Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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"D TTRACK .:.. . '.'..'
:·A Grarld~~al ~~~~;:~. " '. Round 5: Parkersburg Half Mile
(Left) A cluster
of mechanics ,
helpers and
s upporters
around Parke r's
du ring the redflag delay.
mec lJanic, Bill
rep laced both
carburetors, the
cables and the
throttle in on ly
three minutes.
(Right) Davey
Camlin (27) and
Rusty Roge rs
(57) battled In
the main.
(Below) Runnerup Jay
883 class
winner Jason
Lap 21 saw Farris slip into third. "I
was really having trouble getting
through turns one and two. Three and
four I had figured out, but after I saw
the line Carr and Parker were taking, I
moved up th ere and things started to
work. We're getting there, we're going
to win one of these this year," said Farris.
Hill and Rogers exchanged fifth se veral times until Hill locked th e sp ot on
the white-flag la p . " I'm happy w ith
where we're a t. I wish I hadn't had a
problem with the restart, but we're get:
ting there," sa id Hill.
Roeder n (H -O); 2- Davey
Ca mli n (H-O); 3. Ken~y
Coolbeth Jr. (H-O); 4. Will
Davi s (Han); 5. Craig
Estelte (H- O); 6. Steve
"""tine (H-O) ; 7. Chana:
O.r ling (H -O) ; 8. Jim
Su mner (H- O) ; 9. J.ff
Eklund (H-O~ 10. Georgie
Price IV (H -O); 11. Ronnie
Jones (Ho n); 12- Rich King
(Ho n) ; 13. Ricky Smith
(Ho n).
n me3:345S.
SEMI 3 (8 bps; 12
riden, top 3 tra nster): 1.
Ste ve Morehead (H oD); 2.
Mik e Varn es (H · D); 3.
Sco tt St u m p (Han); 4.
Will i. McC oy (H -O); 5.
Kevin Atherto n (H-O); 6.
Tommy Colso n (H-D ); 7.
Ma tt Wa it (H-O); 8. Da le
Ienneman Sr. (H-O ); 9. Les
W.shbon (H- O); 10. Br et
Beyer (H -O ); 11. j es s
Roeder (H-D); 12. Rober t
Kna pp (H- O).
Fle tch e r held on to finish seventh
over Roeder and Camlin. Rounding out
the top 10 was Butler, despite riding
most of the race with no brakes. "The
shi ft lever sp un down under the brake
lev er and hung up," sa id Butler.
Time: 3:33.21.
NATIONAL (2S lap. ;
17 riden): 1. Scott Park er
(H-O); 2.Chris Carr (H-O);
3. Rodney Farris (H-O); 4.
Steve Morehead (H -D); 5.
Aaro n Hill (H-O); 6. Rusty
Ro ge rs ( H- O) ; 7. Jas on
Fletcher (H- O); 8. Ceo
Roeder 11 (H-O); 9. Davey
Camlin (H -O); 10 . Dan
But te r (H-O); II. Mlk.
West Virginia Motor Speedway
Mine rai Wells, West Virginia
Results : June 4, 1994
HEAT 1 (10 tiPS; 11 riders, top 2: tr.los fer): 1.Ouis
Carr (H-O); 2- David Uoyd (Hon); 3. Brei Beyer (H-O);
4. Jim Sum ner (H-O); S. la nS egedy (H -O); 6. Robert
Knapp (H-O ); 7. Steve """tine (H-O); 8. Kevin Varnes
(H- O); 9. Steve Morehead (H -D); 10. Ronnie Jones
(Hon); II. Rich King (Han).
Tim e: (No time due to red lIag.)
HEAT 2 no I. ps; U rid . ... top 2 transf.rI, I . Scott
·.'I · IV.~
·.r.'efI·····:.. ...:.. .:.:.som
Va mes (H· D); 12. [ames
Hart (H-O); 13. Kris Kiser
(Hon); 14. Kenny CooIbeth
(H - O); 15 . Da v id Lloyd
(Ha n) ; 16. Scott Stump
(Han); 17. Greg Sims (H D).
'e nded it in eightll.Sci obvlousty,.. I'm doing
wrong ," sald Alherton,
'. . . . _ .
'.. :. The Steve M~reh88d F&S.Harley txe«, Witli
Duringthe pre-race riders' meeting: a nu'inber . .help jrorn many friends, .replaced the.entire
· ofracers b3nded'togeiherio 'prOtest-lhe'use ' : front end on the battered mount a tter his '
of scratch quall~lng heats instead 01 time ' . heat-race crash with ·Ronnie' Jo nes . "Whe n
: trjillS. A petitlonwaspass8d around witti'36- we got it all bac:k togathe_ it only ran on one
· riders signil:'gand . ~rriisirig 'that 'they would .: CYlind,? , 'so really go'. kn~c:ked
'not ride ·the Dallas Half M~eNalional lf the ' loose, .said Morehead, The le ngth of time to
scratch heats' were 'to ·tie USed . The rnaln .. run the 883 .Nationai, and the-fact Morehead:
· complaints: they.don't"help the track; many " was .hi the third' sem i; left them 'with e,:,ough
top riders; :. lime to make repairs." . ' ' .' '. . .' . .
linllis theheats are loaded wiih
and.\heycau~ ,you to have to ride tei many ' :. . . '.":. '
.' -: . '... ' .' . . .' _
.. ,.... .
.'races, es pecially if you' ride' the GNC · .Fell()w F&S f:larleY 'pilol James . a rt feit foro
and the8a3 classes. ". '. ' ::. . "
. . ' ' . . tunate be 'at the' race track. Last week,
'". . .
. ·after:the .Memorial bay voik,
' : '
· Most riders were' critical of the tra ck eendl-' ,.Pen,:,sylva nia;. Hart and, his fathe r Roy·were
lions' at P·ar1