Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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MOTOCROSS:'. . ' .: ::: AMA National C hampionship 1251250cc MotocrosS Series ' Round 5: Motocross 338 Motocros s 338 Sout hwic k. Massachu sett s Results : Ju ne 26, 1994 (Roun d 5 01 12) 125 MOTO t (40 rid ers; 30 minut" plus two 1.a ps): 1. Doug Henry (H on ); 2-,Steve Lamson (Ho n); 3. Jeff Emi g (Yam) ; 4. Ezra Lusk (Su z); S. Damon Huffman (Suz); 6. Tony LoR""" (Suz); 7. Ryan Hughes (Ka w); 8. Sco tt Shea k (Ya m); 9. Mike Tread well (Hon ); 10. Scott Carte r (Ho n); 11. Denny Step he nson (Suz) ; 12. Mike Bro wn (Hon) ;13. Je ff C u rry (Kaw); 14. Craig Dec ker (Hon ); IS. Wall y Silva (Suz ); 16. Bria n Oregan (!Ca ); w 17. Bar ry Ca rs te n (Suz); 18. Jam es Dobb (Ka w) ; 19. Kev in Cri ne (Ho n); 20. Chad Loug h (Suz ); 21. Ped ro Go nzalez (Ka w) ; 22. Jaso n Buzzee (Kaw); 23. Thomas Pie rce (Han); 24. Pet er Ol son (Ho n); 25. Jim C hes te r (Yam); 26. Neil w oemer (Han); 27. Clin t Rooney (H Qn); 28. Ted Mon eghan (Hon); 29. Ga ry Lussier (Suz); 30. Jim McIlva ine (Hon); 31. An th ony Paggio (Hon); 32 . Ty Birdwell (Hon); 33. Ty Wallace (Ha n); 34. Keith Troccoli (!Caw); 35. Greg Rand (5uz) ; 36. Robbie Reynard (!Caw); 37 . Ti m Ferry (Han) ; 38 . Jim my Gad dis (Ka w) ; 39. Da vey Yezek (Ha n); 40. Patrick Barton (Suz ). Timer 35 minutes, 3.15 seconds. La p" 18. 12S MOTO 2140 riders; 30 minutes, plus two laps): 1. Doug Henry (Hon); 2. Steve Lamson (Hon) ; 3. Dam on Hu ffma n (Suz ); 4. Ryan Hughes (K"aw); 5 . Tim Ferr y (Han); 6. Mike Brown (Hon); 7. Jimmy Caddis (Kaw); 8. Craig Decker (Ha n); 9. Mike Tread well (Ha n); 10. Scott Sheek (Ya m) ; 11. Scott Ca r te r (Han) ; 12. Denny Stephenso n (Suz); 13. Ja mes Dobb (Kaw ); 14. Ped ro Gonz a lez (Kaw); 15. To ny Lo Russo (Suz) ; 16. Bri an Deegan (Kaw); 17. Barry Cars ten (Suz); 18. Kevin C rine (Ha n); 19. jeff Curry (Kaw); 20. Nei l Woerner (Ha n); 21. Ant hony Peggie (Hon); 22 Chad Loug h (Suz); 23. Jim Chester (Yam); 24. Jim McIlvaine (Ho n); 25. Th om as Pierce (Ho n); 26. O in t Rooney (Ha n); 27. Ga ry Lussier (5 uz); 28. Ted Monne gha n (Han); 29. Ty w allace (Ha n); 30. jason Buzzee (Kaw); 31. Dave y Veuk (Han); 32. Ty Bird well (Han); 33. Ezr a Lus k (Suz); 34. Wally Silva (Suz ); 3S. Greg Rand (5u z) ; 36 . Jeff Em ig (Ya m); 37. Peter Olson (Hon); 38. Patrick Barton (Suz); 39. Keith Trocccli (!Ca 40. Robbie Reynard (Kaw). w); Ti me: 35:04.15. Lap" 18. 125 01 A: 1. Dou g Henry (Hon ); 2. Stev e Lamson (Han) ; 3. Dam on Huffman (Suz); 4. Ryan Hug he a (Kaw); 5. Mike Brown (Han); 6. Mike Treadwell (Hon ); 7. Scott Sheak (Ya m); 8. Scott Carter (Han); 9. Tony LoRusso (Suz) ; 10. Craig Decker (Ha n); It . Jeff Emig (Yam); 12. Denny Stephenson (5=); 13. Ezra Lusk (Suz); 14. Tim Ferry (Hon); IS. Jimmy Gaddis (Kaw); 16. Jam es Dabb (Ka w ); 17. Brian Oregan (Ka w); 18. Jeff Curry (Ka w); 19. Barry Carsten (Suz ); 20. Pedro Gonzalez (!Ca 21. Wany Silva (Suz ); 22. Kevin Crine (Hon ); 23. w); Nathan Woerner (Hon ); 24. Chad Lough (5=). AM A N ATI ONA L CH AMPIO N SHIP 125ee MOTOCROSS SERI ES POINT ST ANDINGS (A/'er 5 of 12 rounds): 1. Steve Lamson (205/1 win) ; 2. Doug (Top) Local favo rite John Dowd (16), here dicing wllh Jeremy McGrath (2) and Jeff Stanton (5), was a popular third overall In the 250Cc division, (Middle) This Is how close Steve Lamson (4) came to scoring the overall win. The 125cc po ints leader made a late moto-two charge at teammate Doug Henry (1), but came up just a little short. (Bottom) The IIl e 01 a pr ivateer: When his box van broke down, Jeff Matiasev lch was forced to work out 01 a rental car, Henry (184 / 2); 3. Damon H uff ma n (182 /1); 4. Ryan Hugh es (I n ); S. Jeff Emi g (161/1 ); 6. Ezra Lusk (146); 7. Ja mes Do bb (110 ); 8. Cra ig Dec ker (94); 9. Ti m Fe rry (93) ; 10 . M i ke Br own (80) ; 11. Denny St ephenso n (73); 12. Robbie Reyn a rd (67) ; 13. Sco tt Sbe a k (64); 14. (TIE) Jim my Gaddis/Erik Keh oe (63); 16. Pedro Gonzalez (56); 17. Cha d Pederson (45); 18. Kevin Windham (,U ); 19. Davey Yeze k (32); 20. Kevin Cri ne (3 1). 2SO MOTO 1 (40 rid ers; 30 minutes, plus two laps): I. Mike Kiedrowski (!Caw); 2. Mike laRocco (Kaw ): 3. Jeremy McGrat h (Hon); 4. John Dow d (Yam); 5 . Jeff Stanton (Ho n); 6. Phil Lawren ce (Suz); 7. Brian Swi nk (Suz ); 8. Keith johnson (Yam); 9. Todd DeHoop (Han); 10. Larry Broo ks (Yam); II. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 12. Jim Neese (K.ill w) ; 13. Ray So m ma (Yam); 14. 8. Carroll (Suz); 15. C Coen (Yam); 16. Rick Ryan (yam); 17. Jam es Ka p it a n (S u z); 18 . Je ff Matia se v ich (Ya m) ; 19. B. Beh rman n (Ya m) ; 20. D. O ' Boyl e (H on ); 21. Tra vis Hodges [Kaw]: 22. Joel Dengler (Han); 23. Larry Ward (Yam); 24. Earl May (Yam ); 25. William Oziela k (Hon); 26. E. Robie (!Caw); 27. A. Squires (5uz ); 28. jeff Glass (Hon); 29. Brian Austin (Han); 30. Michael Cra ig (Yam); 31. Cl iff Palmer (KTM); 32. Druce Stra tton (Suz); 33. Dag Bcyesen (Yam); 34. Roy Sche llenberger (Kaw ); 35. D. Paquette (Han); 36. Ku rt McMill en (Yam ); 37. Ji. my m Button (Suz) ; 38. Ca rl Vaillencourt (Suz); 39. B, Gingras (Ho n); 40. Jason Upsha w (Hon). Time: 35:02.00. ups: 18. 250 MOTO 2 (40 riders ; 30 mi nutes, plus two laps) : . 1. Mike laRocco (Ka w); 2, Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw) ; 3. [ohn Dowd (Ya m ); 4. Jeff Sta n to n (Hon); 5. Jerem y McGrath (Ha n); 6. Jimm y Button (Suz); 7. Brian Swi nk (5uz); 8. Kyle Lew is (Yam); 9. Todd DeHoop (Han); 10. Larry Ward (Ya m); 11. Keith Johnson (Yam ); 12. Kurt McMillen (Yam); 13. Jim Neese (Kaw); 14. Ray Sommo (Yam); 15. James Kapita n (Suz); 16. Larry Brooks (Yam ); 17. Rick Ryan (Yam); 18. Ca rl Vaillencourt (Suz) ; 19. Brian Ca rr oll (Suz); 20. Dag Bcy esen (Yam ); 21. Earl Ma y (Ya m); 22. Bruce Stra tton (Suz); 23 . Je ff Glass (Ha n); 24. Roy Schellenberger (Kaw); 25. Michael Crai g (Yam ); 26. C. Coon (Yam); 27. joel Dengler (Han); 28. William Ozielak (Ha n); 29. A. Squires (Suz); 30. Travis Hodges (Ka w) ; 31 . E. Robie (Ka w ); 32 . D. O ' Boyle (Hon) ; 33 . Jason Upshaw (Ha n ); 34 . Phil Lawrence (Suz); 35. Jeff Mat iasevich (Ya m ); 36. Cliff Palmer (KTM); 37. B. Gingras (Hon); 38. B. 8ehnnann (Yam); 39. B. Austin (Hon); 40. D. Paquette (Hon). Ti mes 35-.21.39. lap" 18. 250 O/A. : 1. Mike LaR occo (Kaw ); 2. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 3. John Dowd (Yam ); 4. Jeremy McGrath (Hon); 5. Jeff S..nton (Han); 6. Brian Swink (Suz); 7. Todd DeHoop (Han); 8. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 9. Keith Johnson (Yam) ; 10. Jim N~ (K.illw); 11. Larry Brooks (Yam); 12. Jimmy Button (Yam); 13. Ray Somma (Yam); 14. Phil Lawrence (5uz) ; IS. Larry Ward (Yam); 16. James Kapi ta n (5uz) ; 17. Kurt McMillen (Yam); 18. Rick Rya n (Yam); 19. Brian Carroll (Suz); 20. C Coe n (Yam); 21. Carl Vaillenrourt (5uz ); 22. Jeff Matiasevich (Yam); 23. B. Behrmann (Yam); 24. Dag Boyesen (Yam); 25. D. O'80yle (Hon). AMA NATIONAL C HA M PIONSH IP 250cc MOTOCROSS SER IES POI NT STA NDING S (Af' e r 5 of 12 r ound s ): 1. Mike LaRocco (231 /3 wins) ; 2. Mike Kiedrowski (220/2 wins); 3. John Dowd (160); 4. Jeremy McGrath (IS1); 5. Kyle Lewis (134); 6. Brian Swink (126); 7. Larry Brooks (114) ; 8. Todd DeHoop (98) ; 9. jeff Ma tia sevic h (95) ; 10. Jimmy Butt on (94); 11. Doug Dubach \77); 12. Phil Lawrence (74); 13. Jeff Stanton (67); 14. Mike Cr aig (56); 15. Tony Amaradio (55); 16. Budd y Antunez (47); 17. Larry Ward (46); 18. Ray Somma (45); 19. Dog Boyesen (40); 20. Mike Healey/Keith Johnso n (30). Upcoming Rounds: Round 6 - Buchanan, Michigan, July 3 Round 7 - New Berlin, New York, July 17 Te~rri Suzuki's Bria~ ' Swink combaled 't he ' . ... ; 8 " I n the m iddle of the race 1 made a couple mistakes, and he put some time on m e," said Lamson. "When there w ere only a few laps left, 1 said, ' Oh man, I've got to ge t h im: and 1 made a charge. Almost!" " I'm really glad 1 won:' said Henry. "1 could n ' t ask for anything better." Huffman suffered a horrendous star t, but sliced through the pack, getting by Hugh es for third with a nice mov e on la p 14. " 1 slowly re el ed him in:' said Huffman. "1 knew 1 had plenty of time, but I only had one tear-off when I got r i ght behind him, so I h ad to ge t b y . I went for i t and pa ss ed him, then I pulled m y last tear-off. A fter tha t, I tried to p ull away as fast as I cou ld." Hu ffman was t h i r d and Hughes was fourth, while Rossini Racing Products' T i m Ferry put in a strong ride for fifth. Emig first suffered a bent shift l ever in a clash with Honda of Troy's Davey Yezek, then cam e to a ha lt when his air filter passed some sa nd: L u sk al so end ed th e molo prematurely , th e victim of a brok en r eed. Q'j .. humid weather and sticky sand by .using a '': ~. Ca rnelbak back-moun ted drinking system, noi- mally used by off-road racers. '''This wastne Team Kaw"asaki's Robb ie Reynard was back . first time I tried it,' and it worked pretty good: inaction for the first iime Since breaking his ' · said Swink. "I only drank acoupie of iimes: but: ribs in" a crash last 'May'at Mt. Morris,·Penn: ·.' itwasjust mainly to wash mymouth out. You sylvania; "It's finti 'until .l ,~ said Rey- , .getdri.E!d out and it's hard to swanoo.y". This jusf nard. In the' first 125cc mota: Reynard's bad ' : makes i.t a liltle more cOmfOrtable."' .' . . .. .. luck continued whsnthe Oklahoman crashed ... .. . .' . ' . : . ' . . .:. . .' '.. · and landed on his shoulder. 'It was 6rrgini!l1y : , lristead of the traditional trophies,'event orga- . . thought that .Reynard had broken .his shoul- ': nlzersawarded the second- and third,pla.ce . der or collarbone, but his mother took him to .. finishers fn' each .ctass with plastic beer cool- . · the hospital, where no lractures .were·discOv .: .ers, 'and gave each winner ·a.clock: Mint cO ' in' ered. ·. '.' . . . ' . sets 'were alsO handed out. How did the cool- . . . .. :':. . . . '. .., ':-." .ers go eVE!( with th~ riders? "There's nothil)Q Com ing in to the race , ·rumors. ha d Ste ve ' hi it!" jokE!d Jo hn Do,,!,d, who placeq third in Lam so n sign ing wlth:Te'am Ya ma ha f or . ' .the·25OCC division: . .' . 1995. "Not evenclose: said Lamson: "They ... . . " . · called me .and '!"Ie talked.on the ptll~ne. -Thai's . For winn ing both.motos,. Doug ~en ry w as . all there is to ~ sa far." , . .awarded $2000 ·of the $12,500. 125cc class: -:" .'. :- '. . . . . ". purse. laRocco look home a .$ 1600 . Team Kawasaki riders.Mike Kied rowski and " . share of.the·$15,OOO 25OCC classpot. . : :- . Mike laRocco w ill n ot contest the' July 31 ." . ' .' . ' . .'. " . . MX GP'al Budds .Creek, Maryland, causi ng ' Fork watch:'AI Southwick: convimtional forks' . many to speculate ·t hat .team bosses·did n't -. cou ld b ii : seen · o·n· t he bikes of Team want the two.Mikes getting injured and jeop- ' . NoleentSi;u ler/Yamalia's Larry Brooks and ' Brdizingtheir chances for the 250Cc National :' brry' Ward (Ohlins), Teani 'Suzuki's Damon ' ·.title: "That's a Iiitle Iiit o( lt, .but mainly' it's . '. Hullman and .Bd an Sw lnk (Show'a), ' and : because Kawasaki ha,s' (Stefan). EliertS ri(jing ' : Te~rif KTM's Cliff Palmer (Marzocc~i) .. ·. '''' . . ·.thal seriesim ddoing real good,". said U.S. ' , . : ' . ." . . . .. . .. Kawasaki ·i !!am manager Roy Turner:"We ' After an impressive periorTi)ance in mota orie, . don't want to take. poiOts ,iom .him or 'hurt his . , Phil Lilwrence saw his injury-ridden seasOn ' chance$: If we went and played tactics, .· ..take Yf!t another .downturn. .n .':'iota two; The . . i ' that"wouldn't look 'good, either. We'lI j ust do . Tea m Suz uki rider 'co ill ded with Todd ' what we're suppOsed io' dO and let lhemdo .· DeHoop: crashing' and breaking his collar-. , · wMt they're supposed - to do." .' . .' . . bone, .. process. . '.' .: .' '... - in the .. learn .