Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Final Round: Sam Boyd Silver Dome (Left) After wi nni ng the 125cc class . Ryan Hughes celebrates on the pod ium with Pedro Gonzalez (left ) and runner-up Damon Huffman . (Below left) Doug Henry (8). Mike Kiedrowski (3) and Michael Craig (19) freighttrai n a tum In the main event. Kiedrowski had to work through traffi c to fin ish th ird . (Below) Jeremy McGrath (left) and Mike laRocco were exhausted after the long. 20lap main event. At this point, Mike Kiedrows ki has already headed for the pits. Palmer (KTM)-; 9. Jaso n Upshaw (Hon ); 10. Brandon Lacey (Kaw ); 11. Jim my Lavcrci (Ka w); 12. Jon Heedden (Hon); 13. Jon Nicolaus (Ho n); 14. David Castillo (Yam); 15. Jim O\amt>eriain (Hon ); 16. Shay FretweU (Hon). Time: 8:05.88. 2SOLeQ (6 taps; 22 riders, top 2 transfer): 1. Jimmy .Bri·eflv... Pingree (Suz); 4. Jeff Pestana (Hon); S. Brian Deegan (Kaw) ; 6. Joel Albrecht (Yam ); 7. Ton y Graves (Hon); 8. Jason Frenette (Su z ); 9. Ray Crumb (Yam); 10. Craig Canoy (Yam ); 11. M. Painter (Hon); 12. Shawn Highland (Suz); 13. S. Pagel (Hon); 14. Tadatsune Kiyota (Kaw ); 15. Mark Easley (yilm); 16. TM1')' Parsons (!(aw); 17. Ben Uitale (Hon); 18. Rusty Holland (Suz ); 19. Shaun Palmer (Suz~ 20. Justin McMurrich (Hon~ Ti me: 8 minutes. 1.99 seconds. 125 HEAT 2 (6 laps; 2D riders, top 9 transfer): 1. Ryan H ughes (Kaw~ 2. Damon Huffman (Suz~ 3. Tra'" Hodges (lCaw); 4. Brian Wal ters (Suz); 5. Oint Latham (Hon); 6. S. Andrich (Suz~ 7. Axel HoIvoet (Yam); 8. Cory Keeney (Ka w ); 9. Shane Trittler (502); 10. Greg Schnefi (Suz); 11. D. Da hlin (Suz); 12. Sco n Myers (Yam); 13. Darren Hoeft (502); 14. Vuichiro Kawashima (Hon); 15. Chris Ridgeway (Ka w); 16. Derek Natvig (Suz ); 17. Ty Birdwell (Ha n); 18. M . T raversy (Ya m); 19. Larry Unkogle (Hon); 20. Lowe U Moura! (Hon). TIme: 8:28.1& 125 LCQ (4 I.lps; 20 riders, top 4 transfer): 1. Greg Schnell (Suz) ; 2. Scott Highland (Suz) ; 3. Larry Linkogle (Ho n); 4. Darren Hoeft (Suz) ; 5. Sco tt Myers (Yam ); 6. Mark Eas ley (Yam); 7. M. Painter (H on ); 8. Doug Dahlin (Suz); 9. S. Pagel (Ho n); 10. Tada tsune Kiyo.. (Kaw) ; 11. Terry Parsons (Kaw ); 12. Shaun Pa lmer (Suz); 13. Ty Birow ell (Ha n); 14. Ben Uitale (Ho n): 15. M. Traversy (Yam); 16. Rusty HoUand (Suz) ; 17. Craig Canoy (ya m); )8. Justin McM urrich (Ho n); 19. Derek Natvig (Kaw ); 20. Yuichiro K.1washi ma (Hon). r une: 5;59.71. 125 MAIN (15 laps; 22 riders); 1. Rya n Hughes (Kaw ); 2. Damo n Hulfman (Suz ); 3. Pedro Go nzalez (Kaw); 4. Craig Decker (Hon); 5. David Pingree (Suz ); 6. Travis Hodges (Ka w ); 7. Cory Kee ney (Ka w ); 8. Joel Albrecht (Yam); 9. Brian Deegan (Kaw) ; 10. Axel Holvnet (Yam); 11. Jeff Pestana (Hon); 12. Tony Graves (Hon); 13. Jason Frenette (502); 14. Greg SehneU (Suz) ; 15. Larry Llnkogle (H a n ); 16. Steve Andrich (Suz); 11. Cli nt Latham (Hon) ; 18. Shawn H ighland (502); 19. Shane Trinler (Suz); 20. Ray Crumb (Vam); 21 . Darrin Hoeft (Suz); 22. Brian Walters (502). 16 rune: 20:38.28. USee WESTERN REGIONAL SUPER CROS S CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES FINAL POINT STAND- IN G S: 1. Damon Hu ffman (116 /2 wi ns); 2. Ped ro Gonzalez (134/1); 3. Craig Decker (134); 4. Ryan H ughes (117 / 3); 5. Da v id Pingree (72) ; 6. Ja mes Dobb (70); 7. Ton y Craves (58); 8. Cory Keeney (54); 9. Travis Hod ges (46); 10. Je ff Pestana (45) ; 11. Axel Holvoet (44) ; 12. Donald Up ton (42); 13. Ray Crumb (37); 14. Brian Deegan (33); IS. Darrin Hoeft (25 ); 16. Mike Metzger (23); 17. Derek Natvi g (22); 18. Lowell Moural (20) ; 19. Gr eg Schnell (19); 20. Shane Trittler (IS) . 2SO HEAT 1 (8 laps; 20 rid en, top 4 transfer): 1. Steve Lamson (Hon); 2. Larry Brooks (Va m ); 3. Larry Ward (Ya m) ; 4. Brian Swink (502); 5. Buddy Antunez (Kaw); 6. Mike KiedrowsIci (Kaw~ 7. Mike Cllamberlain (Yam ); 8. Mike Fisher (Kaw); 9. Todd DeH oop (Hon); 10. Tony Amaradio (Kaw ); 11. Ky le Lewis (Yam); 12. Chris Voung (502) ; 13. ShaWl KaIos (Yam); 14. leff Ma tiasevkh (Yam ); 15. Denny Stephenson (5 02); 16. Lane Os lanski (Hon); 17. Billy Merci er (Yam ); 18. Steven Skiba (Han); 19. Phil Lawrence (Suz ); 20. Mike laRocco (Kaw) . rune: ID-.59.SB. 2SO HEAT 2 (8 laps; 20 riden, top 4 tr.ansf er ): 1. Jeremy MtGrath (Hon); 2. Jeff Emi~ (Yam ); 3. Jeff Stanton (Hon); 4. Do ug Henry (Hon); 5. Michad Cra'g (Yam) ; 6. Ezra Lus k (Suz) ; 7. Doug Dubach (Yam ); 8. Rich Tay lor (Ho n); 9. Jimmy Button (Suz); 10. 0iIf Palm.~ (KTM); 11. Jimmy Gaddis (Kaw); 12. Brandon Lacey (Kaw); 13. Jim Cha mbe rlain (Ho n); 14. Jon Hedden (Hon); 15, Jimm y Lavorci (Kaw) ; 16. Jason Up sh aw (Ho n); 11. Dav id Castillo (Yam ); 18. Jon NicDlaus (Hon); 19. Mike Brown (Hon); 20. Sha y FretweU (Hon). Time: 10:46.34. 2SO SEMI 1 (6 laps ; 16 riden, top 5 tr~nsfer); 1. Jeff Matia. .evich (Yam); 2. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 3. Mike laRocco (K.1w ); 4. Shaun Kalos (Yam); 5. Mike Fish er (Kaw); 6. Chris Voung (Suz); 7. Todd DeHoop (Ho n); 8. Tony Amaradio (Kaw) ; 9. Mike Cllamberlain (Yam); 10. Kyle Lewis (Yam ); 11. Phil Lawrence (502); 12. Denny Stephenson (Suz ); 13. lane Os lanski (Ho n); 14. Billy Mercier (Yam); 15. Steven Skiba (Ho n); 16. Budd y Antunez (Kaw ). TIm e: 8'14.09. 2SO SEMI 2 (6 la p.; 16 riders, lo p 5 transfer) : I. Michael Craig (y am); 2. Ezra Lusk (Suz); 3. Jimmy Butto n (Suz); 4. Mike Brown (Hon); S. Rich Tay lor (Hon); 6. Doug Du bach (Yam); 7. Jimmy Gaddis (Kaw); 8. 0iI1 Gad d i! (Kaw); 2. Den ny Stephenson (Suz); 3. Mik e Chamberla in (Yam); 4. Buddy Antune z (l(aw); 5. Phil '" Lawrence (Suz); 6. Todd Del-loop (Hon); 7. Dou g Dubach (Yam ); 8. Kyle Lewis (Yam) ; 9. Oilf Palmer (KThl); 10. Billy Mercier (Yam) ; 11. Brandon Lacey (Kaw); 12. Jim Chamberlain (Hon); 13. Jimmy La, ·orC (Kaw); 1~ . Lane Qslanski (Hon); 15. Jon H erdden (Han); 16. Jon Nicolaus (Hon); 17. Chris Voung (Suz ); 18. Steven Skiba (Hon ); 19. Tony Amaradio (Kaw) ; 20. Jaso n Upshaw (Ho n); 21. -David Castillo (Yam ); 22.Shay Fre tw ell (Hon). Tunt.: 8:29.68. 250 MAIN UO I.lps ; 20 ridrn): 1. Jeremy McGra th (Ho n); 2. Mike laRocco (Kaw) ; 3. Mike Kiedro ws ki (Kaw) ; 4. Jeff Ma lia.OVich (Yam); 5. Doug Henry (Hon); 6. ' Je ff Emig (Ya m); 7. Steve Lamson (Ho n); 8. Ezr a tusk (Suz) ; 9. Larry Ward (Yam); 10. Jim my Gadd is (Kaw); 11. Larry Brooks (Ya m); 12. Brian Swi n k (Suz) ; 13. Jeff Stanton (Hon); 14. Mike Fish er (Ka w); 15. Rich Ta ylor (Hon); 16. Sha un Kales (Vam); 17. De nny S tep he nson (5 02); 18. Michael Craig (Yam); 19. Mike Brown (Ho n); 20. Jimm y Button (Suz). TIme: 26:26 .70. A MA CAMEL SUPERCROSS CHAMPI ONSHIP SERIES FINAL POINT STANDINGS: 1. Ieremy McGra th (335 /9); 2. Mike L.> Rocco (287/3); 3. Mike Kied rowski (271 /2); ~ . Jeff Emig (224); 5. Steve Lamson (214); 6. Jeff S"nton (208) ; 7. Doug Henry (203 ); 8. Larry Wa rd (200); 9. Brian Swink (182); 10. Michael Crai g (176/1); 11. Jeff Ma tiolS<. 'k h (152); 12. Cliff Palmer (85); " 13. Larry Brooks (81); 14. Den ny Stephenson (74); 15. Erik Kehoe (72) ; 16. Damon Hu ffma n (S2); 17. Ryan Hughes (49); 18. Kyle Lewis (48); 19. Tod d Dc Hoop (46) ; 20. Dou g Dubach (42). .. win·n in Vegas . With inspiration like. that• .er : . Sp litFir~ should .spc nsor the .whole series next year, . . . . .. . .. · Brit Jall1es Dobb.ha·dplanned·on retuming·to .' . Team KTM·~ Cliff. Pal~~r ~as ~ack in .acti~n , action at Las Vegas fo llowing a practice . for Ihe first time since injuring his shoulder ~n , cras h last week ·at San Jose buthis ribs · '.s · crash at the DaUas·Supercross last A~n L · were still too sore· Dobb still ·ride his· .. .~almer failed to.make the.main event. . . .. . home 250cc · GP on Ju ne 19·: Another. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ': Kawasaki rider with sore ribS is Robble .Rey• . Appro xi mately 15 . members . of · the nard: Reynard·had Inju·red his ribs in a crasn . USAF'sThu!'derblrd demo!,stratl~n tea~ at MI. M·orrison May 29. Whl;ln the pai" eOn- · · ~ere on hand to.cheer on Mlk~ Kiedrowski. . , tinued, Reynard finally , ent to me doctor on . . ~t February, Kiedrowski.was Invited to take . w J ne 7 to that his ribs were indeed : a..ride. In an F-16 lIghter let at nearby Nelhs · uk ' , . , . ' • Air Force Base, and he returned me favor,by bro .en. . . inviting 'themto see how he normally. flies. None 'of the pilots: however, took a ride on' · The' day alter Ihe sepercross, several riders ... iedrowskrs ~wasaki KX250. · . .. . K and team personnel allended an erid-o tseries party at Wet ·'n W~d ,a las Ve·gas . Wiih hf~· win, ·Je~mY MCG "!th beco mes the water park. The. partywas hosted by nie .first. riderever to go two complete seasons supercross. promoters and featured a .volley: without ever finishing· out 01 the toP. 10. In : · ball lo ~ mament.: which was won t!y Tea m . . additiOn to the $5000 he got f9r. winning ttie · ping Suzu ki. Suzu ki won wl.thoUl the .help of. . main event, McGrath took home a whOp Damon and hIS meChaniC.Tony . $?000 tn Coors light Silver Bullet Showc BerMI, w~o I~slead went. sky-~lvlflg . .11 was down mo ney. The prize hadn't been taken at · awe ,some, said Huflman. 1can t walt to do It · any of the previous six rounds,' butMcGralh · again. l.only had about o~e hour~f sleep, but . was the highest-placing heat race winner at · I was wide awake when I Jumpedl · . .. vegas : . . . . . . . 'earn Team ·Suzuki:s kzra lusk . h8s been worlling ' . M~o Un~'s G~nWale~ had·th"e qucite of Ihe: out of a rl;lntal truck atlhe last two, races: His night. ~I guess ·lhey ·must be tired 01, Wayne . box van broke down While Cali- · . NeWton," said Wales, referring .to the many ·, lomia 'from Mt: Morris, Pennsylvania, leaving fans whostood·anif cheered for the normally Lusk with Ihe Team U·H~ur I~K. . .... . . .: b.oring mounta in·bike and tire :races "vhich· . . . .. . . , .. .:.. ...,were held during intermission... .." .. ... ,.. . : , . . :.. . ... ,.. . . . SpHtF!", sparlq i lugs' sponsored the final two . .. . . . .... 125cc rounds of the se,ries.,At .each.ofthose : : Team Yamaha 's Mike· Cra ig dropped out . · events, T eam SplitFireIHot WheelslKaw.asaki·: near the ·e!1d of.lhe race alter ,galling dQused riders ·won bolh .heats and the. main 'event," . . With gasoline. "The·heat made Ihe rubber.solt, : despite the absence.of Jam.. Dobb : Pedro . .on my gas venUine ," said Craig. '"II·popped , GonZalez·won his .f1rst-ever siJpercross main . .·off. and I ·got .soaked.·I pUt it back o[i. but" it at San·Jose ,jYljile .RYan Hugh•• was i he )Vouldn'( stay." . ... .: . . .. . .. .' . " ,. . . . . ...

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