Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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.>':..:\ .:.. .:.::.;.::.: :..•.., ~~~e .FP.•~rJ)ik~..·;~~~i:~ yre~i8r fin!slie~ '.: . ' .. . . .. , . . ;. :\ ~h~ii;i~:~a~~~~ ·ci~~artment: :There have New Ha~pstilre. Jrii~rnatloriill S~dway ' bile" T-shirts made whiCh featureTroy.CoI'll" . - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---t posted $60,006 pursa . $20,000m'ore than ' ." er ana his ' Fast.B~ .Fllrracci Ducati on' the : last week's 'purse at Road America. tn' win: ' ','ont .with·1hewords: Weight Llmit..We'.don't · niilg the race;,Troy COrser pOcketec;l$11,Ooo.: :·.~eed. ~ stinkin'. weight Iin:'il.·. ...; . .. . . . ." . ' ra ce. The crash (on Friday) may ha ve he 's got a good team behind him. I chose ',Second-place' finis her Fn3d 'Merkei earned -:.. : '. : ." ' .' , ' ., .: ' ": " '; slowed me down a little bit. It was just a softer rear and it may have cost me a '$7000 and Jamie James took , home $4500· · ·Tr1pp ·Noble s , .w ho Crashed his 'Muzzy one of those days ." little. I wanted to try and stop spinning it IOrfirllstiing third. ' . ' -:. < > , .. . :, -:.- . . :: . ~wasald in.6OOcc·practice. tiadly dislocated : up, but to run with these gu ys you've Hale was pleased with his result .. . . . :. the'big toe on his lell foot" and also broke his . '.' . . . . . . ' . : ". . afte r a d ay of les so n s learned. " It got to give it all you've got." ··Team Mii~ge's Daia Quarterley des troyed .:. left conarbone. The fQot ~iII '~ in a cast for: wasn't handling as well as in qualifyAt the end of the race there was a bathis 1994'KaWasaKi ZXR750 ina free practice.'·:· twoto ,th ree··wee ks .a.nd he will underqo. ing." Hale sai d . "We used harder tires, tl e for fourth, and it was a good one. ,'s es slon· on Th·urs·day:afternOCl " and was · su nave the co llarbone. ptared; of course. I just d idn't feel comfortable Sohwa held the spot on the 34th lap, but forced to .ride hiS 1 .993 model in.the .- Super•. . ~rdirig to his brotherC~ff, Nobleswilr be . bike National. "I ·'ow:sidoo·it, so I slid on my back ihaction10r,Mid-Qhioon July 17. . ea rly to run w ith .the fron t guys. I jus t he, Edwards and Smith were all togethl ' - '. .. . . : . " ., . ", · baCk," Quarterley said: :'J'lEj bike waS'at least .' . . . . er. Smith worked by Edwards and then did m y best. I m o ved forward and :10' feet in the air a nd f l)ad my ha ndsup ". Another to suffet: a broken collarbone was · stayed out of trouble. It was real loose got Sohwa on lap 37, the Georgian ridin g because tthought itwas 'going to.hit me. It's' . Ran~y Renfrow, who was prought down jn', extremely ha rd - visibly slid ing th e in th e bac k end the whole rac e and I 'totaled - tnemplectamps, the tallsecnon. the ' ' turn one' by.Jon Cor~well. The Canadian : H onda a lot mor e than the othe rs to get was backing it in to a lot of comers. I frame. body work..: We'll ride the '93 bike ' ,cras hed Ilis Honda·CBR6oo in the morning clear of the two to finish fourth . rode hard and learned a lot. I'm happy ·with a newlreshmotor: The other one (1994 ". warm-up on .Sunday -and took, Renfrow .with. "Tha t's the way I've got to rid e it," with ninth and I can 't complain. I th ink modal) steers quicker beca us e you can '. him. .COrn.... enwasrrt injured in the practice ' we can build on th at." OJ Smith said. "I had to smooth out in the chanqethetripte-clarnp offsets. It was' the . crash, "and was ' ev~n more fortunate inthe end." last thing in free:practice, but I guess it wasn't ,"600cc fina l: Cornwell crashed in the high' New Hampshire International Speedway Stevens an d Sohwa had been forced free for me: It was Thursday'S $8000 prac- " speed tum eight 'and slid into atire wall. The ' LoUdon, New Hampshire . . .. Canadian was unconscious when ambulance tice."· . '. . : . '.. ' . . .. to slow, with Edwa rds moving pas t both Results: June 19, 1994 ' , ~. . ' . . .' " . " '.workersqot to him. but he quickly came to.:. of them to finish fifth. Stevens held on S UP ER BIK E Q UALI FYIN G : 1. T ro y Co rs e r MuzZy KawasakI'S Steve' Crevier cerebrated . After.·spendingthe ·afternoon. in the infie ld : for sixth, desp ite his oil-leak scare. (1;14.109/77.723 m ph); 2. Fred Merke l (1;14.713); 3. Mike his 29th'b i(l'hdayon Saturday. ·J U I B. ,The·· medicalcenier,C 'ornwell 'was transported to: ne' H al e (1:14. 764) ; 4 . Ja mie James (1:14.849) ; 5. Colin "I went into one and both ends let · Ca nadia n 'q ualified /I'lowly .~ 3 t h . a fler ." a . C6I)cord Ho.spital where t~ey were going to . Ed w ards II (1:15.017); 6. Ta ka hiro Sohwa (1:15.071); 7. loose," Stevens explained . " In tum eight Pascal Picotte (1:15,096); 8. Kevin Magee (1:15.125); 9. · motorp roblem" cut his'second ~.e ssi(jn short. . keep him underobservatlon. . " it was the same thing. It dawned on me Mi ke S m it h (1;15 .178); 10. Tom Kipp (1;15.383); 11. Thomas Stevens (1 :15 .42 4) ; 12 . Mig u el D u Hamel tha t it was leaking. I sat up and looked at (1 :15 .44 3); 13 . Steve Crevie r (1:15 .778); 14. Da v id m y booth to see if it had oil on it. There Sadowski (1:16.369); 15. Dale Quarterley (1:16.492); 16. Benoit Pilon (Yam ); 19. Eric Moe (Kaw); 20. Dan Turner Dan Turner /Eric Moe (68); 17. Fritz Kling (58); 18. Donald Jad es (1:16.593); 17. Don Munroe (1;16.717); 18. (Yam ); 21. Pablo Real (Kaw ); 22. Marc Sm ith (Kaw); 23, was no oil, 50 I decided to ride it again. I Donald Jacks (55); 19, mE) Chuck Graves/Scott G ray Rick Shaw (Yam) ; 24. Glenn Barrett (Ka w ): 25. Dav id 8rad Hazen (1:17.184); 19. Jacques Guenetre Jr. (1:17.293); (48 ). guess the tires just went off. I just rod e it 20. Scott Gray (1;17.349); 21. Eric Moe (1:18.015); 22. Fritz Kieffer (Due ); 26. Michael Fitzpatrick (Yam); 27. Brett Kling (1;18.273); 23. Beno it Pilon (1;18.283); 24. Unnley Ray (Ka.w); 28. Steve DeCamp (Kaw); 29. Kurt Dillman to the finish a n d I th ink Sohwa g o t UpcomingRounds Clarke (1:18.291); 25. Ma rc Smith (1:18.620); 26. Glenn (Kaw ); 30. Joe Winston (Suz ); 31. Llnnley Clarke (Yam); tired." Round 7: July17 - Lexington, Ohio 32. Kurt Liebmann (Due); 33. Aaron Lanningham (Kaw); Barre" (1:19.459) ; 27. pan Turner (1;19.720) ; 28. Rick The Jap anese rider had not fatigued . Shaw (1:19 .750); 29. Michael Fitzpatrick (1:20.233); 30. 34. Da vid Sadowski (Duc); 35. Scott Gray (Duc); 36 . Round 8: July 31 - Brainerd. Minnesota Greg Kopp(I:20 .4&l); 31. Pablo Real (1:20573); 32. David Miguel DuHamel (H -D); 37. Kevin Magee (Hon). Instead, the sole of his boot had started Kieffer (1:21.435); 33 . Bre tt Ray (1;21. 278); 34 . Aaron Time: 50 min. , 43.0150 sec. to peel o ff, causin g h im prob lem s . Lanningham (1:22. 263); 35. Kory Rooks (1;22.333) ; 36, DisUntt: 40 laps 64 miles. , Steve DeCamp (1:22.713); 37. Kurt Dillman (1:22.742); 38. Avenge Speed: 75.704 mp h. Behind Sohwa came a de pressed Picotte, M.arginof VidOry: 4.147 sec. Joe Winston (1:23.126); 39. Kurt Uebmann (1:24.331). w ho had barely managed to hold off the SU PERBIKE NATIONAL: 1. Tro y Corser (Du e); 2. SUPERBIKE NATIONAL C'SH IP POINT Fred Merkel (Kaw); 3. Jamie James (Yam ); 4. Mike Smith STANDINCS (Aftu 6 of 10 roun ds) : 1. Tro y Corser charging Hale -- who in tum had stuffed (Hon); 5. Colin Edwards n (Yam); 6. Thomas Stevens (199/3 wins ); 2. Jami e Jam es (156); 3. Steve Crevier (150): his way past Crevier on the final lap . (Suz ); 7. Takahiro Sohwa (Kaw); 8. Pascal Picotte (Due); 4. Pasca l Picotte (149/2 wins); 5. Takahirc Sohwa (149); 6 . Fr ed Merkel (1 44) ; 7. M ik e Smith (1 4 1); 8 . Dal e 9 . Mike Hale (Hon); 10. Steve Crevier (Kaw) ; 11. Dal e 'The bike was okay," Picotte said. "I Quarterley (Kaw); 12. Tom Kipp (Suz); 13. Donald JacI:s Qu arter le y (131); 9. Th omas Steve ns (118); 10. Colin thought I had a flat tire on the rear and I (Suz); 14. Brad Hazen (Due); 15. Don Munroe (Kaw ); 16. Edwards 11 (101); 1I. Tom Kipp (98); 12. David Sadowski slowed down. It was just a really hard (82); 13. Kevin Magee (73); 14, Brad H""", (72 ); 35. m E) Fritz Kling (H -D ); 17. Jacques Gu en ette Jr. (Su z); 18. a --re:..M . ~,,~e. ~ +f;.\~~/~M, J'I r;.J u" ~..."",;e -.1.... r.\e '? fr'\o't..Jf " O jf~ .JOf'\L. N 'foil ...JV$f r,~ ~+ Aova '" (Wl\d -/he.. {c... J f""e-k. ""07+ of t he.. r-",c.c-.-yk" , if\. -f/...e- 11'\ "'+ 1"'11" '10 v !rIC i/ it\ , k. .blo'VV h"J ~V~r.7OV\ e. e.1'?c- """,.1 /e.+ R"-M.f;"'7\.-+ ov-er ?~of'v,J -rl~ ~ o ---rte.+~ ~"7+ -wt......+. h"'pyel'\,c.,J j('., ,7v/"",ef"1>(or-f "1'\ -fk-e. b OOc c- t:/"'$S 0 1'\ .Jvf\-e.. 12~ ::r=1/rer~ r.~rt (O;(\,+ 7f""f\.Ji"77. ?"'1S yo{e,o; "I M e..,tfe(' ()f .he j",'5 i1\ -t}.e.. n' kt-J r /"ic.-€.. e::,f -the. n4h.t -h'N\t:.. T!MM,M, fo s /,k-!... ~Mie.. e;,J "k ' l\i'7 Y2Ft,oo(2. ""Ire.. .,c..+-h0t\) *c. it f'iJ~ ,ood ..~ ~·h . 11