Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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H Point R igh aceway .MOTOCROSS· By Davey Coombs Photos by Chris Smith MT. M ORRIS, PA, MAY 28 ore than 1000 of the top am ateur mo tocross ers in the East gathered at High Point Raceway for the AMA Tucker Rocky ITeam Green Spring Na tional Finals. The event was held Saturday on the same track that wou ld feature the fourth round of the AMA Pro National MX Championships the following day. With a total of 1055 youth, amateur and Pro-Am entri es, man y of the classes h ad to be broken down into equ al groups of no mor e than 40 rid ers per sta rt. For exam ple, the 125 C (No vice) class attracted 124 riders. Four groups of 31 rid ers each competed in their own two-moto divisions, with awards issued at a ratio of one trophy per three riders. Nearl y 350 trophies were handed out. The qu iet star of the day was Team Green's graduating Pro-Am pilot Kevin Wind ha m of Baton Rou ge, Lou isiana. Wi th the second pro national of h is young career taking place the following afternoon, the AXO/ Pro-Circuitl Dunlop-backed Windham limited his Saturd ay efforts to the 125cc A (Expert) class. The 16-year-old won going away in both motos of division one and gained some valu able trac k time. In fact , th e ve ry next da y Windham almost entered the professional racing record books as the youngest moto-winner ever. He cam e within half a lap of winni ng the open ing 125cc moto before fatigue and Nationa l Cha mpion Dou g Henry finall y cau ght up with him . Following Windham in the first 125cc A division on Saturday were Michigan 's Jeff Curry and local favorite Jim Evans; bo th co mpe ti ng aboa rd Kawasaki eq u ip me nt , also. Division two of th e 125cc A class wa s wo n by Neb raska n Pro-Am pilot Brian Deegan, who scored a 1-1 tally ahea d of Wes t Virgini a 's Chris Carte (2-2) and Virginia's Shawn Schultz (6-3). In the 25Occ.A class North Carolina's Jim Neese topped both motos in spite of a frantic chase by Deegan . Local Suzu ki ride r Sean Hogan was a short distance back in third both times out. The Open A class was topped by Veteran racers Ron "Wirehead" Jones and Mi ch igan motocross ma fi osi Kre g Bigelow, with Jones ha ving the ad vantage. The two am at eur legends were again pitt ed against each other in th e Vet A (+30) class after first-moto winner Tim Coombs crashe d ou t in race two, with Jones again secu ring top honors for his hom e state of Tennessee. Motocross icon Eyvind Boyesen was the fastest Master on ,the da y, winning the Sen ior (+40) class. Davey Coombs topped the Junior A (+25) group, while Curry, the 125cc A, D-l runner-up, led the College class for riders aged 16 to 24 years. The 125cc Schoolboy class of 25 riders wa s subdued by rising Eastern star Robb ie Horton, of Martinez, Virginia. . Kawasaki 's adolescent terror Ricky Carmichael was in top form at High Point, putting last year's tremendous endo (and concussion) behind h im. Carmichael, with help from Team Green, Fox, Oakley, Shoei and Air Walk, went undefeated in the 85ce Senior (1415) and Super-Mini (7-15) classes. The fast Floridian took some heat from Mark M Burkhart and Karl Scott, a pair of Ohio Honda speedsters, in the 25-rider Senior class before pulling awa y for the win . A pa ir of younger pilots - 13-year- old Nicholas Weyand 10-year-old Tra vis Pastrana - trailed Carmichael in the 32rider Super Mini races. Wey, a Kawasaki rider from Dewitt, Michigan, and Pastrana, Suzuki's latest minicycle hero from Annapolis, Maryland, each secured overall victories for themselves in other div is ions. Wey topped the 27-r ider 85cc Intermediate class (fo r riders aged 12 to 13 yea rs), while Pastrana beat up o n th e 85 cc Junior (7-11) kids for an impressive 1-1 score. In the 19·rider 65cc class, South Carolina's Joshua Summey topped Massachusetts' Pau l Veracka and Pennsylvania's own Gene Stull for the Team Green Spring National Championsh ip . Michigan 's Nick Adams directed his Italjet to the 50cc Stock class win ahead of Pennsylvania's Jim my Chappell and Virginia's Jason Crisp. A rare mod ified Pee Wee cla ss w a s held, wi th West Virginia's Charles Kimble scoring the win. Anothe r add ed class was run fo r younger Pee Wee pilots; six-year-old Austin McGuin of Virginia was the winner in that one. In the super-competi tive B (Intermediate) classes, the riders may have been split in to gro ups, but the competition was still fierce among the front- runners. The fastest race time would be considere d th e top cla ss for manu facturers' contingen cy p urposes. Team Green's Horton, Kansan racer Andy Bowyer and local talent Johnny Onisko each scored w ins in the ir d ivi si o n s, but it w as Onisko's motos that proved to be fastest on the stop watches. The Honda rid er battled wi th Ohio's J.D. Collins an d West Virginia's Ronny Robinson in both heat s befor e notching th e ove ra ll and the day's fast time. In 250cc B class ac ti on, Te xan Kawasa ki ride r Billy Akers and Ohio up- an d-comer Ch arl es Dunawa y each racked u p wins in th e tw o 38-rid er group s, but it was Akers who earned the fast tim e honors by just four seconds. Su zu ki-mou n ted Mic ha el La u s te r t ra il ed Aker s i n the first g roup , while Dun away battled ba ck constant rival J.D. CoIlins (also from Ohio) and Flo rida 's Jason Sybert fo r his victory. 0' High Point Amateur Nationals Mt. Morris , Pennsylvania Results: May 28, 1994 125 A (O-ll, 1. Kev in Windham (!Caw); 2. Jeff Cuny (](aw); 3. Ja m es Evans (!Caw); 4. Sean H ogan (So2) ; 5. Joshua Latina (Ka w ). 125 A (0-2): 1. Brian Deegan (!Caw); 2. Chris Carte (Kaw); 3. Shawn Schultz (Kaw) ; 4. Davey Coomb s (Ho n); 5. Da vid Kratz (Ka w ). 250 A: 1. Jim Neese (!Caw); 2. Brian Deegan (!Caw ); 3. Se an Hogan (Suz); 4. Mich ael McDon ald (Suz); 5. Shawn Schultz (Kaw). OPEN A: 1. Ro n Jo n es (H on ); 2. Kreg Bigelow (Yam) ; 3. Todd Harper (Kaw ): 4. Jo hn Stiegler (!Caw); 5. Frank "lee (H on ). +2.5 k 1. Davey Coo mbs (Hon); 2. Lee McIlvaine (Yam); 3. Todd Ha rper (!Caw); 4. Syd Loveday (Suz) ; 5. Jeb Barrett (Ho n) . VET A: 1. Ron Jones (Han ); 2. Kreg Biselow (Yam ); 3. Mark Garrison (Yam); 4. Rich Machniak (Kaw): 5. Tim Coo mbs (Hon ). +40 SR: 1. Eyvind Boyeson (Yam); 2. Do n Knoch (Hon); 3. Skip Stewart (!Caw); 4. Jack Phillips (!Caw); 5. David Veracka (Ka w) . 125 B (o-ll, 1. Johnny Onisko (Hon); 2. J.D. Collins (Kaw); 3. Ronn y Robinson (Suz ); 4. Mitch ell Hod ges (!Caw ); 5. Tilden Styron (So2) . 125 B (0-2): I. Andy Bowyer (!Caw); 2. Kenny Miller (So2) ; 3. Ryan Valade (Yam ); 4. Brian Ashcraft (Yam ); 5. Dan Boiv in (Kaw). 125 B (0-3)< I. Robbie H orton (!Caw); 2. Jason Sybert (Kaw); 3. Chad Sa nne r (Kaw) ; 4. Charles Du naway (Kaw); 5. John Schneider (!Caw). 250 B (o-ll, I. Billy Akers (Ka w ); 2. Michael Leuster }" (Above) Kevin Windham won both 125cc A class 0-1 motos going away during Saturday's Amateur MXraces at HighPoint. The following day, Windham came within half a lap of winning the first 125cc mota at the High Point National. (Left) Ricky Carmichael continued his winning ways by topping both the 85cc Senior (1 4-1 5) and Super M (7-15) ini divisions. (So2); 3. John Natalie (So2); 4. Brian Ashcraft (Yam ); 5. Justin Story (Yam ). 250 B (D a2): 1. Ch arles Du naway (Kaw) ; 2. J.D. Collins (Ka w ); 3. And y Bow yer (Ka w) ; 4. Sha ne McM illin (!Caw ); 5. Mitchell Hodges (!Caw ). OPEN B, 1. Louis Ali (H on ); 2. Greg Wh eeler (Hon); 3. Charles Thompson (H on); 4. Dea n Aue n (Hon); 5. Edward Mihoces (Hon). +25 B (Oat): 1. Greg Wheeler (Hon); 2. Steve Kiesl er (Kaw) : 3. Ken Keam s (Suz); 4. Jamey Johnson (Yam); 5. Andrew Deathridg e (Ha n). +25 B (0-2): 1. Kirk !Cruze (So2 ); 2. Duane Summer> (Yam); 3. Chuck Green (So2); 4. Gregory Payn e (Yam); 5. Mike Weiner (Ho n ). VET B (Oat): 1. Vince Su cevic:h (Ho n); 2. Dennis Olliver (Suz ); 3. Shay Fisher (Ha n); 4. Dean Auen (Hon); 5. James Kevech (KTM). . VET B (0 -2): 1. Tim Peck (Suz); 2. Barry Kelle r (!Caw); 3. Edw ard Mihoces (H on ); 4. Todd Erv in (Ho n); 5. Denis H ilton (H on ). . VET B (0-3), I. Richard C leme nce (!Caw); 2. Sbnley Talaga (Yam); 3. David Roberts (Kaw); 4. AJ Mark (Suz); 5. TImothy Lczaw (Yam). 125 C (04): 1. Ma rcu s Hed r ick (Su z); 2. Ca ve n Woodruff (!Caw ); 3. Thomas Paisa (Kaw); 4. Steven Hill (Suz); 5. Christo phe r Brown (!Caw). 125 C ( D 2): t . Kurt Robbins (Hon) ; 2. Mark Bian ucd (Suz) ; 3. Michael Parry (Hon) ; 4. Jon Russell (Hon); S. Joseph Sasso (Ho n). US C (D-3): 1. Jim Roar (Suz); 2. Milton Ne iderhiser (Ho n); 3. R. Goebel (So2); 4. Roy Devore (Yam ); 5. Tony Brown (H on). 125 C (D 4): 1. Jose p h Pra ther (Yam ): 2 . Jas o n Wa sdi n (Hon); 3. Est el Walton (Suz) ; 4. Jaso n Reffitt a a (!Caw); 5. John Johnston (Su z). 250 C (D at) : 1. Frederi ck Dol an (S uz); 2. lad y Ne vling (Suz); 3. Brent Herron (Suz ); 4. Chris Henry (H on ); 5. Thom as Paisa (Suz) . 150 C (D ): 1. Caven Wood ruff (Kaw); 2. Jason a2 Wasd in (Hon); 3. Tim Boca (Suz) ; 4. Jam es T reti ni k (Hon); 5. Shane Re pose (H on) . 250 C (g ro u p Ill), 1. Jody Ron (Ya m); 2. Robert Melzer (Han); 3. Kirby Tucker (Yam); 4. Nelso n Wallace (Yam); 5. George Gilmour (Yam) . OPEN C, 1. Jam es S1cok (KTM ); 2. Robert Ellison (Kaw); 3. Jam es Sullivan (Kaw); 4. Rick Wenger (Hon); 5. Davi d Shea rer (Kaw) . WMN: 1. Jessica McConnell (Ya m) ; 2. Me lan ie McConnell (So2) ; 3. Tanya Roberts (Ho n). CO LLE G E BO Y, 1. l eff C u rry (K aw); 2. Andy Bow yer (Kaw) ; 3. Billy A ke rs (Kaw) ; 4. Micha el Stelmack (Han); 5. Jamie Anderson (Han). SCH OOLBOY (12-15), 1. Robb ie Horton (!Caw); 2. Jon Boruff (Hon ); 3. John Sche id er (!Caw); 4. Justin Smith (Ho n); 5. Ronny Robinson (Suz) . SIMINl: 1. Ricky Carmichael (Kaw): 2. Nichola s Wey (Kaw) ; 3. Trav is Pastrana (Suz); 4. Matt Walker (!Caw); 5. Karl Sco tt (Hun). 80cc (t4alS): 1. Ricky Cannicha el (K.1w ); 2. Mark Burkhart (H on); 3. Karl Scott (H on); 4. Justin G uthrie (!Caw ); 5. Jason [u skae (](aw). SOc< 112-131, 1. Nicholas Wey (!Caw); 2. Matt Wa lke r (!Ca ); 3. Aaron Lindsey (!Caw); 4. Aa ro n Day (!Caw); 5. w T un othy Stroyne (Ka w) . 80ee (7 1): 1. Trav is Pastrana (Suz); 2. Robert a Farnell (Yam ); 3. Branden Jesseman (So2); 4. Jeff Gibson (!Caw); 5. Jos hua Summey (!Caw) . . 6Scc: 1. Jos hu a Summey (Kaw); 2. Pa u l Veracka (!Cow); 3. Ge ne Stull (!Caw); 4. Ni chola s Adams (Ka w); 5. Gavin Gracyk (Kew). SOce STK: 1. N icholas Ad am s (IT A) ; 2. Hm my Chappell (Ya m) ; 3 . Ja son Cris p ( IT A); 4. Ch ri s t ophe r S t u ck e y ( Ya m ); 5 . Br yan Emery (Va m) . 50(( MOD: 1. C h a rles Kimble (Ya m); 2. Brya n Reischman (Yam); 3. Brian Scott. P/W : 1. Austi n McC u in (ITA) ; 2. Tanner Reed (Yam); 3. Ashl ey Finn ey (Yam ); 4. And re w Matusek (Yam) . VINT, 1. John Swigart (So2); 2. John Mra z (!Caw); 3. T o m Cutler (K a w) ; 4. Jack Machuta (Kaw); 5 . [ eff Buttermore (Yam). 19