Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

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Round 5: Road America AMAlCCS HP4 600cc Sup-ers ort Series By Paul Carruthers Photos by George Roberts we have extra speed on everybody so I had to work real hard." Oliver ex tended h is le ad to more than a few secon ds ov e r the second place contenders - Sorensen, D'Aluisi o and Mo ri - w ith Co rnwell mo ving his Dave Ra y-tuned Ja ckson Racing machine up with the pack. Sorensen became the draft provider up the front straight, with all those who were close to him lining up for the d raft towards tum one. D ' Aluisio worked himself into a great battle with Mori for second place, but in doing so ruined any chances he ha d of ca tching Oliver . D' Aluisio patiently waited for Mori to get his dramatic maneuvers over with, waiting for the eventual rid e-off or wide line the Japanese rider would have to take to keep the bike on the track. Once out of harm 's way, D'Aluisio would squi rt up the inside and blast by Mori - time and time again. "Chris very smart rider," Morl comment ed when asked about the race. "I realized tha t Mori an d I were jus t s lowing each o ther down, so I motioned to him to get with it and we drafted and slingsho t our way closer to Rich, but he was long gone," D' Alu isio said. True, by lap eight of 12 Oliver was alread y in finishing mode, clicking back into the high 2:22 lap times as he swiftly cut through backmarkers and headed home. Mori and D' Aluisio broke away from the pack, leaving Cornwell to joust w ith th e mountain power machine of Mike Sullivan. Baldwin crashed out in a dice with Bill Himmelsbach while in 10th, sliding out unhurt in tum 14. Oliver remained in front, made no mistakes and took his fourth win of the season, and quite possibly a very strong move towards the AMA 250cc title. His thoughts after the race were about his soft engine. "We need to go to an airport, run it wide open for a mile, park, look at the plugs, change the jets, then go back the other way. My bike is so highly modified that it just is not as variable as the stock machine would be . It has to be right on or it doe sn't work well. Not real bad, but when it's right - it rip s, especially here." D'Aluisio made his by-now-patented move on Mori on the last lap, squeezing by for second place. "That's the first time all weekend that the bike has run right. I'm happy with second, considering I was prepared to come in to the pit Takahlto Morl (42) and Chris O'Alulslo (2) battled oyer second place for much of the 250cc final; In the end It was the more experienced 0 ' Alulslo finishing second, I I. : I I I i I , ! lane on the second lap and make a jetting cha nge. l owe a big thanks to Jim Lindeman and my crew . I let Mori lead on the last lap and wa ited for him to make a mistake. He did it in the kink and I rode by him." D ' Aluisio comme n ted tha t Mori, often criticized for his unsafe riding by D'Aluisio and others, rode well at Road America. "If he keeps riding like that we 'll have no problems." Ho nda-mounted Mori made it the first three-manufacturer 250cc podium in memory and his best finish all year. Did his mid-race tussle with Sorensen and Cornwell cause him any problems? "No. They are tough guys. But I think I want to finish. I stayed on track. I wan ted to push, and get second. I tried so hard to pass Ch ris . Bridgestone tires work very good." fN Road America Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin Results - June 12, 1994 (Round 5 01 10) 2SOcc GRAND PRIX QUAUFYING : 1. Rich Oliver (2, 21.625 ); 2. Chuck Sorensen (2,22 .305 ); 3. Da nny Walker (2022.997); 4. Chris D' Alu isio (223.033); 5. Jon Comwell (223.088); 6. Tahahito Mori (223.776); 7. Nick lenatsch (2:23.960); 8. AI Salaverria (2024526); 9. Donnie Hough (2:24.681); 10. Chris Ta ylor (2:25.l169) 11. Mike ; .521); Sullivan (2025.870); 12. Christopher Rank;" (2026 13. Mlies Ba ldwin (2:27.498); 14. John Sharrard (2,27.787); 15. Geep Te rranova (2,27 .827) ; 16. Jason Paden (2:28.536); 17. am H immelsbach (2:28.891); lB. John France (2:29.010); 19. Bruce Und (2:30.264 ); 20. leon Cortes (2030 .963); 21. Rick Bullock (2:31.132); 22. Bill Quinn (2:31.827); 23. IloI>by Keith (2:31.976); 24. Jelf v06 (2:34.287); 25. Mar k F06ter (2:34.900); 26.Jim Bonner (2:35.919); 27. Bill Borselti (2:36.497); 2B. David Deronne (2:37.052); 29. Don Grijalva (2:37.197); 30. Frank Aragald (2:38.198). 2SOcc GRAND PRIX FINA L: Rich Oliver (Yam); 2. Chris D' Aluisio (Apr); 3. Tahahito Meri (Han); 4. Chuck Sorenson (Yam); 5. Jo n Co m well (Yam); 6. Do n nie Ho ugh (Yam) ; 7. AI Sala verria (Ya m); 8. Mike Sullivan (Yam); 9. Bill Hi m melsbac h (Yam); 10. Bru ce Lind (Yam); 1 J. Jason Paden (Yam); 12. John Sharrard (Yam); 13. John France (Hon); 14. leon Cortes (Yam); 15. Rick Bullock (Yarn); 16. Bill Quinn (Yam); 17. Bobby Keith (Yam); 18. Bill Borselli (Yarn), 19. Jim Bonner (Yam); 20. Don Grijalva (Ya m) ; 21. Jeff Vas (Rot) ; 22. Fra nk Ara gald (Yam); 23. Dav id Deronne (Yam); 24. Miles Baldwin (Yam); 25. Christo pher Rankin (Yam); 26. Mark Foster (Yam);27 . Da nny Walker (Yam); 28. Nick Ienatsch (Yam), 29. Chris Taylor (Yam) . T ime: 28 min., 45.702 sec. Disunce: 12 laps, 48 miles. Ave rage Speeds 100.133 m ph. Margin of Victory: 1.661 sec. 250cc GRAND PRIX C'SHIP POINT STANDINGS (After 5 of to rou nds) : 1. Rich Oliver (In/ 4 wins); 2. Chuck Sorenson (131); 3. Chris D' Aluisio (120); 4. Mike Sulliva n (114); 5. Danny Wa lker (112); 6. Nick lenatsch (108); 7. Dona ld Hough (102); 8. AI Salaverria (%); 9. Jon Co m we ll (95); 10. (Tl E) Bill QuinnlJason Paden (83); 12. Chri stop her Rankin (75); 13. Geep Terran ova (70); 14. Aa ron Turner (65); 15. Tahahito Mori (59). Upcoming rounds: Round 6 - Loudon, New Hampshire, June 19 Round 7 - Lexington, Ohio, July17 ELKHART LAKE, WI, JUNE 12 n order to w in close races at Road America you eithe r ha ve to enjoy enough of an ad vantage to be able break the d raft and ru n alone a t th e front, or you have to hope you can set yourself up for a d raft pass up the hill th a t lea d s to th e fin ish line . If you' re Jamie James, you come up with some thing en tire ly different. You bid e your time and then you turn in the perfect last la p to give yourself just enou gh cu shion to p revent the others from drafting past. The Vance & Hines Yamaha rider d id jus t that on the final go-round in the 600cc Supersport final at Road America. Running with the lead pac k throughout, Jam es clicked it up a notch on the run through the high-speed carousel an d he was able to establish enough of a cushion to make the others race for second place . In the en d, tha t position wen t to Muzzy Kawasaki's Steve Crevier. The Canadian finished jus t .784-0f-a-second behind James, bu t it may as well have been a mile. The re was sim ply nothing Crevier could do on the run up the hill toward the finis h line, except keep the others behind him . Privateer Kawasaki rider Gerald Rothman Jr. followed Crevier across the stripe for third place, just ahead of Muzzy Kawasakis' Tripp Nobles, the Smokin' Joe's Racing's Honda of Mike Smith, and the Princeton Honda/Hyd-Mech Saws/4 & 6 Cycle-backed Honda of privateer Jon Cornwell. A short gap behind them came Team Chafong's Randy Renfrow, w ho had gotten th e better of Smokin' Joe's Mike Ha le. Kinko's Thomas Wilson and privateer Rob ert Wr igh t fill e d th e remaining top 10 positions. James averaged 96.960 mp h in taking his second wi n o f th e five -race-old series, and the likeable Louisia na n sud denly finds himself atop the heap in the ultra-close 600cc N ationa l C h amp ionship. James has 156 points, jus t tw o points clear of a tie between Crevier and Smith at 154 po ints . Ha le and Rothman round out the top five point scorers to this point in the season wi th 136 and 133 points, respectively. As is the norm, the 600cc Supersport class featured dose racing from top to bottom and it started with four riders heading into tum one side by side. The leader a t the end of the fir st lap was Sm ith, with Canadian Owen Weichel tucked in behind on the Hyd-Mech Saws-backed Yamaha YZF600. "I was right there with Smith and I was thinking, 'Du de , you're taking me to the podium: " Weichel said later. It was not to be, however, as Weichel ran in to p roblems on the second lap when he slammed the cases of the Yamaha to the pavem en t, lifting th e front wheel and sending him off the track. "It lifted the front tire and I fell down:' Weichel exp laine d. Not one to back down, the friendl y Canadian battled back to finish an eventual 11th - not bad, considering the crash. By th e time Weichel had departed from the lead group, James had taken over and led Crevier and Smith on the third lap. Rothman, Nobles and Jim Leslie were also in the lead pack with a slight gap back to Cornwell, who was on the move. Sm ith led across the s tri pe on the fou rth lap; Crevier had a tum on lap five; Jam es took over again on lap six; then it was Crevier again on lap seven; James once again on lap eigh t. On laps nine and ten Crevier led yet again, and on lap 11 James took control. The fina l lap wa s all James, and it was summed up best by Rothman: "It 's a mailer of luck as to who's going to be there at the end. He Games) railed it through the carousel and the kink. He cruised and we scrapped to the end for second, third, fourth..." James, as always, was modest in success: "1 was in the right place at the right time:' he drawled. "I put in the quickest lap that I could. I believe that would have been the quickest lap of the race. It was a very, very good race. Everybody rod e real sensible; it was a very professional race." "I had more top end:' Crevier said. " I just can 't hang w ith them off the corne rs. I tried gearing it differen tly, bu t then it's not as good on the straight. It's not d oing me any favors in the infield . Th e tra ffic was inc red ible - b ut it was lapped traffic; it was ou r own. It was a real crapshoot - you just try. He Games) was in the righ t place at the right time." Smith was honest in his assessment of what happened : "To have won today, it w ou ld h a ve ta ke n so me dram a tic stuff. I wasn't up to it." a Road America Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin Results: June 12, 1994 (Round 5 of 10) 600ccSU PERS PO RT FIN AL: 1. J.mie James (Yam), 2. Steve Crevier (!S! .;s miles. Average Speed: 96.960 m ph. ~ of Vktorr- 0.798 sec. 600« SUPERSPORT C'SIDP POINT STANDINGS, I. Ja mie James (156/2 wins); 2. (TlE) Steve CrevieT/Mike Smith (154/3 wins); 4. M ike H a le (136); 5. Gerald Rothman Jr. (133) ; 6. Randy Renfrow (109); 7. Iascn I'ridJru= (107); 8. lon Comwell (101); 9. Robert Wright (100); 10. Jamie Bowman (82); 11. Tri pp Nobles (72); 12. Ceep Terra no v a (64); 13. (TIE) David Es to k/ Mi ke Murphy (56); 15. Larry Pegram (53). Upcom ing rounds Round 6 - Loudon, New Hampshire, June 19 Round 7 - Lexington. Ohio, July 17 AMAICCS 7 S 50cc Upersport Series Kipp again! By Paul Carruthers Photo by George Roberts ELKHART LAKE, WI, JUNE 11 .here was some question following Tom Kipp's first-ever 750cc . _ Supersport victory .at Laguna Seea Raceway as to wh ether or not the Ohioan's comeback from injury was

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