Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:ROAD.RACE .:,,: . . Round 5: Road America :' AMA U.S. Superbike Nali9rial Championship Road America Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin Results - June 12, 1994 (Aound 5 of 10) S UPE R BI KE QUALIFYIN G : 1. Pasca l Pico tte (2;15.993/ 105.888 mp h); 2. Co lin Edwards II (2;16.424); 3. Fred Merkel (2:17.106); 4. Jami e Jam es (2;17.796); 5. Tro y Corser (2:18.054); 6. Thomas Stevens (2:18.229); 7. Stev e Crevier (2:18.258); 8. Kevin Ma gee (2:18.354); 9. Mik e Smith (2;18588); 10. Ta kahi ro Sohwa (2;18.677); 11. Dale Quarterley (2;18.912); 12. Tom IGpp (2;19.102); 13. Dave Sadowski (2;19.192); 14. Miguel DuHa mel (2;20.760); 15. Donald Jacks (2;21.382); 16. Brad Hazen (2,21.535); 17. Eric Moe (2,22.599); 18. Pablo Rea l (2,23.382); 19. Frit z Kling (2:24.558); 20. Jacques Gu en ett e Jr. (2:24.721); 21. Scott G ray (2;25.352); 22. Lee Shierts (2;25.332); 23. David Keiffer (2;26.208); 24. Rick Sha w (2;27.919); 25. Brett Ray (2:31.298); 26. Dan T urner (2:32.019) ; 27. Mike Walsh (2:33.252); 28. Aaron Lanningham (2:335 78). SUPERBIK E NATIO NAL. 1. Pascal Picotte (Due ); 2. Fred Merkel (Ka w); 3. Da vid Sadowski (Due) ; 4. Troy Corse r (Due); 5. Takahi rc Sohw a (Kaw); 6. Steve Crevier (Kaw) ; 7. Kevin Magee {Ho n): 8. Thomas Stevens (Suz); 9. Mike Smith (Ha n); 10. Dale Quarterley (Kaw); 11. Miguel DuHamel (H-D); 12. Brad Ha zen (Due); 13. Donald Jacks (Suz ); 14. To m Kip p (Suz); 15. Er ic M oe (Kaw) ; 16. Jacq ues Gue nette Jr. (Suz); 17. Jam ie James (Yam); 18. Dav id Kie ffe r (Due) ; 19. Rick Shaw (Yam); 20. Dan Turner (Yam); 21. Brett Ray (Kaw): 22. Colin Edwards n (Yam) : 23. Fritz Kling (H-D) : 24. Scott G ray (Due); 25. Aa ro n Lanni ngha m (Kaw); 26. Mike Walsh (Yam); 27. Pablo Real (Kaw). Ti me: 36 min ., 52 042 sec. Dista nce: 16 laps. 64 miles. Avera ge Speed: 104.157 mph . Margin of Victory: 0.051 sec. AM A U.S. SU PERBIKE NATIONAL C'SHIP POI NT STANDING S (After 5 of 10 rou nds ): 1. Troy Co rse r (16 1 /2 wins) ; 2. Steve Crevier (128 ); 3. Jamie Ja mes /Pasca l Picotte (126/2 wins) ; 5. Taka hir o Schwa (125); 6. M ike Sm ith (1l 3); 7. Fred Merkel (112) 8. Dale Quarterley (111); 9. Tho mas Stevens (93); 10. Dav id Sado wski (82); ll . Tom Kipp (79); 12. Colin Edward s (75); 13. Kevin Magee (73); 14. Dan T urner (57); 15. Eric Moe (56). Upcoming rounds: Round 6: June 19 - Loudon, NewHampshire Round 7: July 17 - Lexington, Ohio (Above) Colin Edwards II (45) put on an Impressive charge before crashing out 01 second place two laps Irom the finish; here he leads James, David Sadowski (25) and cerser, (Left) Merkelfinished second. ·B ."'f'I'.. .:,.. .' .· .::" ..; ' '. rle ¥ : ::. cominu~ications ma;;ager, ~f1eciive j U .1. nE! JOhn's.·prim·a,y role lsasales i:lgent for.A,MA · 8 "By the tim e 1 realized th er e was a flag , 1 was al ready under him," James exp lained. "It had nothing to do with the outcome of the race. If somebody wants to take my place for that, then take it. 1 d idn' t see the flag until 1 bro ke o u t. 1 could n 't lock the front or do anythi ng crazy at that p oint. 1 had no w he re to slow down." Picotte w as naturally pleased w it h the ou tcome. "Jamie said h e m issed a gear," Picotte said . "With th e waving yellow flag, 1 thought he was going to get disq u ali fi e d . He took m e to the grass, and then he m issed the shift up the hil l. 1 al most wen t s t ra ight fi v e times in co rner eight. Finall y, 1 went straigh t and los t three se conds on the la st la p . Th at was o ne of the lo ngest r ac es of my life - it seemed like one year." Behind the lead trio, Sadowski finished alone in fourth - ahead of Corser. Sohwa out-dueled Crevier to the flag for six th w ith Magee getting th e best of Stevens on the last lap . Then carne Smith, Dale Quarterley and the vastly improved Harley-Dav id s on VR-I 000 of Mig uel DuHamel- in his best (and only) finish to date on the new supe rbike. "I wo uld ha ve liked to have ca ug h t Dal e (Quarte rley) ," th e go od-humore d Du Ham el sai d . " But I' m happy to finis h. Yeah, 12th (a res ult that w ould later become 11th) . I'm hap py th e bike went all the w ay. It's really a sensitive bike - yo u 'v e got to tal k to it just right. 1 g o t boxed in at t he s ta r t and [ jus t cou ld n't ge t in to the 19s like 1 did this m orning. 1 think with a full tank it was h ard e r a n d then when the tank go t down, the tires were a bit worn. Everything needed to be p erfect fo r me to ge t in the top 10, and it just d idn't come together." Though he ob vious ly expects a lot more, Magee's seventh- pla ce fi n is h was a bright spot in a ra th er dark year for the Australian. "I to ok about 10,000 more risks th an [ s hou ld h ave ," he s aid . " Act u a ll y th e engine w a s a bit slower for the race, but 1 went fas ter. It -(the RC45 ) gets better every time w e ride it." CN .' •• . ..... . . ' . . :. Pro proqrarns." ·r oni Mueller said: .::...:::;:..c:.,..--'-'-'7'-~:;-"-'':'..:.. -. : . "Our....irindow .ol opportunity lor~95 .sporrsor' ' '' :S. For winning his 'secxind 5ucc:essiveAMA U : -. strips is clOsing and John wiU be devoting a · Supeitiike Natie nalChampions hip' round. .: lull-time' effort to. the :growth 01 our sport .". · Pascal Picotte look home the winner's share ' .McEKresh was.on hand for the Road America 01'$680'0 from the' $40;006 Superbike purse ' .:ro und of the' AMA U:S. Superbike National · at Road America: Fred Merkeieilrned $4500 .....Championship: : . :- . . . . : . ' ' . . :. .' for second 'and David Sadowski pocketed . " . . . : . · $3250 lor third place. With' the second 'AMA . . The lastest 01 the superblkes during quali- . ·S uperbike. NationaJ victory of h jscareer. .: ·.·lying , according to an'AMA radar gun place~ 'P ic6tte moves into 'a .tie fer "16th'on the all- ::' nearthe end 01the front stralqht ::was J;¢1ie . time win Ust: : ·. : '. '. ",c, : James' 'J im Leonard-tuned Vance & Hines ' ' . ' ". .. .. . " " '. . ., . ' Yamaha : Tre YZF750'was' radaredat.172 The' second AMA rpad race advisorY coin• . , mph. Troy.Corser'sFast By Ferracci OucaU · ml~ee ' meeti~g that was 'sctledu1ed forsatu·r · 'was second .best.with aciockingolJ67 mph; ;.-: · day night at F'!oai:l ·America . was cancelled ..·...the ·~okin' . Joe's Ra'cing Hondaso! Kevin . "because of the death'ot AMAroad race man- " : Magee'and MlkeSmith did identical '167 moh. ·aqe r Ron' Barrick's. mother. Barrick returned ,' runs; arid the Harley-DavidsoriVA·IOOO rid- . .horne to Burke. Virginia,'and was .unable to -'. :den byFritz·Kling wBS radared at 162.mph.: a . · attend the Road AmeriCa NationaL · · · . · . . ·::':big improvenient over iheir 1.s4mph c!oeking ' .. . .' . . . ... ~. .. .". from the .first race at. Daytona' lnternatlonal . ' . . ' . '. . . ... . .'The AMA h'as dropped the lirie andsusperi. ,'·Speedway, slcnlevledaqainst Dale QUllrterley atthe -." . . .: . • :.: ': "' . . ' .' . . '.' :: ' . . Lilguna 's eca round 'otthe sertes . Quarterley .'. Dominator wheels' has ' stepped ' in to. help ' attempted tei get the nice red-flagged after an .':':sponsor the' Desmo 'Ducati tearn of David oilspill in fum four by riding close.and gestur'..··: :Sac:lows ld; the .thtrd-pta ce finisher. In.the · the .flag man on .the front.straigtit" at . ', Superbike Nationat, ."They'"e stepped up. to: Laguna. . nd he'was Iined and f?ee '.:. . .. ...' .... . '..... ... ..... .' :. .. : :

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