Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Round 3: Baja 500 The Jason KeweIV Steve Hengeveld Kewuekl tee m battled for the CIa.. 21 (25Occ) win the whole race, but Cl'lls hes reIeglIted the tee m to second. James Cloud and Cliff Matlock, aboard a 414cc Suzuki DR350, rolled into Santo Tomas 15 minutes la ter - four minutes behind Henderson, Loh and Lane on adjusted time. "We tore the trip meter off; we had to adjust the clutch - other than that it was a perfect ride," said Matlock. ~ Baja 500 Ensenede, B.C., Mexico Resu lts: Ju ne 3, 1994 (Round 3 of 4) o the help of tuners Ron Heben, Johnson, Dave Pyle and Jim "Bones" Bacon, they managed to completely rebuild the topend of the KX500 in well under 10 minutes . But from the time the bike locked up to the time it re-fired wi th a "new" engine, the Davis/Hamel team had thrown away 24 valuable minutes to the leaders. With Sweetland sidelined, and Davis and Hamel having, for all intents and purposes, lost any chance of winning, team manager Mark Johnson had to do some quick shuffling. His number-one priority was getting the KLX650 fourstroke, as well as series points lead er Hamel, to the finish, preferably near the front, so knowing that Sweetland was out and that Hamel and Davis were way back , Johnson decided to replace Sweetland with Hamel, and let Davis ride solo pretty much the whole way. The plan obviou sl y worked, and e ven Dav is placed well in eigh th overall, completing the race in 09:54:50. " It was a long d ay," said a ti red Davis. "I do n' t want to ride again for a long time." Fifth overall was the Bob Rutten and Drey Dircks Honda team. Rutten was the last Class 22 rider off the line, but made a lot of passes before handing the bike off to Dircks, a former motocrosser. Dircks said he gained gro un d on Roeseler before plowin g into a rock hidden in the shad ows of trees and los t 10 minutes. The next 100 miles he held a steady pace all the way to Oasis, where a wheel wa s replaced an d the frame strai ghtened, costing them 15-20 minutes. The fir st 250cc machine across the line was piloted by Fred Willert, Steve "Tex" Mitchell and Jeff Martinez in seventh overall, one spot ahead of Davis. Willert had it easy: "I started and rode the first 28 miles (before handing off the Yamaha WR250 to Mitchel) then 1 went to the beach." "I rode 190 miles in three sections," said Mitchel of their team's ride. "I was five minutes down from the leader Oason Kawell and Steve Hengeveld) and got off in the dust while go ing through the pine forest. 1 later passed the second- place 250cc bike and handed (our) b ik e o ver to Martinez, and he made up another minute on the leaders. 1 got on the bike again coming into Ojos Negros and passed the Kawasa ki (o f Kawell and Hengeveld ). There wa s a Quad in front of me and 1 couldn' t get past it. It slowed me down enough so the Kawasaki passed me back. At th e end of the pavement section, the Kawasaki had to pit and 1 passed it back . At our next pit at Cerro Colorado, we had to change a wheel and a filter and the Kawasaki went by again! Martinez got on at Cerro Colorado and he put two minutes on the Kawasaki. 1 got on for oU1 laPorte,? 'Aix; Joh". ,less, "S?ORE does not toJ.~rale tnis.; said :.s on;· LaP~rte hadn't riddel'!' in t1'\B last year. SCOREs .Deke ~C? 1 9ate . ltstates In the . '. ·H had a bad .bout With. rheumatoid arthritis' e rUlebook. that if you ru~ over·.a .motorcycle; . .for eighl. months ,~· ·said Johnson,' "i-te's been you're. dlsquallfted.·He s ( N o~lnd) .okay, .b~t . on'medication lor abOut 's year; everything is' .suffered a ~roke~ leg and W be laId . .:finen ow and the. gone, but he' had a Ill ·up for a long time. . '. ' . hard time on - h1s liming' was · o".~· . . : , LaPo'rte .riow lives' in France and is the FMF Tea~ H on ~ a' S . Je f~ Capt ha s obvIously' : importer; Trolli and laPorte 'wlHe Caglva' adapted 'quI~ly 10 filS new:XR600 .(628c, ) . teammate s al the.Paris-Dakar"RaIlY a few c '. ' . " '. ' -.' .. mount: Capt's l)ame: is synonymous wlth .lhe · years ago: : ..,' . . ' .t 25Cc class in desert racing.."I've been riding. : . .: .' ' .. . · 125s f~r .Ille las\four years, ~d have on!y : HOnda's.Chu~k Miller had nOlhing tiut praise: been. Open .class for a.boul SIX . 'fo( ·this.yeats Baja 500 course, which ~rted · m~ths now, . ~Id Ihe 25-year""?I~ nder from ..In Ensenada and e nded in' nearby Sa nlo' ChIno, CalifornIa. .Capt and .hls ~e a m mate . Tomas, jusl south· of.Ensenada. ~It was the. Johnny Campbell wer~ et ~ne polnt.leadlng . best course In' five y'ears ,~ sa id:Miller. ·tt · the ' Baja 500 race ·on·adjusled timebB!0re .. wasn't jusl 'whOope d out , high;speed. being s idelined wllll a crackt;lden, ., . straights: inslead;.we ran .on a 101 ortight; love riding the l;lig bikes ,· said:Capl. ·For . .:twisty.roads. Itwas just awesome. ~h8n was. some reason, no maller how wellyou do on a ' ·the· las t time you .s aw.ihe winners speed "125': Qr on.a250:for that matter· you,just. .., average 50 mph? 'Usuilily it's around SO mph: ' don:t gel .ths·recognitjon· like ·you·.do in the '. ' Awesomel· Most ·of ihe 'racerS agreed with Open·c1aSs..Quite the.opposite ot'motOcros·s. '. : M ~ler, However; word has ii'lhal 'Novembers · BUI bestol an:.I love the l;like.."m :stilileaming:'. ,-Baja. 100p race will tie: !>aS6d out.of .Mexieali · . al!d gelling.used 10 il; tt'li )ake·.som\llil!Je;,sut :.. Jike II waS Iaslyear: :,' ' . " :. . ' riding for Hondais lhe best Ihingto have hap" '. . .': ' , . .. : . .. . . " . : ... . ·pen forme:··. .:· : ". .'. .. . .. . . ...' . After a' string of Baja' DNFs, includiilg one at · . . : . . ·.l his race.;·Team Ho'nda's Bruce' . .: ' . . . .:. :. . . . . .. ·Perhaps'Ille most impressiVe finish was 'that' .:. optimistic aboul their team' s fulure;·as well as . "turned in by the third-Ptace.finishinl/team··of. :·Ille'upcciming.Baja·1000. "We've.been doing I Italian'oft-road hero Oavlde TrOIli and lonner . oj lot 'of test ing 'a nd 'have tone d.down our' .·BajS·1000 Winner·and 1982 250cc World MX : bikes a liltIe bit,· said Ogil\lie."They'ie work· . .. Champion Denny laPorte' of Team Kaw. .' -. . " . ' asa- . iog gOOd and strOngriOw."· .. ' . . '. ' . . ' . . .' :.'... . ' . .

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