Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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raci n g was fa s t an d furious , b ut th e order rema ined the same to the finish . In the last chance qu alifer, Rutherford went wire to wire to secur e his spot in the main, wh ile Favre and DeLuca battled over the second spot, w ith the nod finally going to Favre. DeLuca was th ird, Ral ph Lan e fourth , and Kasey Stewart fifth. As the gate d ro p ped for the 125cc main, Mou ral got out front quickly and rode as tho ugh he had 19 su percross pros chasing him. Rutherford ran second , followe d by Blackwell, joi ner and Ha rvey. On la p two , Blackw ell blew by joiner through the whoops and set his sights on Ruth erford. It wasn't long before Harv ey mad e his wa y past jo iner, br ingin g 80cc pilot jarred Fisher along for the ride. By the halfway ma rk, Harvey had closed to w it h in s t r i kin g d ist an ce o f Blackwell and Rutherford , picking each of them off in the next two laps. Up fro n t, Mou ral had eas ed up h is pace a bit an d began ente rtaining the capacity crow d with wild, 70-foot clickers that brou gh t loud gas ps from the specta tors with every lap . At the finish it was Moural with the overa ll victor y, follow ed by Ha rv ey, Ru therford, Blackwe ll, and Fisher. Results P/ W: 1. Kyle Co rchero (yam): 2. Jacob Eissler (Yam): 3. B.I. Powell (Yam); 4. Bobby B.1rnt.'S (yam); 5. Darren Ny e (Ya m), 60: 1. Eric Nye ( Kaw); 2. Da rre n Benso n (Ka w) ; 3. D.anicJ Fow le r (Ka w) 4. Branden Corcberc (Ha n); 5. C a rre tt ICopping (Kaw ). 80: 1. Kyle Carner (Suz); 2. Evan Lacghndge (Yam); 3. Chris McAvo y (Ha n); 4. Aaron Bums (yam); 5. Luke Sweeey ( I2S: I. Lowell Moural Jr. (Hon); 2. Jerry H,lf ve y (Suz ); 3. D.1 nny Rut herford (Ho n); 4. Dylan Blackwell (Hoo); 5. Jam.od FiSh· er (Suz ). 250: 1. Lowell Moura) Jr.{Hon); 2. Willylon Hall (Yam) ; 3. Doug Lindgren (Kaw ); 4. Scott SlTldtl(Hon ); 5. Sam IJloLuca(Yam) . Joiner a leader at Ocala MX By Kyle Myers OCALA, FL, MAY 22 james joiner won two classes at round 11 of the Florida Motocross Club Series MX at the Florida Motosports Complex. As the 15-24 class took to the track, Derrick Januszy k assu me d the early lead over Ronni e Renn er , Mike Amed eo, j o ine r an d jas on Thomas. Renn er tried to make a first-lap pass for the point position, but januszyk pu shed hi m off the track, lett ing jo iner slip by for second . joiner followed janusz yk for a lap before w restlin g the lead away fro m h im . Renner retaliated a lap later to move Janu szyk back to third . Thomas, on a big w heel 80, sail ed by Amed eo to tak e over fourth, only to thr ow a chain a tum later and hand the spot to Amedeo again. joiner held on for the moto win ahead of Renner, januszyk, Amedeo and Keith McQu iag. In the second moto, Amed eo redeemed himse lf b y ro ck in g to th e fro n t of the p ack , as Thomas, joiner and januszyk and jason Freema n gave cha se . Amed eo made good use of a clear track and pulled away fro m the in ten se ba ttle bet we en Tho ma s, Joiner and Januszyk . Tho mas' cha in again came o ff, and he had to wat ch Joiner and januszyk motor by. Stre it'sba cked j o iner slowly reeled in Am edeo and tried to make a last-lap pass but fell in a comer. He rem oun ted in tim e to hold on to seco nd , good eno ug h for the overall win. Amedeo netted the mota win as Januszyk and Renne r, who sta r ted last o ff the ga te, ended the mo ta in four th place. Keith McQuaig was fifth. joiner also competed in the 12Scc C division wh ere he battled with Renn er and Jaso n Wasd in in both motos. Joiner came away with a 1·1 tally ove r Wasd in, Renne r, Rand y jackson and Jason Freeman. jon Ortner also scored two class wins on the day. Ortne r emerged victorious in the 250cc A an d 25+ classes. Results P/ W: I. Matt Goerke (Yam); 2. Robert Holstein (Ya m) ; 3. Cody Roth (Yam) ; 4. Jay me Gw ynn (ya m): 5. Zack Lundy (Yam). I 65: 1. Jason BeU (Kaw) ; 2.. Troy Adams (Kaw ): 3. Ryan D;wls (Kaw); 4. Jeff Moore (Ka w ); 5. Jason Preeman (Kaw ). I 85 (7-11): 1. Tro y Adams (Suz); 2.. Ja..on Bell (Ya m); 3. Josh ; Baker (Yam); 4. Steve 8 rim-gar (Hon ); 5. Lancr Stalls (Hon). 85 (14-15): 1. Ray H ol en (Kaw) ; 2. Jason Thoma, (Kaw); 3. M Travis Irwin (Kaw ). . S/ M1NI: I. JiII!IOn ThOm.1S (Kaw); 2. Ray Hansen (Kaw) ; 3. Aaron lTrkim (Suz); 4. Tom PaBOnS (Suz): 5. J.uon Bell (K.l w) . 16--24: 1. Ja.rno Joiner (Hon ); 2. Mike Amed ro (Yam); 3. Derrick Jilnuuyk (Hon); <4. Ronnie Renner (y;g (Suz). 125 C: 1. J':Ul\L'ti Joirv. (Yam); 2.. J~ Wasd in (Ha n); 3. Ron... nie Re nner (Ya m): 4. Ra ndy Jacks on (Ho n ); S. Jason (Suz ). 125 / 250 BEC : 1. Russell jones (Kaw); 2. Ma nu el G utierrez (Suz); 3. RolyHo ttman (Suz ); 4. Arm.Jnd o Rivera ( ). 250 A: 1. Jon Ortner (l(.lw); 2.. Mike AJnt!dco (Ya m); 3. Guy Sacchl'tti (Hon). 250 8: 1. Ste ve Dye (Ka w ); 2..Steve Dumond (Suz) . r. 250 C: 1. Derri ck Januszyk (Hon); 2. Mar k Buinet (I(.I w); 3Eric Lin dstrom (Ho n); 4. JolSOn Wobdin (Hon) ; 5. Bohannon ( ). 25+: I. Jon Ortner ()U w ); 2.. Sieve Dumond (y a m); 3. Stev e Dye (Kaw); 4. Tim Eggen (Suz); 5. Kirk Layfield (Yillm). 37

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