(Above) Clint Wll1Is (88) topped the 125cc Novice class at Gle n Hele n Rac eway's
Dunestown MX opener. (Below) Former Honda flictory superstar David Bail ey and MDA
Poster Child Ashley Douct hosted an auct ion at the Reddick MX. collecting $2000 for MDA.
lap Handicap main event, starting from the 70yard marker ne xt to Ven eg as . On the 50 sa t
journeyman Gary Ackro yd, w ith 4O-yard-liner
jerry Black in front of him. Rand y Skinner and
Paul Colston were th e lon e 30- a nd 10-yard
ha ndicappers, res pectively . jeremy Aden and
Angela Hale ro un ded out the field fro m th e
scratch line .
Hale applied th e advantage of a ze ro
ya rd age assignmen t, moving q uickly to th e
point position with Colston and Ad en fa\ling in
behind her . Ski nner, who man aged to occupy
fourth place in the first two laps, was the first of
four riders that Faria wo rked his wa y around in
la p th ree . The Speedway USA crowd buzzed
wi th an ticipation as Faria sized up the situation
in the first two revolutions and grabbed the lead
less than a fu\l lap later, mot oring his jersey's
Sports Bar/Roxanne/Shoei /STP /jack's Disposal Service/Bill 's Pipes /Kiss Racing-backed jawa
past Skinner, Aden, Colston and then Hale in
short order. Faria cruised the final three laps,
leavi ng Col ston to w restle second away from
Ha le a n d Aden, w ho cl a im ed th e th ird a n d
fourth spots in that ord er.
SCRA TOt 1. MiU Fan..
JohnAdm O.aw); 4. J08h Larsen
a w); 2. Charlie Veneg as O..w) ; 3.
HDCP: 1. Miho Fan.. Oaw); 2. raul Co llOton (We'I); 3. Angela
H.. .. (Wn ); 4. jrremy Aden Oaw); 5. Charlie Venrg... u.w).
SUP: 1. Bill Grftn; 2. Monk Hnw ; 3. Dmnis 5tfopenanko 4.
JeTT}' Momwad; 5. Rick Farron.
SOCAR: 1. John M,lthtnon/o.ko Leotdn; 2. Don ttor.;.k-y /J rff
Mrd ~rry; 3. Ge-rr ir Edwardl /Dav r Brown; 4. Dirk
Ga rdner/Doug Lynch.
JR ~1: 1. Sk'phcon Downin g (W rs ); 2. T r.. vis McDonald Oaw);
3. Brandon MitchrU (We'll; 4. Mich.ad Hull (Wes); S. Prw- Pft".altol
(Wes) .
Kady marvelous at
Dunestown Motocross opener
By David A. Procida
Road Race Association's tw o-hour endurance
road race at Phoenix Fonn ula K Raceway.
Wit h a manda tory rider cha nge every half
hou r, Ca net and Tysor rode flawlessly thro ugh ou t the race, completing 141 lap s. They were
never cha llenged lor first p lace. Ko Kagiya and
Patrick Murray finished in second place riding a
Fonnula 50 YSR, completing 135 laps .
Ir (Y.am); 3. Paw
Gil m.-rtin (Han); .f. J~I H.\rrion (y am ); 5. Bmt B..onrwtt (Yam ).
250 INT : I. Ty K.id y (Suz ); Chril Whrto lrr (Y..m ); 3. M.an
<rmAn (Yam ); 4. lCmn Zahrt (Yam); 5. Cawy Lytle .
250 PRO; 1. Jeff Willoh (lC.Iw); 2. TrK')' Asbcr (Suz ): 3. Owftt
Dicbon ()UIw).
SOO BEC: 1. MikeOdom (Hua) ; 2. KcoDy McCuw (Y.am).
500 NOV, I. 5a>tt Mwphy (H . .~ 2. John T"""'Y (Hon~
fR. VET BEC: 1. O&~ Czerwi.~ki (y.am); 2. D.inn y c.l"N\d.a
(Hon); 3. G. Erick:MJn (H on ); 4. John Butler. 5. iby Butlet' (Suz ).
fR. VET NOV: 1. ltindy uppM!; 2. Om Biau (Han); 3. Ton y
PullWn; 4. Gary Shoftnahor. S. Mike- Ucitr.a (K.aw) .
VFT BEC: 1. xeu Ml'Cuw (Y oItn); 2. Tom Ucry (Yam); 3.
B.K.. Davis (Hon); 4. Mikr W~b (Han); S. G.L WiDi.lms (lion).
VET NOV: 1. Tony Pulli.un (Ya m); 2. R.ind y I..ippW (yam);.1.
Gary Shoemd;,er (y.am ); 4. 8m Kollm.ln (Y.. m ); S. D1vid Simon
VET INT: 1. c.R. 8namon (Y.am); 2. DuM- Loppnow (K.tw}; 3}od H..rriott (Y.an);". Jim H..man (H on); S. Brian H..utIon (Han ).
VET EX: 1. Kmny Llhrt (Y..m ); 2. tee S.ul (Suz) ; 3. 'K,",
Neoitzd(K.aw) .
VETSRNOV: 1. Bob Brt'oKh(Yam) .
VErSRINT: 1. Bob Archer (Yam ); 2. M.1 Cook (Yam) .
SR EX: 1. Rick Johmon (Hon); 2. Jd Harriott (Y.. m); 3. uri
CHon);4. Bin D IT (Y.aml: S. Bob Dunham (Y.am).
DTMX NOV : 1. LArry Kirch ; 2. n.m. 0Prby; 3. I'd. KoIbd.
OTMX AM: 1. Bob c.rddLa; 2. Fred K.1mick: 3. Jim Hollon;
.. John FIandeB;
0lMX EX: 1. Bob F1ftJrr; 2. Kri th Philli ps; 3. Jim ~ll;
4..Joee Rodrigue~ S. l-bl C r.ady.
0ThlX MSIl< 1. Rid _ ; 2. Uri Cu.ofr. 3. 5a>tt Free-
man; 4. Jerome' Cibt;on; S. Jack Rotrn.
Latina legitimate atReddick MX
By Kyle Myers
Some 250 rid ers turned out for the third annual
Mo ther's Da y Race for MDA at Mo toc ross 01
Marion Coun ty, which was also roun d nine of
the Florid a Motoc ross Clu b Series. Fou r-time
National Cha mp ion David Bailey was the special guest along with MDA Poster child Ashley
Douct. An auction was held at halftime where
Bailey and Douct auctioned off some of the Pro
riders' gear to collect over $2000 for MDA. Both
the Florida Motocross Oub and the Florida Vintage Oub donated their riders fees to MDA.
In the fir st 125 cc A moto, Paul Currie
jumped ou t to the early lead ahead of josh latina, Erick Claisse and john Fesler. On the opening lap, Fesler mo tor ed by Clai sse as Latin a
pressured Currie for the lead. On the seco nd
circu it, Latin a cut undernea th Cu rrie in a tum
to move. into the top spot. then pulled away to
take a n easy win over Cu rrie, Fesl er a nd
Th e seco nd moto sa w Latina rocket to the
the front 01 the field wi th Currie , Fesl er a nd
Oaisse giving chase. Cu rrie, who is recovering
from a knee injury su ffered in the AMA WinterAm Series, hung tough with Latina for two laps.
The Team Green/Fox/ Shoei/Rcnthal /Uni/Perfonnance Engineering / Pirelli /Troy Lee/Tsuba ki /Wor / Wo rks Connec ti on /Pensk e /PowerBar/Oakley/Cycle Sports Center-backed Latina
slowly ad ded to his lead and crossed the finish
line first, with Currie, Fesler and C1aisse following him hom e.
In the first 25Oa: A eve nt, Curtie held on for
a slim win over Travis Blackb urn , while Latina
limped home in th ird . In mo to nu m ber two,
Currie grabbed the holeshot over 8-rider jarrell
Tipping, Latina and Blackburn. Latina flew by
Tipping and Currie on the big plateau jump to
assume the lead on the first cincuit. Currie held
on to the runner-up p os iti on behind seco ndmoto winner Latina, but his 1-2 tally was good
enough for the overall victory ove r Latina's 3-1
moto finis hes. Tipping sail ed acro ss the finish
line to record an easy win in the 250cc B division_
P/ W: 1. J~ Scewm (Y.. m ); 2. Kylr WilliauDon (YUIll; 3.
J-;Jn Wood (Y.aml: 4. 8.Imft Smith (Y.un); S. Rcbm Hoatrin (Y.-m).
6S: I. J~h FoJusMo (K.aw); 2. J,ason BrD (K.I;w); 3. Dan T~
llYn (K,Iiw) ;4. Troy Ad.ms(Kaw); 5. Ry..n o..vi5 (K.1w).
85 (1-11): I. Kr~ F..~II (yam); 2. JOIih F.aus tino (Yam ); 3.
Troy Ad.tms (Suz); -,_J£SOn SrI! (Y.am); 5. M itch Hobiuoin (K.aw).
85 (12-13 ): 1. Matt Walkrr (K.. w); 2. AoIron Und5ey(K.lw);).
..,..'" (Suz~" C1mtShNly("-I; P.u1 Reilly (Suz~
85 04-15): I.Juon 1lvxnD (K.aw); 2. JarPftmuto (YoIIn
S / MIN1: 1. J.uon Thom.u (lC.Iw );2. Moltt W.a1Ur (Uw); 3.
Kyle F.. meU (Y.. m ); 4. A.ron Lindwy (lC.Iw ); S. JnsUe 8.ll1.ard
16-24 ; 1. John Fe51ft" (Suz); :t J-on Dodds (y.. m); 3. Dlorrick
Nribndrr (Hoa}; 4. Billy Wood (Stu); S. ScoItDavis (Han).
125 A: 1. JOiW'l LatiNII (K.aw); 2. r..u! CulT'iC' (K.Iw); 3. john FesIn (Suz);". Erick0aiSN' (Suz).
125 B: I . J.an'ett Tipping (Suz); 2. J..
!tOf\ Dod ds (Y.am); 3. Rod
fumeD (K.1w); 4. BillyWood (Suz:); S. J.a9On Pe-rrs (lC.Jw)
125 C: 1. J..m es Joint'r (Hon ); 2. Ronni~ Rrnnrr (Y.am); 3.
Tr.avU Willis (Hon); t . ltindy JackJon (lion); s. Scott McGuigan
125/250 BEG: 1. Johnny lnglr (lC.Iw ); 2. Scottbdan.an (HOft).
250 A: 1. P..ul Currie' (Kaw); 2. Jotoh LoibNI (1(.Iw ); 3. Trav is
BI.ackbum (Kaw ).
2SO 8 : 1. J..rren Tipp;ng (Su z ); 2. Rod Furnell (Kawl ; 3. Jeff
Nrilander (Han); 4. John l.1kto(K.aw); 5. Sh.>Vt' Dumond (Sw:) .
250 C: 1. Derrick ' . nuszylr. (I-Ion); 2. Mik e Lepp (y.aml ; 3.
M.ark Bazinrt (Kaw); 4. Greg Boyle (Hon); S. Eric I.lndstrom (Hon ).
25+ : 1. Steve Dumon d (Sut.) ; 2. Jon Or tner (K.1w); 3. Tim
Egg("~ (Suz): 4. SII,."Vr Dye (lGIw); S. ALln 8rahgin (lC.-w).
30+ : 1. Jon Ortner (Kaw) ; 2. Tim Eggers (Suz); 3. jeff Hopt!
(Suz); 4. SIt."Ve Dixon (Ho n); 5. Drew Justia- (Kaw).
35+: 1. Dell Miller (lUw); 2. Kr ilh W..dell (Han); 3. Steve
Di.wn (lion); 4. Roger Amutrong (Suz); S. D.Jnny Davis (Hon).
40 +: 1. IUndy Kl"lIey (K.aw); 2. Tom Fogg (K.-w ); 3. V.an
AdnhoId (H on ),;4. Robm Dare (Kaw); 5. Greg P.lnOItI (yam).
OPEN NOV: 1. R.ay Stillings (K.iw ); 2. Mitch Hobtein (K..w);
3. ICrith W~ (Han); 4. Scott Higbtit (K.aw); S. Ridwd t..ronan:I
(K.Iw) .
V1NT M ORN : I . Ed Ca rlin (C-A); 2. M.tn Krebchnrr (Hon);
3. Ste-vr Smith (Mai ); • . Eric KraIt (M.- i); 5. John Tuck
VINT MSTR: 1. Ed Ca rlin Ie-A) ; 2. Cuy Roue (Mai); 3. MiIIn
Kmchnrr (H on); 4. Ritk o.nY\$ (Honl: 5. Eric ICnlt (M.ai).