Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Motorcycle Mechanic
Experienced Ho nda, Yama ha, Suzuki, Kawasaki
mechanic want ed. Great pay and bene fits. South
Florida. Ask lor Bob. (305) 971-8870. FL (220-TFN)
anted: High Performance People
Sales service and parts, "watercraft experience use.
ful.· Ask lor Shoun. (909 ) 988-8988 . CA. (217-TFN)
US 4 1, Green Bay, WISCOnsin 54303 . (414) 4945256. W I.
(246- TFN )
Office Manager
Some DMV , finance and computer knowledge help(218-TFN )
ful Caa Gary . (818) 980-37 15. CA.
Opening in Salesand Service
Large San Fernando Valley dealer, mJc and pwc.
Cau Gary . (818) 980-3715 . CA.
Technicians Wanted
High volume, mod em d ealers hip' located in Sa n
Anton io . T exa s loo king for q ualifi ed technic ia ns .
Autho rized deale r for Honda , Suzu ki, Kawasaki,
Yamah a and Pola ris. Favo rable livin g cond itions
and com petitive pay wit h benefit s make this a
career opp ortun ity. Contact Tom , ext . 140 or fax
resume to (210) 696·2466. Mai l resume to Alamo
Cy c le·Ple x , 1 1900 l ·H 10 W est , San A nton io ,
Texa s 78230 . (210) 696-2000. lX.
Sr. Research & DevelopmentTech,
Bomba rdier Inc.. a billion dollar Canad ian compa ny
employing 34,000 people worldwide, has excepnonal opportunities with in their Sea·D oo@ Re searc h
and Development and Testi ng departme nts in Palm
Bay, Florida. Applicants should possess a minimum
of a high sch ool diploma or equivalent, education
from a trad e school or associ ate degree is a plus.
Cand idate s should have previous Sea-Doolpersona l
watercraft repair and maintenance experience at the
dealership level. Work within a research and deve~
opment, raci ng or test env ironment is beneficia l,
along with knowledge of data acquisition equipment
and/or machine shop skins. We provide a competi ·
tive salary and exce llent benefits with growth potential. For pr ompt co nsideration, forwa rd a detailed
resume to : Human Res o u rc e D ep artme nt ,
Bombardier Corporation, 6545 U.S. 1, G ra n ~ FL
32949 . No phone or tn-person Inquiries Accep ted .
Bombard ier. Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
CTlIMotorcycle Mechanic Institute is growing and
needs qualifi ed instructors now in Phoe nix. Arizona
and Orland o , Florida. -Great care er opportunity.
"Flve years minimum dealership tech nician experience is requ ired. - Teaching expe rience not necessary. we will train you. Our benefit pacl