Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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throttle on up , only to get a kick to the right from the thunderous Harley and drift to th e left as h e hammered the throttle for more speed. Dent flew to the lights, only to be di squalified fo r stepping out of bounds at the 150' mark. Dent' s return showing s to p ped the clocks at 6.3183 for a d isappoin tin g ninth-place finish . Following Dent was Tom Reiser, the current 800cc National Champion. Reiser put his USA Team Harley-Davidson onto the Wh ite Rose Hill quickly and smoothl y. Center ed on th e hill with only a slight drift to the left, Reiser's rid ing skills mad e the spo rt look easy. The rooster tail of dust seemed to chase Reise r th rough the tim ing lights, and he sto p ped the clock with at 5.8858 - the time to beat. Reiser sa t on the bubble until Louie Gerencer Jr. had his turn at th e h ill. Gerencer's first climb was smoo th with only a slight drift to the right mid way up the hill. Gerencer posted a qu ick time of 5. 9889, b u t it wa sn't qu it e fas t enough. Gerencer re turned later and popped the bubble Reiser was sitting on. Cerencer' s second climb started left on the launch pad with a little squirm over the first breaker. This put Gerencer onto the middle section of the hill quickly as he carried the front wheel through the lights with the fastest time of the day, a showy 5.734'.l that secured the win. Reiser returned in round two for an attempt to regain his first-place position. Choosing a groove on the far right, Reiser sta yed there all the way up the hill, but was unable to secure a time quicker than Gerencer's. In the end, Reiser had to settle for third, as his teammate Rand y Gabriel proceeded to move into second. Gabriel's first climb was uneventful as he rolled his Harley onto the dusty hill, shooting through the lights with a time of 5.9403. It was Gabriel's second climb that secured second. Starting left in the box, as he launched on to the hill Gabriel quickly found himself "in the groove" towards the right side of the hill. From there it was a sling shot ride to the top for a time of 5.9324, only one 10th of a second off Gerence r's time. Louie Gerencer reflected back on the day's event, saying: "In my second ride, I got over the first part p retty good. I got back on the gas, then sta rted to do a wheelie again and the re was no way I was going to back off of it. I just rolled off a little, just to keep it fro m coming ove r. I hit the jump on top, go t back on it and everything worked out great." a White Rose M Hill .e. York, Pennsylvania Results: June 5 540: Midael DeBu sk (BSA); 2. Paul Pinsonnauh (Hon); 3. Alan Hoskins (Hon); 4. David Watson (Kaw ); 5. Scott Everett (Tri) ; 6. Ted Wilkins (RlX); 7. Richard Soter m (BSA); 8. james Zucco (Kaw ); 9. Doug Klont (Tri) ; 10. Paul Lowe (Kaw); 11. Steven Patrick (Yam); 12. Roger McNeeley (Yam); 13. Paul Garrety (BSA); 14. Ernia Pellin (Tri); 15. Ralph Kreeger (Tri); 16. Kevin Zucco (Bul); 17. John Hislop (BSA); 18. Jason Petty (Kaw) ; 19. Mike Pulver (Hon); 20. Steve Dresser (So2); 21. Bob Hawk (BSA); 22. William Hislop (Hon); 23. Leon Everett (Tri). 800: 1. Louie Cerencer Jr. (H-D); 2. Randy Gabriel (H-D) ; 3. Tom Reiser (H-D); 4. Harry Schreiber (H·D) ; 5. Tun Frazier (BSA); 6. Creg Williams (Hon); 7. Rodney Smith (BSA); B. Wade Wm iams (Hon); 9. Michael Dent (H-D); 10. Glend.1IPe tty Jr. (Tn) ; 11. Bob Cas tledine (H0); 12. Gary Mille r (H-D); 13. Wallace Fowler (So2); 14. Rich a rd Carlson (H-D) ; 15. C ha rles Casey (Yam); 16. Donald Boggs (Hon); 17. Bru ce Ramsey (Ho n); 18. Ma

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