Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hislop powered his 540-dass BSA up to the 230' mark before coming to a halt, an d he followed that up with a lesstha n-stella r 195' climb. Sixteen- year-old David Watson w as next out of the chute and cres ted the hill in a time of 7.3598 seconds. Watson bettered that time with a 6.72J3 on his second run.. Then it was Pinsonnault's tum at th e hill. He chose a groove on the far left, nearly on top of the boundary lin e. He launche d of f th e two kickers near the ba se of th e hill before s top p in g the cloc ks at 6.2779 seconds. His time set the pa ce for the rest of the class to chase, but no on e could better it. And to ma ke rna tt ers even w o rs e for h is competitors, Pinsonnault came out for h is sec on d run and b ett e red h is fi rs t run with a 6.0882. "My first climb wasn't the best ride I could make on the hill , so I wanted to get closer to a perfect ride," said Pinsonnault. "I had a big cheering section over here and they wanted to see me get in a good one and make the 800cc class work hard to get top time for the day." Pinsonnault has so far earned 59 points towards the series championship title, while Rick Soter, who finished fifth , and Ted Willkins, who ended up sixth, are tied for second with 42 points. Watson is next in line with 38 points. In the 800cc class, Williams came to New York tied for third place with Tim Frazier, but W illiams' Honda w a s plagued by problems. How e ver, h is brother Wade loaned Greg hi s Honda and he proceeded to stop the clock wi th 6.2175 on his fi rs t run up the hil l. Williams waited on the bubble until the second round when Harry Schreiber knocked him off. Riding the same Harley-Davidson that Lou Gerencer Sr . rode last yea r, Schreiber recorded a 6.6685 his first trip up the moun tain, only to better everyone ' s ti me on the second run w ith a 5.9629. After stop ping the clocks at 6.4826 on his first run, Tim Frazier came back to break the lights at a quick 6.1809, securing at least a third overall finish for the time being. Re tu rn in g for his second run after being bounced off the bubble, Williams tore up the hill with an incredible 5 .8454-second run that would drop Schreiber to second and lock Frazier into third. The win puts Williams out in fron t of the 800cc class point standings with 49, followed by Frazier with a close 47point tally. Tom Reiser, who finished sixth, is third with 45 points. Following his th ird place performance, Fra zier said, "We moved into second place and we' ve got a lot of hillclimbs to go. If we stay in the top five I think we can win this championship . We just have to keep p ushing it and the ~ bike will have to stay together." HomellM.C Avoca , New York Results: June 19, 1994 (Round 4 of 12) 540: 1. Paul Pinsoruuult (Ho n); 2. Dav id Watson (Kaw ); 3. Bruce Sweigart (BSA); 4. Scott McNeely (Han); 5. Sote r III (BSA); 6. Steve Patrick (Yam); 7. Ted Wilkins (Rtx); 8. James Zucco (Kawl; 9. Roger McNeely (Yam) ; 10. Pa ul Lowe (Kaw ); 11. Ralph Kreeger (Tri); 12. Alan Hoskins (Hon); 13. Paul Garrety (Kawl; 14. Ernie Pellin (Ho n); 15. Kevi n Zucco (Bul); 16. Doug Klont (Tri); 17. Rod ney Swanson (Rtx); 18. Bob Hawk (BSA); ichael Pulver (Han); 20. John H islop (BSA). 19. M SOCk 1. Greg Williams (H a n); 2. Harty Scheibe r (HD); 3. Tim Frazier (BSA); 4. G lendal Petty (Tri); 5. Robe rt Ca stl edine (H-O); 6. To m Reiser (H -D); 7. Rich ard Carl son (H-D ); 8. Gary Miller (H-D ); 9. Wad e Willi ams (Hon); 10. Rand y Gab rie l (H· D); 11. Dan iel Watso n (Yam) ; 12. Rodney Will iam s (H- D); 13. Charles Casey (Yam) ; 14. Bruce Ram sey (Hon); 15. Rod ne y Smith (BSA); 16. Jimm y Dingee (H-D) ; 17. Mickey Dent (H- D); 18. Lou Gereno:rJr. (H- D). Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 - Haydenville, 'Ohio, July 30 Round6 - Norton Shores, Michigan, August 7 • SlNCE THE UNIIED STATES ~ mIX FIIOI" CAN.lE 10CALlFDRNIAS lAGUNA SB:A. RACENNf IN 1988 , AMillICAN s:x:x:x: RIDfR) HA.VE InN lJNBEATAE[E,. ANDFOR '94 LCCAL IDYSKEVIN 9:HWANIZ (SUZUKl). JOHNKCXJNSKI (CAGNJ>.:) ANDJX)UG C11ANlJUR (CAGWl>0.ARENT AKXJT lO lETHARJ::>OIARaNG AlmE. MKX rx:x::HAN (OCNDA) ORITAIlAN. UJCA. ~(YAMAHA,) mEAK OUR flVEroR.HVEWlNNINGSffiEAK. CXXv1E SEE 1HRfEFlTIl. DAYS OF ffiACI1CE. QU.ALIFYING ANDRAQNGJiS THE WaaDS BEST RIDfR) co HEAD-1OHEAD FOR THE WORlDC1IAMI'Kl\ISHIP IN 12ECC. 25CXX::. ANDINTHE mEMIE

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