Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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th an the fo ur-stroke men, raci n g to fourth, though he had to protest to get it after being missed once by the lap scorers. Just 15 riders completed the necessa ry three-quarters rac e distance and crossed the line within five minutes of the winner to be classified as finishers. Sixteen went on to complete race two. The story of tha t race is soon told. Anst ie q u ickly passed Kucirek to lead from lap two, increasing his advantage with every lap . "The only problem I had was three laps from the en d w hen my front wheel ca ught a rock on the fi rs t hil l. I was m ore w orried abo u t burning the clutch out than an ything, " he explained after zig-zagging his wa y to the top, feet up like a '50s trials star. Rossi ha d lost a lap at th e start hi ll, an d related hi s ill fortu ne: "Whatley crashed at the top and I got my throttle stu ck in his rea r chain." But Rossi was still second overall, as only Anstie and Belgian Danny Theybers completed 25 lap s of racing. But the last word must go to Magnificen t Merv: "If it's that d ifficult, how co m e I could beat 'em w ith two flat tires?" 0" Slovakian GP Sverepec, Slovakia Results: June 5, 1994 (Round 6 of 12) MOTO 1: 1. Franco Roosi (Han); 2. Mervyn Anstie (Han); 3. M.ucus Hansson (Hon); 4. DanyIIIGng (!ers (Hon); 6. Jaroslav Katrinek (Hus); 1. Giovanni Cav atorta (Ho n); 8. Marcus Hansson (lion); 9. Georges jooe (lion); 10. DarryUKing (Kaw) . WO RLD OIAMPIONSHIP 500« MX SERIES PO INT STA N DIN G S (Af le r 6 of 12 r o un d s) : 1. Marc us Ha nsson (148/1 win); 2. Joel Smets (138/1); 3. Jac ky M arl e n s (13 4/1); 4. Bill y Liles (92/ 1); 5 . Ronny We u stenraed (92); 6. Gert Ja n Van Doom (78/1 ); 7. Mervyn AnSl ie (71 / 1); 8. Da nyU King (63); 9. [c ha n Boonen (61); 10. Danny They bers (61); 11. Franco Rossi (59); 12. Jeremy Whatley (51); 13. Mir06lav Kucirek (49); 14. Si¢ Bau er (46); 15. Pe te r Dir lcx (43); 16. Gerald De1epine (36); 17. Shayne Kin g (30); 18. Georges Jobe (30); 19. Carlo Huben (25); 20. Manan Duchon (23) . Upcoming rounds: Round 7 - Mill, Holland, June 19 Round 8 • Blangies. France. June 26 (Above) TOl'nlntla1downpours left the track In a nearly Impassable state, prompting the top three riders in the poin t stand ings to sit out the second moto. (Above right) Verlema tl-mounted Joel Smets recovers after the muddy first moto. Smets sat out moto two against the wishes of his team manager, but stili holds second in the points chase. (Right) Jacky Martens' big four-stroke didn't cope well with the slimy conditions. The defend ing champion fi nished sixth In motoone. World Championship 125cc Motocross Series Round 5: Swedish GP Three fram five VRIGSfAD. SWEDEN. JUNE 5 ank Bob Moore extend ed his lead to 10 points when he clinched h is third overall win in five roun ds to date on the Michele Rinaldi-entered factory Yamaha. The loose-surfaced Vrigstad track in so u th-c en tral Sw ed en seemed to suit both sand specialists and hard-t rack favorites, as honors were evenly shared throughout the field. Moore paved the way for his overall success with a clear-cu t win in the opener, with his closest rivals Italian Alessio Chiodi, Dutchman Pedro Tra gter and Frenchman Mickael Pichon filling the next three places in the same order that they hold in the standings. Holland 's Dave Strijbos , fastest in qualifying, finally got his act together in race two to lead home a tight stru ggle for second between Pichon, Moore and Tragter, who finished in that order, while Chiodi was pushed down to a distan t sixth by Cha rrel Sweebe. Californian Bad er Manneh failed to finish either moto, but stayed fifth in the standings. Dut chman John Van den Berk also failed to score a t the facility w he re he had won his first GP back in 1986. C\' Y SwedlshGP Vrlgstad, Sweden Results: June 5, 1994 (Round 5 of 11) MOTO 1: 1. Bob Moore (Ya m ); 2. Alessio Chiodi (lion); 3. Pedro Tra gter (Suz); 4. MickaeI Pichon (Han); 5. Fred rik Werne r (Hus ); 6. Roy Snellingcn (Su z); 7. Rem y Va n Rees (J

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