Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Dut ch GP Mill , Holland Resu lts: June 19, 1994 (Round 7 of 12) Check the regional sports network in your area for exact dates and times MOT a 1: 1. Jac ky M artens (Hus); 2. Joe l Smets (Ver); 3. Carlo Hulscn (Hon); ~. Marcus Hansson (Hon); S. Ru di Van Lee uwe n (Hon); 6. Ronny Weustenraed (Hon); 7. Peter Dirkx (Hon); 8. Ger t Jan Van Doo rn (Ho n); 9. Danny Theybers (Han); 10. Christian Burnham (Ho n); 11. Hans Koene n (Hon); 12. Danyll lGng (Kaw); 13. Dirk Geukens (Hon); 14 . Avo Leek (Kaw); 15 . Anders Svensson (Ho n). MOTa 2: 1. Martens; 2. Smets; 3. Dirkx; ~. HuIsen; S. Hanss on ; 6. Weus tl'nra ed ; 7 . Va n Leeu wen; 8. Ge uk ens; 9. Va n Doom; 10. Kin g; 11. Th eyb e rs ; 12. Miros lav Kucire k (Ka w); 13. Svensson; 14. Koen en; 15. Fra nco Rossi (Ho n). O'A; 1. Jacky Martens (Hus) ; 2. Joel Smets (Ver);.3. Ca rlo Hul se n (Ho n); 4. Peter Dirkx (H on); 5. Marrt15 Hansson (Ho n); 6. Rudi Van Leeuwen (Hon); 7. Ronn y We ust en raed (Ho n); a. Gert Ja n Van Oem (H on); 9. Danny Theybers (Hon); 10. Dirk Ceukens (Hon) . WOR LD CHAMPIONSH IP SOOee M X SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (Af ler 7 of 12 rounds.: 1. Jacky Ma rten s (174 /2); 2. Joel Smets (172 / 1); 3. Ma rc us Hansson (172/1); 4. Ronny We us lenra ed (112); S. Gert Jan Van Doom (93 /1); 6. Billy Liles (92/ 1); 7. Da rry ll Kin g (73); 8. Danny Theybe rs (73); 9. Mer vyn Anst ie (71/1 ); 10. Peter Dirkx (67); 11. Johan Boo nen (61); 12. Fra nco Rossi (60); 13. Miroel av Kucirek (53); 14. Carlo Hulse n (53); 15. Jeremy Whalley (51); 16. Siggi Bau er (46); 17. Ge rald Delepine (36); 18. Rudi Van Leeuwen (~); 19. Shayn e King (30); 20. Ge orges jobe (30). - Upcoming Rounds: Round B - Blargies, France, June 26 Round 9 - Agueda, Portugal, July 3 Event and Race Date W Championship 1 M orld 25cc otocross Series Round 6 Hungarian GP : June 10-12 June 30 AMA Road Race, Elkhart Lake, WI (Show #2 - 600cc, 750ce) All Square July 7 Open KAPOSV AR, HUNGARY, JUNE 19 ham PiOns hi P leaders Bob Moore and Alessio Chiodi ended the day all square in the sixth round of the World Champions hip 12Scc MX Series a t the dangerous Kaposvar track in southern Hungary. The Californian thus retains his lapoint cushion in the sta ndings, but lost the overall on the day to the Italian by virtue of his winning the tie-brea king second moto. . De fe n ding champ Pe d ro Tragter could muster just 10 poin ts from a sixth in ra ce one . His second-mo to DNF dropped him to fourth in the stand ings behind Mikael Pichon. Moore had passed Chiodi with ease to win th e opener, b ut settled for runner-up status in the secon d moto as he got d irt in his goggles thr ough a broken lens and wa s severely handicapped in the dusty conditions . Pichon had finish ed d ose in race one, but had to settle for fourth behind Dave Strijbos in race two af te r a really bad getawa y. D ( Hungarian GP Kaposvar, Hungary Results: June 19, 1994 (Round 6 of 11) MOTa 1: 1. Bob Moore (Yam ); 2. Alessio Chiodi (Han); 3. Mikael Pichon (Hon); 4. Frederic VialJe (Kaw); 5. Dav e St r tjb os (Su z ); 6. Pe d ro .T rag t er (Suz); 7. Massimo Bartolini (TM); 8. Mau ro Dal'Lago (H on); 9. Gaudio Federici (y am); 10. Peter Beirer (Suz); 11. Bader Manneh (Suz); 12. Alex Bart olini (Hon) ; 13. Ouis tian Stevanini (Hon); 14. Mikael Maschio (yam ); 15. Roy Sncllingen (Suz) . MOTa 2: I. Chiodk 2. Moore; 3. Slrijbos; ~ . Pichon; S. V1alle; 6. Dal Lago; 7. Manneh; 8. Maschio; 9. Fabio Bal d u cci (Hon ); 10. John Van d en Be rk (Suz); 11. Fed erici ; 12. Leo n Ciesbe rs (Suz): 13. Be ir er; 14 . Alessandro Belometti (Hus) ; IS. Mats Nilsson (Ka w ). OIk 1. Alessio Chiod i (Hon); 2. Bob Moore (Yam ); 3. Mika el Pichon (Hon); 4. Dave St rijbos (Suz); 5. Frederic Vialle (Kaw); 6. Mauro Dal'Lago (Han) ; 7. Bad er Ma nne h (Suz); 8. Cla udio Federici (Yam); 9. Pedro Tragtcr (Suz); 10. Mikael Maschio (Yam ). WOR LD CHAMP ION S H IP 12See MX SE RI ES POINTS STAND INGS (After 6 of 11 rounds): 1. Bob Moo re (188 / 3 w ins) Ales sio C hiodi (178/2 wins); 3. Mikael Pichon (152/1 wi n ); 4. Ped ro Tragt er (140); 5. Bader Manneh (89); 6. Dav e Strijbos (87); 7. Fred e ric Viall. (83); 8. Pete r Beirer (81); 9. Mauro Da l'Lago (79); 10. Mikael Maschi o (61); 11. Leon Gie sbe rs (56); 12. Massimo Bartolini (51); 13. Fabio Balducci (41); 14. Alessandro Belometti (30); 15. Cha rrel Sweebe (23); 16. Remy Van Rees (22); 17. Cl audio Federici (22); 18. Alex Ba r toli n i (22); 19. Nath a n She lton (21); 20 . Roy Snellingen (21). Upcoming Rounds: Round 7 - Halle, Holland, July 3 Round B - Baldasserona , San Marino, July 17 Empire Sports Network Home Sports Entertainment Home Team Sports KBL Sports Network Madison Square Garden Network New England Sports Network Pro Am Sports Systems PSN Intermountain West PSN Midwest PSN Rocky Mountain PSN Upper Midwest PrimeSports Northwest PrimeTicket Network SportsChannel Chicago Sports Channel Cincinnati Sports Channel New England SportsChannel New York SportsChannel Ohio SportsChannel Pacific SportsChannel Phil~delph ,ia SportSouth Sunshine Network Air Date June 19 World Superbike Albacete, Spain July 14 July 15-17 July 21 AMA Road Race, Lexington, OH (Show 1 - Superbike) July 15-17 July 28 AMA Road Race, Lexington, OH (Show #2 - 600ce, 750ee) July 17 World Superbike Osterreichrinq, Austria August 4 PRINIE ~HONDA Come ride with us. /llIt/IlC r---------------------------------------------~-, Attach Label Here 1 1 . ? .. -~. .1 ..... 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