ryan Schultz and Eric Gerber.
By th e end of la p one, t he p os it io n s h a d
Ry an
pu t
hi s
c hange d .
O'Neal/PJI /WD-40/Bumsville Yamaha /Dadbacked YZSO in to the lead wit h Sampson second, Gerbe r third and numberooOne plate holde r
Mike Ettesvold in fou rt h. The finish order for
the moto re m ained the sa me, with Mega w
ste tching out his lead on Sampson, who finished
ahead of Gerber and Ettesvold.
The second mota pro ved to have a different
C & E Harley-Davidson's Dus tin Schroede r pu t
togeth er a grea t nig ht of racing to captu re gold
in the Scratch main event at the Gold Coun try
In the past few weeks of racing at Auburn,
Schroeder ha s been the proverbial bridesmaid
severa l times but nev er the bride. On this night ,
however, Schroeder gave the Fast Fridays fans a
p rev iew of what might lie ahead when he was
able to catch and power past Bart Bast to win his
Sch roed er started on the pole in the main
event for the second·straight w eek. Bast an d
Darrell Busby were in gates two and three, while
Bobby Hedden too k the outside . As the riders
ca me off th e sta rt, Sch roede r a nd Bast had a
bumping co n tes t w hich Busb y u sed to h is
ad van tage to get him into the comer firsl Hedd en was ridi ng h is cus toma~y o u tside Hne
alon gside Busby. Schroeder made up ground by
staying down on the pol e to ca tch Busb y and
Hed den, both of whom go t a better drive off the
comer to p ut Schroeder in third . Hed d<'Il then
proceed ed to slide off the groove, which put him
in last place. Schroeder p ut the pressure on
Busby and passed for the lead, while Bast got a
good dri ve off the comer to put himsel f in second place. For the last two laps, Bast was chewing on Schroeder's tailpipe, but it was Schroeder
who took the checke red flag. Bast cam e in sec·
and followed by Hedden and Busby.
HIt was great winning the mai n event, but it
would be even better if all the races could be this
close, Schroeder said .
Kal-Gard /Camp Town / Shockley 's Genera l
Machine / Bieffe-backed Vance Felicia started on
the 2ero-yard line, took off like a shot, an d led
the Ha ndicap ma in event from wire to wire.
Schroeder, who flew off the 40, was second. Jeremy Ade n finished third .
Resu lts
HOCP: 1. Vance Felicia Oaw ); 2. Du stin Schroed~ Oaw); 3.
Jen."mY Aden Uaw ); 4. Bart Sa !'t alow) ; 5. Iklbby Heddrn Uaw ).
SCRATCH : 1. Du!>MSdu'l.wder; 2. Bart 8alot UloW); 3. Bobby
Hedden Oaw ); -I. Darre ll BWlby ewes) .
0-2.: I. Chad Felicio; 2. urry HeslK"TrWn; 3. Joe' Tletgm; 4.
MiJre Armt"ntrou t,;5. Crft'd Lehr .
o-J: 1. Gtoorgr5nod~ 2. Ouisti.an N~ t'S; 3. Bob l\oIers; 4.
Gene UUiman.; 5. Rich Sch..toft'f,
JR: 1. BiUy )Ionniro; 2. Matt Proto; 3. Ian FerrU; 4. Stt'V('f\